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Thursday, July 23, 2015

More financial waste by Sandia

Here's more financial waste by Sandia, with taxpayers footing the bill (confirmed by DOE):

and here's another from an old post:

From the Sandia article itself:

" Tim Shepodd (8223) liked the moniker and agreed to call it the “chili cookoff.” But there was no chili involved, and the only “cooking” had to do with the kind of chemicals not usually found on Sandia grounds. "


Anonymous said...

Why is it financial waste to evaluate the capabilities of a chemical detection system for a project which was funded by USNORTHCOM?

It would be financial waste if they were funded to do this and then didn't do the test but shot up the meth instead, but this isn't what happened.

You wasted my bandwidth and electrons by posting a broken link to news that doesn't exist or have any relevence other than reminding us of the time that T.S. and your mom had that weekend together.

Anonymous said...

Why is it financial waste to evaluate the capabilities of a chemical detection system for a project which was funded by USNORTHCOM?

Because some is very biter than they got fired from Sandia.

Anonymous said...

The only true threats to a lab's reputation lies in the hands of the lab itself. This "Breaking Bad" project already reeks of government waste to begin with. That's not so bad until banter hits a nerve. Now it looks like Sandia is trying to hide something. If they have nothing to hide then they also have nothing to worry about. But now we have a good enough reason to scrutinize that program further.

Anonymous said...

And your good reason is that you got fired from Sandia?

Because you sure haven't posted a good reason about this USNORTHCOM project on this tabloid to date.

Anonymous said...

The only true threats to a lab's reputation lies in the hands of the lab itself. This "Breaking Bad" project already reeks of government waste to begin with. That's not so bad until banter hits a nerve. Now it looks like Sandia is trying to hide something. If they have nothing to hide then they also have nothing to worry about. But now we have a good enough reason to scrutinize that program further.

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