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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

we trust you. Well, not really

I have a feeling this is going to exacerbate the skills gap, as it will be hard to find employees (or good ones, that is) wanting to put up with this sort of thing. 

Collective punishment never really works that well.


Anonymous said...

Electronic monitoring of llnl employees is already in place. I know from first hand experience.

Anonymous said...

Monitoring employees with security clearance should have been done decades ago and I'm not
talking about once a year or once every five years. These employees need to be monitored 24-7 365 days a years. They need to know what you do, who you hang with, your e-mails, phone calls, financial status and everything these is to know about you always and as soon as anything pops up, they should call you in and
tell you the relationship has to stop, these things need to be corrected or you won't have a job in the next 30 days or so. No it will not be hard to find someone who can put up with this if they have a full understanding of what is being watched from day one and know the consequences and if someone doesn’t want to take on this scrutiny the that’s okay, just don’t get a job with the government , we don’t need you. This must however apply from the top down and that includes the whitehouse and ALL government workers of any kind, appointed, elected, or hired

Anonymous said...

The federal and state government is hiring way to many people in places which require clearances and in a few months or years finding out they have a security leak. No one should be hired without the clearance first and I mean no one. Take a look at the lab, that place has to be more than 50% foreign nationals, all running around speaking their homme language and dressing as if they were in their own country. Some with blue and green hair. There’s no loyalty to America in that place ?

Anonymous said...

"This must however apply from the top down and that includes the whitehouse and ALL government workers of any kind, appointed, elected, or hired

March 12, 2014 at 1:00 PM"

Therein lies the rub. These rules need only apply to certain lower levels of government and management. If not this will not achieve the attend goal.

Anonymous said...

"Take a look at the lab, that place has to be more than 50% foreign nationals, all running around speaking their homme language and dressing as if they were in their own country. Some with blue and green hair. There’s no loyalty to America in that place ?

March 12, 2014 at 1:08 PM"

Like who will do the science? Seriously Americans do not do science and engineering any more. And the ones that do go into science have the pants beat off by the foreign nationals.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Americans do not do science and engineering any more.

March 12, 2014 at 4:45 PM

Americans don't do math, history, or any subject that requires real intellectual effort any more either. The complete failure of our public school system, the complete disinterest of parents in the education of their children, the push towards community colleges that "train" people for non-existent jobs, the failure of the government to disincentivize teenage pregnancy and single-motherhood, the tendency of poor families to have many more children than they can afford, the epidemic of unfit parents, all mean that the US is no longer capable of competing economically in the world. The few who work and produce more than they consume will no longer be able to support all the takers, as the government purposely creates more and more takers. we are now a nation of people dependent on the government, which has nothing to give except what it borrows from China.

Anonymous said...

And another thing, get off my lawn!

Anonymous said...

Shrill voices aside, Snowden had a security clearance and seems to be the person who motivated this. Wen Ho Lee also had a security clearance. Having a security clearance by itself does not guarantee you are not a mole or a reckless careless operator, it just makes it much less likely, because someone sifts through your life and looks for skeletons. Will this new system really make that even less likely? Where is the data that shows it will, and please don't bring up anecdotes?

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2014 at 7:29 AM

The answer is YES, as long as it is made very clear YOU are being watch 24-7 365 and anything you do, think, say or where you go, who you associate with, funds obtained and spend are in fact being watched at all time and if there is any flags raised for any reason you will have to fill out the appropriate paperwork to justify your actions or acquaintances. After X amount of offenses, you’re gone and never able to obtain a clearance for any reason again.

Anonymous said...

Whooo someone with a brain and can se the light. This is the most right on statement I have seen out here in years: --

Americans don't do math, history, or any subject that requires real intellectual effort any more either. The complete failure of our public school system, the complete disinterest of parents in the education of their children, the push towards community colleges that "train" people for non-existent jobs, the failure of the government to disincentivize teenage pregnancy and single-motherhood, the tendency of poor families to have many more children than they can afford, the epidemic of unfit parents, all mean that the US is no longer capable of competing economically in the world. The few who work and produce more than they consume will no longer be able to support all the takers, as the government purposely creates more and more takers. we are now a nation of people dependent on the government, which has nothing to give except what it borrows from China.

It is our own fault we've lost the country to foreign nationals, what a shame. America use to be a great place to be but now that immigration has successfully divided and concurred, we're screwed and America is gone forever.

Anonymous said...

Will the people being monitored be free to speak their minds, or will they be singled out and harassed depending on who is in office?

The recent IRS targeting should be a red flag!

Anonymous said...

I agree that America used to be a great place before the Europeans came and terminated the native Americans.

Anonymous said...

It is time for highly educated, highly motivated, highly competent people to REFUSE employment that requires a security clearance. Let the idiots play in their mediocre sandbox. The rights and freedoms clearance-holders must give up are not subject to judicial or other review - the government can do what it wants to you, any time it wants, as a condition of retaining your clearance. I can envision lots of divorces and breakups as spouses and potential spouses realize what it is going to be like to be married to a clearance-holder. If you think being an "insider" will help uncover government excesses and illegal activities, just think about how much Snowden is enjoying his life right now.

Anonymous said...

I hope no one works their way to a clearance to "uncover government excesses" and go public with them. If they do, and the information is classified, they deserve far more than the involuntary exile Snowden got. A clearance is a huge responsibility and trust, and ought to be viewed that way. But that trust is violated by mandatory monitoring of all aspects of employees lives.

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2014 at 8:30 AM

8:30 AM is a true patriot.
Yes we need to monitor the people 24/7 365 days and everything they do. If you have nothing to hide than you need to worry. Only those that can be trusted or how have earned the right will be exempt from this as it should be. The 1% earned their right, most of us are just parasites on the their hard earned gains. We live off their money, their wealth what they created. The least we can do is be loyal and earn their trust. For those of us that are loyal we will be allowed to have a good life and perhaps even if you are good enough we will get a shot at true wealth. For the others they must be kept in line or be elimi...not allowed to get a clearance. I say that in order to be considered a citizen one must first have a security clearance. We are already to 5 million why not get it to 25 million, and the rest will earn their wages by serving the pure.

Remember we are at war, we do not know who the enemy is but we know they are there and they could be anyone of the 99%. Be loyal and you will be rewarded.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2014 at 8:43 PM is a sociopathic idiot, probably a dangerous one. I hope he doesn't own a gun, and I hope he has no close family members. His neighbors should beware too. If you see him in a mall, run.

Anonymous said...

I think 8:43 was joking, I laughed anyways.

Anonymous said...

Actually I think March 13, 2014 at 8:43 PM is right on the money. Yes everyone needs to be watch. We do not know who the enemy is and therefore everyone is suspect. Have a good day, keep your nose clean, watch who you associate with and you'll be fine

Anonymous said...

March 14, 2014 at 11:18 AM pretends not to be March 13, 2014 at 8:43 PM, but then uses the same words. Not very bright.

Anonymous said...

March 14, 2014 at 12:59 PM

Hate to inform you, but you're dead wrong. I was replying t the other dude. Not very bright for sure bozo. This is one more reason why you people with clearances need GPS tracking with open mic's 24-7 365

Anonymous said...

5:20 am has obviously never had a clearance. Probably a Trivalley Cares mole with blue hair, trying to stir things.

Anonymous said...

LANL already can't keep its mid-career employees.

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2014 at 8:43 PM: "Yes we need to monitor the people 24/7 365 days and everything they do."

March 15, 2014 at 5:20 AM: "you people with clearances need GPS tracking with open mic's 24-7 365"

Different people? I think not.

Anonymous said...

"Different people? I think not.

March 15, 2014 at 11:05 AM"

Very different, very very different. I am not trying to be insulting but you seem just a tad slow.

Anonymous said...

I take heart in the fact that NSA and eventually FBI will be tracking the IPs of the sociopathic psychos contributing to this cesspool. Hopefully, they can get warrants.

Anonymous said...

" I take heart in the fact that NSA and eventually FBI will be tracking the IPs of the sociopathic psychos contributing to this cesspool. Hopefully, they can get warrants.

March 16, 2014 at 8:23 AM"

They might also be coming for you.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, they can get warrants.

March 16, 2014 at 8:23 AM

What is your accused crime?

Anonymous said...

" Hopefully, they can get warrants.

March 16, 2014 at 8:23 AM

What is your accused crime?

March 16, 2014 at 10:30 AM"

You have to remember that we are at war right now, the usual rights and liberal bleeding heart crap like warrants can allow the enemy to escape. After 9/11 we now longer have the luxury of letting our guard down for freedoms that only serve criminals or the enemy. The idea that ones needs a specific crime to be spelled out for a warrant or detention is a very dangerous idea in the current state of the world.

Anonymous said...

The idea that ones needs a specific crime to be spelled out for a warrant or detention is a very dangerous idea in the current state of the world.

March 16, 2014 at 8:43 PM

Oh, really? For offensive blogging? The subject was "the sociopathic psychos contributing to this cesspool" i.e., this blog. So you think that judges all over the country are going to buy into your fascist crap by issuing baseless warrants? The Constitution is to be scrapped because you are afraid of someone exercising "freedoms that only serve criminals or the enemy"?? There are Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms that we don't need? Do you realize you are parroting the Nazi propaganda of 80 years ago? Have you learned nothing from history? "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" indeed. Not if you are what we have to show for it. Despicable, spineless slime.

Anonymous said...

I suppose we should not feed trolls. Maybe they will eventually go away.

Anonymous said...

After hearing about the massive NSA spying on the American public (even "bugging" the popular Angry Bird game! ), I've taken it as a given that anyone with a US clearance is likely being monitor 24x7 whether at home or at work. Your internet usage, phone calls, porn surfing, credit card transactions, you name it and they are probably looking over your shoulder at it.

To believe otherwise in this Brave New World of cheap & easy surveillance is to be very naive. Just don't expect to government to come clean about all this monitoring of US citizens. They won't because it's likely illegal. Heck, they even spy on the work of the Senate Intelligence Committee as Sen. Feinstein recently discovered.

Anonymous said...

"They won't because it's likely illegal. Heck, they even spy on the work of the Senate Intelligence Committee as Sen. Feinstein recently discovered.

March 16, 2014 at 10:38 PM"

There is no going back now, embrace it or risk your job.

Anonymous said...

"Have you learned nothing from history? "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" indeed. Not if you are what we have to show for it. Despicable, spineless slime.

March 16, 2014 at 8:59 PM"

Hey liberal bleeding heart, you do realize that during WWII the United States did all sorts of things that you would deem "unconstitutional" in order to keep the nation secure. Right now we are at war and we are probably at an even more dangerous time, because the enemy is much more evasive so we must do what we have to do. After the war on terror is over than you can go back to your "I am so righteous" bit.

Anonymous said...

It's Bush's fault! It's Bush's fault! It's Bush's fault! Polly want a cracker?

You do realize that unlike liberals and Obama, not all conservatives supported Bush?

Anonymous said...

"You do realize that unlike liberals and Obama, not all conservatives supported Bush?

March 18, 2014 at 9:28 AM"

Yes I know as I was one of them.

Start thinking Rand Paul.

Anonymous said...

Start thinking Rand Paul.

March 18, 2014 at 9:09 PM

Nope. Given the current status of world power politics, it would be suicide for the US to adopt an isolationist policy, as Paul seems to want. One would think that the lessons of the pre-WWII retreat would be remembered. We need a strong foreign policy without the bias of a swaggering bully like Bush, and without the bias of a simpering fool like Obama. Just a clear-eyed, reality-based policy that puts US national interest first, seeks to protect our strategic alliances, and seeks to contain attempts at expansion of regimes that stifle freedom. No more "preemptive wars" and no more "red lines" without severe consequences. For the US to disengage from the world now would place us even more firmly in the "irrelevant" category, which would be extremely dangerous to our way of life.

Anonymous said...

What this country needs is more wars, fewer freedoms and greater surveillance of the public... right?

Anonymous said...

Go back and reread the post: "No more "preemptive wars""

Lesson from history: You don't prevent wars by failing to stand up to dictators early in their "careers." You also don't preserve freedom that way.

We are in desperate need of some adults in Washington.

Anonymous said...

There's a running joke in some quarters of Aerospace. Goes like this, "Bill.. I can't find that requirements document on that black program. I must have lost it in the rental car. We're screwed ! Al... oh, don't worry, we've already called the NSA, there printing a copy for us right now !"

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't be much longer until all holders of a TS clearance are required to be "chipped". Ouch!

Anonymous said...

TS clearance = Q clearance. Get ready for the new world, LANL, SNL, and LLNL.

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2014 at 4:43 PM

Better do a little investigating into your new badges with that fancy chip in it and ask, what information does this contain and it is an RFID that can be pinged any time to find your location. I wouldn't put anything pass them and I really don't mind.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put anything pass them and I really don't mind.

March 26, 2014 at 6:16 AM

I wouldn't mind either if they expressed the reasons why they think it is necessary and were open about doing it. The secrecy inherent in everything that is done for "security" is mindless and insulting to people who are actually loyal.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
"Have you learned nothing from history? "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" indeed. Not if you are what we have to show for it. Despicable, spineless slime.

March 16, 2014 at 8:59 PM"

Hey liberal bleeding heart, you do realize that during WWII the United States did all sorts of things that you would deem "unconstitutional" in order to keep the nation secure. Right now we are at war and we are probably at an even more dangerous time, because the enemy is much more evasive so we must do what we have to do. After the war on terror is over than you can go back to your "I am so righteous" bit.
March 17, 2014 at 9:22 PM "

Hey right/wrong wing nut job - Did you learn Heil Hitler at your daddy's knee or did you learn to be such a nasty piece of work all on your own? The likes of you are what is going wrong in this world.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, March 16, 2014 at 8:59 PM (me) is NOT a liberal. Far from it. I am a conservative who thinks the US government needs to have its wings clipped, yesterday. Hitler played the "arrest anyone we don't like" game and no one stopped him until it was too late for millions of innocents. Homeland Security and NSA would be right at home working for Putin.

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