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Friday, December 6, 2013
Detroit and the impact on pension reform
Moral of the story,
Detroit is all Democratic (Spendocratic) and Union even in the State Constitution to leave Union pensions alone.
"Even for those who think this common sense has been a long time coming, it’s a tough hit for Detroit city workers at or near retirement age. Not only does it mean they’ll get less than they were promised, the news comes late in their lives, at a time when they have little way to make up for it. And they won’t be the last, given the unfunded pensions across this country".
Good luck with your pension with Democrats running (into a grave) California.
Second moral: You voted for Spendocrats and soon you will get what you deserve.
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Actual post from Dec. 15 from one of the streams. This is a real topic. As far as promoting women and minorities even if their qualification...
Good article in Nature News on progress on Z with a mention of NIF's problems
" ...If there were damning factual evidence of anything untoward, it would obviously have been brought forward with great fanfare......
So actually, California has a budget surplus this year.
And it's projected to increase over the next several years.
So why don't you get an education before foolishly ranting about "Spendocrats".
"Vote Republican or Embrace Socialism". It's really as simple as that. The Socialist Democratic Party is nothing more than death to this nation. "United We Stood, Divided We Feel". Oh and don;t forget -"We need to pass the healthcare bill to fine out what's in it" -- Brilliant !
"Vote Republican or Embrace Socialism"
Simple statements for simple minded people.
So why don't you get an education before foolishly ranting about "Spendocrats".
I'd want to consider the "off-budget" obligations before feeling quite so self satisfied.
And don't get me started about Jerry's ChooChoo.....
A case of "writing checks" that you can't cash.
Sometimes you have to say no.
Don't worry the CA high speed rail will be a huge money maker for our state! I can't believe this was voted in.
The CA high speed rail promoters used the "fuel used/cargo pound/mile" trick. A somewhat misplaced transport efficiency fact appropriate for lumber, etc., not so much for people transport unless packed like multi layer sardines.
I'd like to see a "Hyperloop" vs. CA bullet train comparison
not that we can necessary afford either.
Maybe Scooby could start two threads:
Democrats are evil because...
Republicans are evil because...
And we could collect all the flotsam that ends up dangling in other threads there. Or maybe it could be one thread titled "Our own little congress" for those that want to participate in the food fight.
Oh, and Scooby can get Coulter and Madow to be guest "moderators".
High speed rail is inappropriate for widely spaced destinations where the air transport infrastructure already exists.
Between widely spaced Ca metropolitan areas, you can travel anywhere, now, faster, cheaper by air than you will be able to travel from Merced to Fresno in 2025 on dedicated track high-speed trains.
The $3B cost of the infrastructure for this error in judgment, would better be applied to completeing the UC Merced campus to full enrollement and capability over the same period. Giving Ca something its children desparately need, 6,000 more slots per year in high quality higher education.
Name the campus the Edmund Brown campus if that is what's required to get the septigenarian egoist to agree.
And save the taxpayers the cost of the other $97B required to run a line from LA/SF/Sacramento.
Intercity CA high-speed rail on dedicated lines is absurd. Improving existing tracks to run current technology trains to 120 mph, something achieved in the 1930s is merely economically unsound,because travellers already have a superior choice... ride on a cushion of air to any destination provided by the Bernoulli effect.
If you don't mind the cattle car.
62 years after Pearl Harbor, does America or Japan serve its citizens better?
As time passes and I age, I am reconsidering the pagan state of self we have become.
Not a proud legacy of the children of those who sacrificed to keep us free.
I understand the wisdom of the emperor closing the island to outside influence in the 1200s. I am doing the same in my home.
Vote Democratic or Embrace Nazism!
There, right back at you.
So now can we get back to the topic?
Vote Democratic or Embrace Nazism!
There, right back at you
No need to vote it in, you have Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Feinstein and Boxer. What other POS do you want running the country. We've got all the socialist pigs we need in the government doing a fine job of destroying America. I'll be glad when they are all pushing up daisy's.
So actually, California has a budget surplus this year.
It's not fair that California has too much money and Detroit does not have enough. This is another example of the rich taking advantage of the poor. We need to eliminate income inequality. California should share its wealth by giving its surplus to Detroit.
California has a YEARLY budget surplus (this past year) but is 160-320 Billion in the hole (over all).
So it is EXTREMELY) misleading to say we have a budget surplus when
the Ideologue Liberals do not pay down the total debt.
Interesting the hi SPeed rail is a union only construction project and I personally believe (although it is arguable) that is the only reason the Liberals are building it.................I'm just saying!!!
This site is full of bitter, crazy people.
I hope you're old. At least that's sort of an excuse.
Interesting the hi SPeed rail is a union only construction project and I personally believe (although it is arguable) that is the only reason the Liberals are building it.................I'm just saying!!!
December 7, 2013 at 5:42 PM
You could give it to china and have it fall apart like the gay bay bridge. Go global economy and sharing the wealth
Anonymous said...
This site is full of bitter, crazy people.
I hope you're old. At least that's sort of an excuse.
December 8, 2013 at 1:31 AM
The older the wiser my friend. They have been there and done that and can see beyond the tips of their noses.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This site is full of bitter, crazy people.
I hope you're old. At least that's sort of an excuse.
You must be young because you your c#$%k in one hand and your head in your a@#!
I think the idea of the post is
"that you will lose some of your pension if you keep voting Democratic".
I would add that if you keep voting for a Democrat the pain you will receive when the bill comes through, will be deserved.
In other words you are hurting yourself and your family and are clueless (not trying to be mean).
It is worse than the above post.
Voting for your handout from the Dem's is really a (short term) false sense of security and Obama's anti-business, fatherless subconscious is just another nail in the coffin.
Trying to figure out 8:54 AM word, 5 letters starts with c and ends with k, followed by "in one hand.." Is the word "check?" "Cheek?"
He can't spell, and apparently he can't count either.
Well we really do need to cut spending. Getting rid of LLNL would help our economy tremendously.
Well we really do need to cut spending. Getting rid of LLNL would help our economy tremendously.
December 8, 2013 at 5:19 PM
Are you serious? Do the math. It is less than a drop in the bucket. Plus, how does lost jobs in the thousands help the economy (especially in bankrupt California)? Get a clue.
Both parties have sold out the American middle class with decades of lies. It's time for a new revolution to save what we can of the American Dream.
American's saw their lives get better almost every year from about 1820 until 1970. It's been a slow decay of the middle class since that time. Salaries have not kept up with inflation. We have cheap electronic trinkets made in China to keep the natives amused but not much else to show for our so-called capitalist system. Benefits keep getting cut, cut, cut. Greed keeps getting bigger and bigger for the top 1%. Americans now work more hours with receive less benefits than the workers of any other modern developed nation.
Today, it has become almost impossible for most American families to live off the income of a sole bread winner. Something has turned out very wrong with modern America and our kleptocratic political system. Neither party has the answers to fix it.
Does the American voter have the will power to begin voting for real change, not just the empty "Hope & Change" rhetoric of Obama and his Democrats? Not the hokum of "Trickle Down" economics of the Republicans.
We need to see real change -- change that can stop the relentless decline of the middle class. Change that can stop our government from treating citizens like cattle to be spied upon and poke & prodded. Are the public ready for real change? I doubt it. Perhaps things haven't turned bad enough yet for voters to turn away from the familiar. In due time, though, in due time....
here here!!!
from the poster.
Today, it has become almost impossible for most American families to live off the income of a sole bread winner.
December 8, 2013 at 9:43 PM
Our grandparents called it "living within your means," i.e., don't have kids you can't afford, and don't expect to have all the tech goodies you want. It's a lost art in the US.
here here!!!
from the poster.
December 8, 2013 at 9:59 PM
You meant "Hear, hear."
Sorry I don't have a degree....
hear, hear!!!!
the poster
Sorry I don't have a degree....
December 9, 2013 at 6:38 PM
I think I learned that in grammar school, around 6th grade.
You gotta reduce the budget and you gotta start somewhere. Get rid of LLNL. Agreed that it is a drop in the bucket. Because it is a drop in the bucket, there will be less opposition. Then work on larger programs. Death (to the debt) by a thousand cuts (of welfare program recipients like LLNL).
If your a fan of bread lines and the depression then keep right on voting for the GOP with their Tea Party Evangelical Overlords.
The good news is that there will be way way more cheap hookers in the future! At least it's one thing to look forward to.
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