I there a way that you can separate LASL and LLL topics into separate sections?
Each has limited interest in the others instumentalities. Kinda like your spouse leaving open the bathroom door.
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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
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Since 99% of the LANL (LASL) postings are complaints of past Livermore managers that now have positions at LANL, you might as well keep just the Livermore blog.
Since 99% of the LANL (LASL) postings are complaints of past Livermore managers that now have positions at LANL, you might as well keep just the Livermore blog.
January 5, 2013 11:54 AM
Agreed. You know, Anastasio, McMillan, and Knapp, the "Three Kings".
All in favor of favor of a split, or better yet kicking the "guests" off of this blog. They've had plenty of time to find a new home.
Where LANL's managers come from is irrelevant - they are Bechtel lackies doing their master's bidding.
Hearing the "guests" constantly blaming LLNL for their woes is more than tiresome. Likewise LLNL folks blaming LANL for their situation. All one is doing is whining and taking cheap pot-shots at the other to no useful end.
If you wish to change your environment then man up and fight back properly. Otherwise be a good sheep and stop the blame game.
Mismanagement and associated problems at LANL started long, long before any LLNL managers arrived, and long before LANS even existed. In fact, it can be argued that LANL issues are the reason NNSA and the Bechtel takeover (with the resulting imported Livermore managers) even exist.
Mismanagement and associated problems at LANL started long, long before any LLNL managers arrived, and long before LANS even existed. In fact, it can be argued that LANL issues are the reason NNSA and the Bechtel takeover (with the resulting imported Livermore managers) even exist.
January 6, 2013 5:10 AM
Yup, and don't forget these problems at LANL have continued under LLNL leadership that came in with grandiose plans to fix the place. Come Livermore, were still waiting, fix the damn place!
Yup, and don't forget these problems at LANL have continued under LLNL leadership that came in with grandiose plans to fix the place. Come Livermore, were still waiting, fix the damn place!
January 6, 2013 6:32 AM
The only leadership that LLNL has brought to LANL is coming to LANL meetings saying, "at Livermore, at Livermore,...".
Unenforceable unless Scooby wants to spend all his time policing. For now I'll just await the day the mesa feels it is led by one of its own and watch the nirvana that will surely unfold.
The only leadership that LLNL has brought to LANL is coming to LANL meetings saying, "at Livermore, at Livermore,...".
January 6, 2013 6:37 AM
If it's so great "at Livermore" they should go back. Their only benefit in coming to LANL was to personally profit and will leave as soon as their bank accounts are substantial enough. They have no vested interest in the success of LANL or the community. These guys (Anastasio, McMillan, Knapp) are worthless!
Knapp is worse than worthless. He is openly hostile to anyone with an IQ higher than his (ie almost everyone). He destroys programs like a firestorm. He has zero personal integrity, loyalty, or ability to manage. He never should have become a manager of any sort.
We're making progress. It was not an attack on Knapp involving his automobile or his preferred vacation state, but a comment on his ability as a manager.
Did Knapp engage in outrageous behavior comparable to Tomas at SC2011? I think that is hard to beat. But I don't know anything about Knapp or his behavior. Maybe he's done even worse than Tomas@SC2011?
The biggest offense of all is when managers don't live on Bathtub row. Oh the LANL people will raise a fuss and furor over that kind of outrage when an outsider joins the LANL ranks but then chooses to live in Santa Fe. Such an assault on the Los Alamos sensibilities. Oh the humanity!
Yeah, we want those managers to live in the same retail wasteland and geezer paradise as we do! No decent restaurants allowed! Long lines at the Post Office every day so the geezers can "buy a stamp" - the highlight of their day!
Anonymous said...
Yeah, we want those managers to live in the same retail wasteland and geezer paradise as we do! No decent restaurants allowed! Long lines at the Post Office every day so the geezers can "buy a stamp" - the highlight of their day!
January 8, 2013 1:33 PM
Be careful what you say, sonny-boy, you whippersnappers are seriously outnumbered!
Ever work for Knapp, old dude? I didn't think so. Scooby likes him too for the same reason.
Did the guy do enethical stuff? Or he just has poor manners and treats people like shit? Tomas did both. Knapp is the same? Or just the latter?
These managers like Tomas and Knapp provide important material for this blog. Tomas "stepping down" to head his one man corporation called YDSConsulting was a huge boon for him and an even greater loss for the lab and the blogosphere. Tomas you will be missed, shielded from Our FOIA requests as a private citizen. Just hope that we don't lose Knapp too. Give him an occasional hug when you do your daily kick-to-his-groin.
What could beat Tomas@Supercomputing2011? Tomas@Supercomputing2013 baybee!!!! Yeah!!!! Hoooyeahhhh!!!! Yeah baybeeee yeahhhhhh! The man knows how to take care of his stakeholders!
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