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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
Actual post from Dec. 15 from one of the streams. This is a real topic. As far as promoting women and minorities even if their qualification...
What will DOGE think about the excessive number of LLNL managers, many with zero technical talent themselves, assigned to “rank” the engin...
Whoo that goes right along with this.
"Oh, there's an event that just took place far more exciting than this saga. I'm just waiting to see how many days they can keep it under wraps before TVC, POGO or some news network gets wind. Soon afterwards I'd expect the AG and IG will be investigating all those involved from the top down and I'll assure you the "one" is not going down alone. As the wheels turn."
How about some real scoop. Just the fact Danno.
I'm fishing. Who's going to be the next directors of NIF come October 1st, 2012 or earlier. I suspect when the facts come out everyone will be in awe but the findings won't be a surprise. It'll be looked at as standard operating procedures and at the end of the day we'll just move on as a collective shaking our heads spurting out our opinion in one or two vivid yet descriptive adjectives.
So what is the real resend for the lab walking Ed off site? Did he real use the money for his own personal use? What is going on with people at the top, do they real think they can get away with this kind of behavior??????
Moved comment:
Escorted out by security on Friday.
Though apparently he's back on site. DOE investigation into
something having to do with his family business dealings (already mentioned above). The words "10 day investigation," "criminal prosecution" and "possible jailtime" seem to come to my mind. But much of this is still at the "unconfirmed" level of certainty.
It made me think of the following film adaptations:
"Elevator Defecation Part Deux," except this time, it's Ed Moses getting caught in the act on camera. Go Ed! Stick it to man!
"Collateral Damage" to innocent employees assigned to NIF who are now in a position of being out of work, which leads to...
"Missing Inventory Early Severance" or missing stuff due to spiteful employees taking early severance as a form of "screw you."
and closing out with
"NIF completion celebration party" complete with awards, music, catering, followed by plans to commence immediate dismantlement and pillaging (or more politely, "reuse") of useful equipment for other programs.
Moved Comment:
This really makes me think of the kind of "gotcha" this will be for famous journalists such as Friedman who was led along with the NIF and LIFE con job that Tomas and Ed pulled on them, NNSA, and the community.
Also all the politicians who came to the NIF event in which the lab had to pay for pre-event NIF landscaping by taxing all of the programs, even work-for-other programs that had nothing to do with NIF. Looks and smells like misappropriations of funds.
August 1, 2012 4:40 PM
That's right.
He was escorted off-site Fri, and "working at home" monday & Tuesay. FBI came in Monday with search warrent and imponded his desktop computer.
Theres evidence that he used lab fund for his wifes business.
How does this ULM think they can get away with this stuff???????
Rumor control central has it at the tone of sixteen millions dollars over the course of years. It's being said a family member got paid far less leaving lots to be pocketed. If this rumor is true I'd say someone is in deep dodo and soon will be wearing a series of number on an orange jumper suite residing in a federal hotel for the elite with limited visitation rights. I suspect it won’t be long before NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN have a special announcement. Of course everyone must remember there's no substance to this rumor and nothing here can be confirmed but we're hearing it from many people across the lab at all levels. In the meantime everyone is curious and waiting on Parney to come clean and tell the truth. Now there’s a requirement management needs to look up in Webster dictionary long before they make the video.
You guys at LLNL are being run by a bunch of "con artists" including the two at LANL (McMillan and Knapp) who are former LLNL con artists.
How does this ULM think they can get away with this stuff???????
August 1, 2012 5:56 PM
The smell and taste of money makes "folks" do crazy things. "Follow the money baby, follow the money!" .... Charlie McMillan
Are we sure that Tomas and Moses weren't "doing" the same Post doc?
"What is going on with people at the top, do they real think they can get away with this kind of behavior??????"
August 1, 2012 6:27 AM
In a word... Yes. Haven't you learned anything by observing carefully since the for-profit LLCs took over the management contract of the NNSA labs?
We've been hearn' laser driven ignition fer pert near 40 yrs now! They can't keep their pants up & family out? Their loses would appear soon to become staggering!
This morning, working on information from Moses' desktop computer, FBI and Interpol agents looked in a secret room adjacent to his office and found evidence of satanic activity and human sacrifice. When confronted with the evidence, Moses admitted to being the antichrist, the leader of SPECTRE, and a member of the 1%. His minions ambushed the outnumbered agents, killing several and capturing the rest. They are reportedly being held somewhere in the bowels of B490.
In addition, Moses supposedly asked somebody to move out of his chair in a conference room. But this is not confirmed yet.
Ed Moses's wife is a pediatrician in Livermore. I really good one at that (my kids see her) and she works for a medical group not her own business so that "rumor" of Ed helping his wife's business has to be BS.
The words consulting business on the side of which her nephew works for keep popping up in the rumor mill. I guess little bits of information will leak out slowly but surely until the truth is known. Either way it's a mess, Ed's name is mud and in the end could cost LLNS lots of $$ in legal fees of which will come out of operational funds and as we all know that shortfall will be paid for by getting rid of "people" whom they say cost the program ~$300K a piece when you consider wages, pension and benefits. So let’s say they need $162M for taxes, $82M for LLNS to run the joint, $80M to pay for their share of TCP-1 pension plan and heck let’s give it $1M legal fees to undo what these rumors are all about. That's $225M / 300K = 750 bodies to go out the gate. Isn't that just a 100 or so short of how many people were let go as LANL last years. And just think, they are laying off people two full months earlier than previous years. Normally they start on Oct 1st until Dec 31 and then move on. I suspect they either want to get it done ahead of schedule or we're going to have four months of cutting people instead of two which says a lot more people will be going out the gate. Just a thought. May I suggest you do some thinking for yourself..
August 2, 2012 12:32 PM
Good try and great diversionary tactics in hopes to make people believe there's absolutely no truth in anything that gets posted on the blog but you as many before you will be proven wrong once again and forever. You should try writing a book but then that would take some originality.
August 3, 2012 6:16 AM
But didn't Parney just tell NNSA we don't need no stinkin oversight committee we have managers at all levels who are very competent and trustworthy. My bet is we’re going to have more big dogs breathing down our backs now than ever before. Life is going to get much harder at LLNL from this day forwards.
Why ULM is so closed lip'd as if they haven't aways been since the corrupt take over from UC--National Nuclear Security Administration, said the "office does not comment as a matter of policy on potential or ongoing investigations conducted by law enforcement agencies or internal investigations involving laboratory contractors or federal personnel."
I copied this from another post just to make sure it didn't get lost for not paying attention.
August 4th, 2012 @ 9:42 AM here's my first and final comment. There's are to many things to do when retired than to worry about the past.
One comment I’ll make and my money’s on the fact that everyone whoever worked or works for LANL and LLNL will agree. Bechtel, I mean Rechtel, has lived up to their motto and now reputation of _search and destroy_. Never in my now finished career at LLNL have I ever seen a blog or complaints with so many facts of corruption and mismanagement of this magnitude advertised about these facilities, all of which sooner or later is printed in newspapers, journals and magazines as being facts. There was a time when very few people knew of the national labs existence but now they’re well known throughout society but not for their major accomplishments . If LLNS and LANS have done nothing else in the past four to five years they’re proven themselves of being worthy of the National Anal award. It seems that Diane Feinstein was correct during the transition when she said, _show me where this is a cost savings_ and again Diane Feinstein is correct when she said _I think it’s time to stop dumping money in this black hole and use it where it’ll be most beneficial_.
August 4, 2012 11:28 AM
We all know (but nobody is coming out and saying it) that the bad behavior of management is just a way to cut cost for the lab. It's very simple. Make life stressful for employee and reduce their life expectancy. Then the cost to fund pensions goes down. I'm sure that it pains management to have to take such actions, as they are very sympathetic to the plight of their employees. So we should applaud the management for going above and beyond their call of duty and taking one for the team, and honor them for their actions which have only the absolute best intentions behind them.
Okay I'm stumped. What does Elevator Defecation refer to? I can't find anything on google, on it related to LLNL or NIF.
I hope the authorities catch the perp who left the wet one. That's the REAL crime committed here.
Regarding the comment on the "gotcha" to Friedman,
This totally will burst my bubble if this was a gotcha. Even the newer "Wall Street" movie had themes based on NIF that made it seem so realistic. Now I'll have to mentally downgrade that movie to fiction? Oh the disappointment.
I hope the authorities catch the perp who left the wet one. That's the REAL crime committed here.
August 7, 2012 8:14 AM
Look forward to much DNA testing.
Back onto the original topic. Grabed this from another topic and thought you may be intereseted. Looks like lay-offs have just begun. It about those who make big buck getting theirs while the going is good. Where will this leave you. August 2, 2012 10:16 PM
The truth must hurt but look where he is. At the top making ~$500K a year with perks. This $500K should soon be coming out of the TCP-1 pension plan for the remainder of his life. No wonder next year employee contributions are scheduled to be 7% and LLNS portion will be 24% or about $162M verses $82 . How will those funds be acquired. Could it again be SOP for LLNS. ( Bodies = $$), $162,000,000 / $300,000 ='s 540 low paid blue collar workers out the gate !
August 12, 2012 3:16 PM
Question: Is it true the only thing left of transportation and heavy duty equipment mechanics shop at LLNL are the gas pumps. All those people got laid off quitely.
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