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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Charges brought against Boeing.

 Reports: Criminal Charges Against Boeing Recommended To DOJ After Deadly Crashes


Anonymous said...

What is with all the the Boeing stuff? What does it have to do with LLNL?

Anonymous said...

“What is with all the Boeing stuff? What does it have to do with LLNL?”

DOE has a history of ignoring acts whistleblower retaliation by its lab contractors against their employees. The retaliation motive being, lab LLC award fee amounts can be negatively impacted by project delays, attention directed to subpar safety, poor engineering controls, etc. You might want to look into it if you’re interested.

In the Boeing situation, leadership are alleged to have willfully ignored whistleblower safety concerns, willfully deceived investigators, and sanctioned employee retaliation in order to keep said safety concerns silenced. This kind of safety culture is alleged to be related to the deaths of Boeing passengers.

Anonymous said...

This is happening today at LLNL, everyone else just looks the other way and pretends that nothing is happening.

Anonymous said...

“This is happening today at LLNL, everyone else just looks the other way and pretends that nothing is happening.”

Are you referring to LLNL as a whole, or a particular Directorate or Department within LLNL?

Anonymous said...

“This is happening today at LLNL, everyone else just looks the other way and pretends that nothing is happening.”

Sometimes, people “look the other way” because in doing so, it prevents having to deal with personal ownership of the situation, however small or large that ownership might be. This is a well established lab culture that exists to this day.

Anonymous said...

Is there a real path, where a Federal DOE Lab Contractor can also be held accountable, criminal or otherwise, for whistleblower actions?

Anonymous said...

“What is with all the Boeing stuff? What does it have to do with LLNL?”

Question answered?

Anonymous said...

This is happening today at LLNL, everyone else just looks the other way and pretends that nothing is happening.

6/27/2024 3:58 AM

The problem is Boeing does something, it builds airplanes. If the planes do not work they have a problem. Other companies build planes and can take Boeings business.

LLNL and LANL have no product that can be tested. There is no competition either. LLNs, LANS, Bechtel, whoever can run it has bad as they want.

Anonymous said...

What irks me is not only Bechtel taking advantage of DOE's incompentence but the LLNL and LANL people who collaborated with them and "polished" their shoes. They know who they are especially in HR and computations.
Some people just don't have a backbone!

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