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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

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  • Posts and comments are posted several times a day.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Climate catastrophies closer than thought

 This is a great video, claiming that Global Warming is plausibly much worse than previously thought, and the current pace of climate change could lead to a global catastrophe within as little as 20 years:

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Threat of war

 Forget about a possible civil war is WW3 getting closer?

Biden says US ‘shall respond’ after drone strike by Iran-backed group kills 3 US troops in Jordan

Friday, January 26, 2024

Is it happening here?

 Is this actually happening on our USA border?

'Civil War' Has Begun??

We have talked about this before and it was dismissed as crazy talk but now even serious news sources are saying we may be approaching a civil war. Texas is starting to get in standoff with the federal government over the border and other states are joining. This is starting to get scary and we are not even at the 2024 elections. Again what happens to the labs if we actually enter like a cold civil war or states start to leave the Union? You guys keep saying this just nonsense talk but we are getting to the point where either side can no longer compromise, all you have to to do is extrapolate and you see how this can end.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


  ******.    NOTE  *******

I am working on keeping this post on top of the blog for a while. This allows us to discuss more elaborately. 

The Blogger "top post" feature is malfunctioning. 

The basic term of the LLNS contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344, will end on September 30, 2026. What policies and practices should the NNSA (hopefully with employee input) preserve, review, or change for the next LLC contractor?

New heating technologies

 The Department of Energy announced that four companies have developed more planet-friendly heat pump designs.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Goal:everlasting energy

If you are a labs scientist, do you think we will see it in our lifetime?

Warning: trolls and prolific contributors not accepted.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Iran's moves: dangerous

 Here's another worrisome item, it's a video where a former weapons inspector expresses concern about Iranian nuclear programs:

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The situation on the Korean Peninsula is very dangerous

 This article came out a week ago, one of the authors, Sig Hecker is a former LANL lab director.

also this more positive rebuttal was published,

Are you educated and smart or just smart?

 The perception that university students possess significantly higher IQs than the general population is debunked by recent findings. A meta-analysis covering IQ scores from 1939 to 2022 reveals that the average IQ of today's undergraduate students is 102, merely aligning with the general population. This decline, averaging 0.2 IQ points per year, correlates with the increased accessibility of higher education over the last 80 years. For a more in-depth exploration of educational trends and insights, delve into so it's time for a paradigm shift, recognizing students as average individuals, prompting adjustments in academic standards, and dispelling outdated myths about intellectual superiority among university attendees.

People have been worried that the labs are hiring more people without college degrees but the new study suggests that is not something to worry about. In some ways it might just be better to hire people without degrees at a younger age and teach them very specific skills rather than general skills. Since college and non-college educated people are now about on the same level in abilities to learn why not just skip the college part?

Monday, January 15, 2024

This is worth listening to

 This is worth listening to -- it's an interview with US Senator Rand Paul, who is a medical doctor, he comments on Fauci's funding of gain of function research, around the 4'50"-5'30" time onwards in the audio:

I would click on the play button, then advance it using the bar with the lines at the bottom -- click on that with the left mouse button.

Should we be prepared?



I like many others are very concerned about the future of the US. After Iowa tonight we might have to starting thinking about
possibilites. Should the labs be preparing to deal with a possible Trump presidency? It is not becoming a real possibility that
Trump could be president again and the there is talk about how the government will deal with this. This is driven by the fear that Trump will use the military for dictatorial take over.

"Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs"

Now presumably the labs will be part of this network. Or democracy is in jeopardy.
Also Europe is getting worried

"When Trump came along it woke us up to the fact that the US might not always act in European interest, especially if it goes against American interest,” a senior EU diplomat told CNN. “It sounds naive saying it out loud, but that was the assumption a lot people made.”

Thursday, January 11, 2024

LANL fellows are not happy

 There is a rumor going around that the Los Alamos fellows are not very happy with Mason after a recent talk. He showed a plot of LANL publications highlighting a decline in publications compared to other labs. Los Alamos was the top lab before 2006 and then lost out to LLBL, ORNL and ANL and is now at about the same level as PNNL. At the same time the lab has grown twice the size. Sure we have a lot more people but the overall quality of the staff is much lower today. One can always argue that publications do not measure everything but anyone from LANL who has visited ANL or ORNL recently can attest that they seem like much more active and healthy places especially in terms of younger people.

Did something happened in 2006? Oh yes, that is when LANS came in. Good job. I doubt the Fellows have much power at this point, and seem like product of a bygone era who are out of touch. Maybe this is just the plan all along to make the place a PIT facility. As Greg Mello said in a recent interview about what he heard the LANL management is saying....interview a 100 and hire a 100. This does not bode well for a good science future at LANL nor an operational PIT facility. I am no fan of Mello but he has a point every now and then. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Sakharov's utopian plan

 Here's something from Sakharov in the 1960's, he was still a supporter of communism at the time (his views changed I believe as they went after him), parts of it are still relevant in that he is highly critical of bureaucracy, mass media, the influence of the rich on politics in capitalist systems, and expresses worries about AI in general, censorship and the psychological manipulation of the general public. He also criticizes Chinese communism in particular and Mao, as well as Stalinism, Fascism, the arms race, the environment, poverty, it is a laundry list of complaints and worries, most of them justified at least in part. Also he puts forth a perhaps naive in retrospect utopian plan for world peace and prosperity. It is well worth reading in full:

What policies have changed at LLNL?

What policies have changed?

In 2009 a LLNS employee was unfortunately ran over by his own vehicle and died. There was a “lessons learned” afterward. Not revealed at the time, was this employee had just been “Niffed” (unilaterally let go from his NIF assignment) and was in the process of moving to a new office. Very sad. Did LLNS employment polices change as a result of that 2009 tragedy? A few years later, a NIF tech was given an “intent to dismiss” (your being fired) letter and a few days later commits suicide, with small children left behind. His NIF managers refused to address his loss to his coworkers in any way to relieve their collective grief.

Has Lab Director Kimberly Budil, addressed the issue of manager specific appropriate and inappropriate treatment of employees to eliminate or significantly reduce these kinds of tragedies?

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Security clearance guidelines

 “13 ADJUDICATIVE GUIDELINES The 13 adjudicative criteria are:

(1) Guideline A: Allegiance to the United States

This is rarely the cause of a clearance denial or revocation, but political dissidents beware. You can certainly participate in politics but defamatory speech against the government is not looked upon well. The next time someone talks to you about overthrowing the government, you certainly don’t want to lend them your ear.”

Hosting or financially supporting “them” likely a security clearance no no as well.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Have you heard of carbon removal?

A climate technology startup aims to suck carbon from the atmosphere using a new type of nuclear power plant that’s never been built in the United States.

Korean sun

 Sustained nuclear fusion could be one step closer to reality after Korea's "artificial sun" received an exciting upgrade to withstand temperatures six times hotter than the center of the sun.

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