There is an excellent article inside and on the cover of the Time Magazine publication dated November 2, 2015 dealing with how various FUSION projects are going.
The major focus of the article concerns an Orange Country California company called Tri Alpha.
Most FUSION projects are using a combination of Hydrogen Isotopes named Deuterium and Tritium as fuel to use in their reactors.
The upside to using these as fuels is that they will fuse at low temperatures. Making things easier.
However, this produces radiation and you have to heat steam, that turns turbines to produce electricity.
With Tri Alpha's approach, they use Hydrogen and Boron as fuel.
This is called Aneutronic Fusion as little or no neutrons are produced in the reaction.
The neutrons carry radiation.
There are two advantages to this, there is very little radiation, and electricity is produced in the reaction itself, not needing to heat steam and turn turbines.
Some naysayers say that the 3 Billion degrees Centigrade needed to do this makes things too difficult.
Tri Alpha personnel point out that heavy ion colliders have produced temperatures of 3.8 Trillion degrees Centigrade.
There are a number of companies throughout the world doing FUSION projects.
If they can do this we are home free on the clean energy front.
NIF was not even's not a player in the quest for fusion.

November 7, 2015 at 4:18 AM
A well tuned and refined appreciation for snarkiness. The LLNL brand.

The Spruce Goose at least got off the ground.
November 7, 2015 at 4:28 PM
I think you mean "off the water."

Interesting metaphor that may be an appropriate metaphor for LLNL itself. It could be argued that the CA/Berkeley/LLNL role were little more than a token Washington acknowledgement that West Coast liberalism and intellectualism had at least some relevance to the cold war enterprise.

November 7, 2015 at 4:28 PM
That is true but it did not really fly it was more like an ekranoplans. Still better than NIF.