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Saturday, April 1, 2023

China superiority

 China is on a trajectory to achieve military superiority over the United States by midcentury, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley warned members of Congress on March 29

Of particular concern is China’s nuclear development program, Milley said, holding that there is little the United States could do to “stop, slow down, disrupt, interdict, or destroy” it.

Milley’s unease echoed that of U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall, who told Congress on Tuesday that China’s expansion of its nuclear force was the most “disturbing” military threat he’d seen in his half-century career.

For months, the Pentagon has been sounding the alarm over China’s nuclear moves, warning in December that the country was on pace to quadruple its number of nuclear warheads to 1,500 by 2035.


Anonymous said...

The end of US currency is near. After they appropriate the infinite money generating fraud scheme from Japan, they stop caring about being fiscally responsible. The debt and the trust are decaying at an enormous speed. The economic collapse directly leads to the unimaginable weakening of the military. China knows this and it is already collapsing. You can see it happening right now in real time.

It could be the labs are going to be the only thing that prevents a total war, but right the sharks sense the blood in the water.

Anonymous said...

China's economy is in bad shape, and its demographics are going to make it worse. No one should be concerned about China's nuclear weapons, they have a lot of catching up to do against the US, or even against Russia.

China depends on world trade even more than the US does. There won't be any "total war." Give up your fear mongering.

Anonymous said...

We left a lot of hardware in Afghanistan and shipped the rest to Ukraine, but not to worry, we have the correct pronouns.

Anonymous said...

China is not a danger and we should not worry about. The 6.00 PM poster is wise and understands geopolitics, China having 1500 new nukes by 2035 has no relevance and that is why no one in the military is talking about it. Since China depends on world trade there will be no war, that just makes sense.

Of course the big threat is Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine and put Trump into power, interferes with all our social media. Do not worry about China. People like 6.00 PM are informed, educated, smart and understands the world. In fact they know numbers and demographics, a pointed tweeted out by a reporter from the NYT! This is a argument that every single economists can debunk in 10 seconds because it is not just the demographics, it the shift in the amount of population from one sector to another that needs to be factored which completely changes the story. (Hint China has hundreds of millions of people that can and will transfer from rural farms/villages to manufacturing and tech.) You have N_trn_rual - N_dem > 0.0 for something like 50 years or more, so no China is not going to run out of workers anytime soon. I keep seeing wacky statements that people just repeat off twitter and think, that sounds good I will go with that.

But I must concede that you are right China is not the big threat. This is view echoed at the labs, at state department, and the military.

Anonymous said...

We left a lot of hardware in Afghanistan and shipped the rest to Ukraine, but not to worry, we have the correct pronouns.

4/02/2023 9:39 AM

Really? we "shipped the rest"? All of it? The US has no military hardware left? Hyperbole much, Putin apologist?

Anonymous said...

This is view echoed at the labs, at state department, and the military.

4/02/2023 10:15 AM

And yet you are smarter than all those people in higher positions with higher pay than you. Ok...

Anonymous said...

And yet you are smarter than all those people in higher positions with higher pay than you. Ok...

4/02/2023 5:16 PM

The problem is those smarter people and high positions are in fact saying exactly what I was saying, hence the point of the article from Gen Milley. Yes China is a threat and a growing threat. The 6.0PM poster is the one is who seems utterly unaware of what all those people in high position are saying and being more open about it. Are you even paying attention?

Anonymous said...

China is not a threat. I get my news from proper vetted sources, NYT, WashPost, and HuffPost. If I look there are see nothing on China. I am not sure who all these higher paid experts are, I suspect you are watching Fox News, or one the nuts on the internet. Misinformation is a big deal.

Anonymous said...

4/04/2023 7:57 AM

You do realize all your sources are left-leaning if not outright left-wing? You might want to mix it up a bit if you really want balance and truth. Yeah, that means you have to do your own thinking.

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