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Friday, November 27, 2015
5000 computers shut down during a crisis , and no media reporting. This can only mean one thing: The work the lab is doing is mostly meaningless busy work. Let us continue the experiment: shut LLNL down for a week , and see if anyone notices.
- 12/03/2015 11:16 PM
Nanos shut down LANL for almost a year and nobody noticed.
- 12/04/2015 4:05 PM
Unfortunately, the NNSA is responsible for the success (failure) of LANS. They have succeeded in making Los Alamos a work free safe zone, just like the rest of DOE. For almost 30 years I would come to work at TA55 and thought I was safe and happy, wanting to do my job. And now I have these idiots telling me that my crit paperwork is not safe, that my knowledge and skills keep me from doing my job in a safe way, and that I must come to work every day and be inefficient and have zero risk when the riskiest thing that I do us drive to work.
- 12/05/2015 8:33 AM
8:33am agree. One caveat, the congress and administration made these pieces of paper, laws. They complain about the cost as they write regulation that drives this behavior. IT is throughout the complex, not just the labs.
- 12/05/2015 9:54 AM
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November 25, 2015 at 3:49 AM
Another example of LANS just driving the lab and workers (and other facilities) to complete standstill (e.g. WIPP, PF-4, WCRRF, RANT, Area G, WETF, etc.). LANS - Working Hard to do Nothing.