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Friday, December 25, 2020

More on Biden and Nuc spending

 WSJ: Biden to Review U.S. Nuclear-Weapons Programs, With Eye Toward Cuts

WASHINGTON—The incoming Biden administration is planning a review of the nation’s $1.2 trillion nuclear-modernization program with an eye toward trimming funding for nuclear weapons and reducing their role in Pentagon strategy.
President-elect Joe Biden promised during the campaign to reduce the U.S.’s “excessive expenditure” on nuclear arms and criticized President Trump’s decision to develop new sea-based weapons, including a submarine-launched cruise missile.

The new administration is also likely to review the Pentagon’s decision to develop a new land-based intercontinental ballistic missile, which is estimated to cost more than $100 billion when its warhead is included, some former officials said.
“We have to modernize our deterrent,” said one former official. “But we cannot spend the amount of money that is currently being allocated.”
The expectation that Mr. Biden will take a fresh look at the modernization programs has spurred a debate over the future of the U.S. nuclear deterrent.

The debate has also been driven by Mr. Biden’s campaign pledge to narrow the role that nuclear weapons play in the U.S. military doctrine, stating that their “sole purpose” should be to deter or respond to a nuclear attack.


Anonymous said...

Dems can whine all they want about nukes, but China ain’t cutting theirs and, as the Pentagon stated in the article, it’s a lot cheaper to have a 1000 nukes than a huge conventional force. Nothing works like a little fusion power to keep folks in line—and it’s carbon neutral too!

Anonymous said...

Watch what they do, not what they say !

Anonymous said...

This seems like an easy thing to cut, it saves money and dems will be for it especially the far left and Biden needs something to satisfy them. Also if you believe the whole "great reset" thing it also makes sense as it reduces the role of America. Other conspiracies is that this will help the Chinese. I doubt the last two but I certainly think that Biden will reduce the spending on NW if he can. One of the big issue is the huge spending lately so something needs to be cut and NW are a prime target so to speak heck even the republicans might go for it. The question is if he can get the cuts through. This could be difficult if the Senate stays red but if goes to a 50 50 split expect cuts.

Anonymous said...

China is such a threat that we have 400,000 Chinese studying here at our finest universities. It’s why our tech companies bring over thousands under H1B visas. It’s why we run a trade deficit with them. Yeah, big threat. We really have to make up our collective mind as a country where we stand with China.

Anonymous said...

China is such a threat that we have 400,000 Chinese studying here at our finest universities. It’s why our tech companies bring over thousands under H1B visas. It’s why we run a trade deficit with them. Yeah, big threat. We really have to make up our collective mind as a country where we stand with China.

12/26/2020 9:41 AM

China does not have the endless problems we have, they are not in a civil war. Lets face it we can no longer afford a nuclear deterrent and it would be irresponsible for a nation is irresponsible for nation as messed up as the USA to even have nuclear weapons. We cannot even resolve our issues with inequality, gender and institutionalized racism. China has resolved these issues long ago and have rightfully earned their place as the true world leader not some backward place that elects game show hosts as president and who cannot wear masks.

Anonymous said...

We really have to make up our collective mind as a country where we stand with China.

12/26/2020 9:41 AM

Get real. That has never happened, and never will. That's not how the world works.

Anonymous said...

12/26/2020 9:41 AM Your argument makes no sense. China plays a long game of deceit and manipulation. Chinese don’t even know the truth from a lie. They monopolize the key minerals, build artificial islands to seize international waters, create fake Confucius institutes to slowly indoctrinate American elites, commit genocide against millions of Muslims, control poor countries by heaping them in massive debt, place back doors in Huawei gear to seize control of counties networks in a war, steal billions of industrial intellectual property, manipulate their currency and most of all, sell us huge quantities of useless crap that never works right.

China is a huge threat wearing a smile that needs to be put down before it’s too late.

Anonymous said...

"China is a huge threat wearing a smile that needs to be put down before it’s too late.

12/26/2020 6:53 PM"

This is American propaganda to hype of money for labs. On a moral ground the China does not have the legacy of racism, slavery, genocide, and pillage that America has. You can say what you want but America is built on the blood of innocent people. America was never a great country. We have are own problems to solve before we should say anything about China. Besides in case you have not been paying attention Russia is the threat to the world.

Anonymous said...

The anti Chinese sentiment on this thread has a disturbing undertone of racism or at least xenophobia which I find rather disappointing. There seems to be this uniquely American need to "other" some group as the enemy. This is not ok and needs to change. Check your privilege next time you post China.

Anonymous said...

On a moral ground the China does not have the legacy of racism, slavery, genocide, and pillage that America has.

12/26/2020 7:34 PM

Don't read world history much, do you?

Anonymous said...

12/27/2020 9:56 AM

Right. The US has no enemies in the world. Everyone is singing Kumbayah,

Anonymous said...

Right. The US has no enemies in the world. Everyone is singing Kumbayah,

12/27/2020 5:03 PM

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the US needs to change and not the world?

Anonymous said...

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the US needs to change and not the world?

12/27/2020 11:34 PM

Exactly how? By doing everything our enemies want? "Fearing not that I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach" - Bob Dylan, 1964.

Anonymous said...

What you call racism, I call a major threat from a dangerous, communist, totalitarian country. It doesn’t matter what they look like or what language they speak. The Chinese government is a dangerous threat to the world and must be stopped. I don’t give a damn what they look like.

Anonymous said...

5:43 fails CRT class. You’ll need remedial training. I’m sure the Party can make suitable arrangements, comrade.

Anonymous said...

"What you call racism"

You can deflect all you want but racism is racism.

Anonymous said...

If you hate China but like Taiwan, are you racist??

Anonymous said...

12/29/2020 5:43 PM

I would be very careful what I would say, the rules are changing and speaking freely may not tolerated for much longer. You can argue if you rights are violated or if this is going to make a better society but be assured that simply saying things openly at work or even online will be something you should think very carefully about. Criticizing China could also be a bad idea. Just a thought for your own good. Many things have started to change in 2020 and this is going to continue so get used to it.

Anonymous said...

If you hate China but like Taiwan, are you racist??

12/30/2020 5:43 PM

Taiwan is part of China.

Anonymous said...

Taiwan is part of China.

12/30/2020 6:34 PM

Only if you already side with China. Besides, your comment is irrelevant to the 12/30/2020 5:43 PM question.

Anonymous said...

"If you hate China but like Taiwan, are you racist??"

In case you have not been noticed or have not watched the news it is Russia who is the enemy of America not China. China has not interfered with our elections, it did not do a Pearl Harbor level attack hack attack, it did not put bounties on our soldiers and it is not trying to cause chaos in Syria. Russia is the enemy not China, our last four years of pure hell proves this.

Anonymous said...

1/01/2021 10:26 AM

Nice rant. Did you have a point related to the post you were responding to?

Anonymous said...

Nice rant. Did you have a point related to the post you were responding to?

1/01/2021 5:26 PM

My point it is that much of the rhetoric used against China is not justified in terms of politics, so such rhetoric is more likely motivated by racial bias. Having issues against Russia makes much more political sense but there is less negative rhetoric of this, which once again is consistent with racial bias. As for Taiwan most people have no idea that Taiwan is even county so there is no point in even talking about it.

Now is that response adequate for you?

Anonymous said...

Now is that response adequate for you?

1/01/2021 9:01 PM

Well, it is "adequate" to tell me you know nothing about the world. "...most people have no idea that Taiwan is even county...." tells me, just from your misspellings ("county"??), that you are very young and not very knowledgeable. You still dodge the main question: "If people hate China and like Taiwan, are they racist?" You like slinging around the "racist" label, but are unwilling to face up to your hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

The concept of hypocrisy is a social construct used by the ruling power class to suppress minority groups. Even Marx said history cannot progress without some contradictions. We do not pretend to have all the answers but we are making progress can you say the same, I think not. Let us move on.

Anonymous said...

1/03/2021 11:10 AM

Spoken like a Sophomore who just learned what Communism is and sees nothing wrong with it. You will grow up, I promise.

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a Sophomore who just learned what Communism is and sees nothing wrong with it. You will grow up, I promise.

1/04/2021 5:46 PM

Sorry, history shows that it is not a forgone conclusion that communists live long enough to grow up. Starvation is a terrible way to die young.

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