Salary ratios at LLNL before and after the 2007 transition from UC/LLNL to LLNS
Have the salary ratios of the employees listed below changed if we use pre-2007 salary ratios as a baseline, or have these ratios been fairly constant through 2023?
1. Division Leader to Engineer (non-manager)
2. Group Leader to Engineer (non-manager)
3. Supervisor to Tech Associate (non-manager)
4. other
The reasoning or support for salary differences between manager and non-managers is not in question for this topic. The ratio of those salaries (1-4) pre and post transition, is the question asked.
The LLNS prime contract does not specify the topic question ratio. Attracting and retaining an adequate workforce is a metric of sorts, but it is a soft goal, and the NNSA readily accepts contractor reasoning/excuses for subpar staffing levels.
Since the NNSA does not oversee or manage the bulk of contractor employee salaries, there is lots of room for a for-profit contractor without mission focus discipline, to grease $$$ their managers salaries out of proportion with pre-2007 manager/non-manager salary ratios in order to attain the maximum annual PER scores and award fee at all costs. This may however come at the expense of the “non-manager” engines of LLNL. DOE officials now recognize this and now want a different contractor “model”
going forward.
Don’t forget about the LLNS employee bonuses.
Don’t forget about the 15% employee retention payments for some folks working or in some cases charging on the LEP projects during the pandemic... apparently the the stress of working on site and then dealing with all of the issues once you got home wasn’t worth it.
Or the new salary adjustment just announced for a select 1/3 of lab employees.
Let’s keep throwing gasoline on the fire and then wondering why you have the issues that you have.
“Don’t forget about the 15% employee retention payments for some folks working or in some cases charging on the LEP projects during the pandemic... apparently the the stress of working on site and then dealing with all of the issues once you got home wasn’t worth it…Or the new salary adjustment just announced for a select 1/3 of lab employees.”
Reads like an open loop feeding frenzy. Well, when LLNL reverts back to a non-profit LLC like Triad, maybe some of these salary bumps, bonuses, and the salary “ratio” score cards, with be made public like when LLNL was managed by UC/LLNL.
“Only when the tide goes out do you learn who has been swimming naked.”
- Warren Buffett
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