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Monday, August 10, 2015

"Is the new workforce reality employee retention or a revolving door at LANL and LLNL?"

The staff of the sister Labs LANL and LLNL, helped fight and win the Cold War and are responsible for ensuring the safety, security and reliability of the nation's nuclear deterrent. 

As sincere gratitude for their decades long collective service, these employees will for the second time, be packaged and sold for public sale at an auction to the LOWEST LLC bidder, the LLC bidder with the slickest talking points, or a combination of the two. 

The failure of an LLC walk the talk reciprocating career understanding heard by these employees? Every man or woman for themselves. "Attract and retain"? If "retain" means 2 years of service perhaps, otherwise good luck with that.


doobydew said...

Please provide good link; this one is bad.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Who cares.

Anonymous said...

"Who cares"

Who cares: Employees that have made meaningful long term contributions
to national mission objectives at LANL and LLNL

Who does not care: short term next award focused LANSLLNS PR trolls

Anonymous said...

As LANSLLNS or future LLC race to the national average benefits package and salary, how is the expectation of attracting and retaining the "best and brightest", from "Tier 1" colleges a realistic goal?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Where have you been the last few years? It is not one of the goals any longer.

Wake up, 1:59pm. Look around you.

Anonymous said...

"The failure of an LLC walk the talk reciprocating career understanding heard by these employees?"

I have read this over and over again, and it is still meaningless schizophrenic word salad. What on Earth is this supposed to mean? And what does the Forbes article have to do with the LLCs managing the labs?

Anonymous said...

"...The failure of an LLC walk the talk reciprocating career understanding heard by these employees? Every man or woman for themselves. "Attract and retain"? If "retain" means 2 years of service perhaps, otherwise good luck with that..."

"Walk the talk"

to actually live by your words


in this case, an expectation of employment related events between management and employee

"Heard by these employees"

assessment of employment related events by employee

"Every man or woman for themselves"

commitment to employer by employee no greater than the situation merits

"Attract and retain?"

A problematic goal (as interpreted) with departure from said employer to a more attractive employer with equal or better pay, benefits, or work environment (in a 401k world)

"...what does the Forbes article have to do with the LLCs managing the labs?..."

I think you can figure this one out yourself. (Hint: it compounds the problem in a TCP2/401k landscape)

Anonymous said...

"Living well is the best revenge."

Anonymous said...

"Livin the Dream"

Charlie "GQ" McMillan

Anonymous said...

"What difference does it make?" - Charlie "Awesome" McMillan

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