5 more years
Mason Says Triad LLC Five-Year Contract Extension Is Direct Result Of Workforce’s Hard Work And Dedication
This is a outstanding news and shows the comment and experience of UC in leading LANL. Hopefully NNSA will see what is going on and get rid of Bechtel from LLNL. Congrats to LANL, UC, and TRIAD!
I can feel the gnashing of teeth at Bechtel headquarters over this. LANL was nothing but crazy uncontrolled cowboys that even Bechtel could not beat into submission and that TRIAD would be utter disaster and be out after 3 years for sure. Some Bechtel people actually told me this, "the cultural problems are too deep at LANL, TTRIAD will be in for a shock!!!". Well that prediction was wrong. Go TRIAD, go UC!!!
The snakes at TRIAD hide their tracks much better than the dinosaurs at Bechtel. They are still reptiles.
The snakes at TRIAD hide their tracks much better than the dinosaurs at Bechtel. They are still reptiles.
12/10/2022 4:38 AM
I am just curious why you say TRIAD are snakes? Everyone I know agrees that TRIAD has been way better than Bechtel. The only times I have heard anyone say something bad about TRIAD has been this blog. I know a few managers left when TRIAD came in but other than that who has an issue with TRIAD. Care to explain the issues you think TRIAD has.
TRIAD manages to score political points. I wouldn’t expect you to understand because you’ve never had management that was devoted to the cause of National Defense. Are they better than Bechtel? Sure, who isn’t. Are they good at keeping the right people happy? Sorta; they certainly line their own pockets. Are they doing what needs to be done to advance our country? No, they are not.
I left LANL during the Bechtel (LANS) years. I also have heard nothing bad about Triad from my former colleagues.
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