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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

North Korea nucs

  1. And what would be the proposed plan?

    North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen! (D. Trump)

  2. No "proposed plan" is needed.

    US or Japanese antimissile ships in the area could easily shoot it down, and should. NK's development of ICBMs already violates UN resolutions. Kim badly needs a slap upside the head.

  3. North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen! (D. Trump)

    January 3, 2017 at 4:33 AM

    Trump is still in his personal business mentality. Unfortunately, he thinks Kim Jong-un is his son.

    P.S. What won't happen?

  4. I say launch a preemptive strike against NK. SK electronics sucks anyway and competes unfairly with US business, such as Apple. Let SK get off their lazy butts and do something for once. Nothing like a war to juice funding for the labs.


Anonymous said...

You need to apply pressure to the correct spot.
When Trump becomes president he announces to the public that the North Korea regime is a clear and present danger and that he needs the help of the American public. He tells them to boycott Walmart who in turn cuts orders from China. Having gotten China's attention we then tell them that they need to clean up the mess they created.

Anonymous said...

As if an economy the size of China's is going to be significantly hurt by loss of Walmart orders, and as if Walmart would risk pissing off it's largest supplier. and as if the US public would ever boycott Walmart (have you ever been in one that wasn't crowded with lower-midddle class shoppers?), and as if China cares whether NK goes nuclear. The US needs to get out of the habit of "sending messages" and into the habit of vigorously protecting and defending our interests, militarily if necessary.

Anonymous said...

NK is a thorn in our side that sits very close to China. Any real effort we put to end their program by deep penetrstors or special ops is not possible because it sits in the Chinese border, they get the spillover. Like a major attack on Tijuana. NK is a well protected anatagonist.

Anonymous said...

But China benefits. We are tormented and China gets leverage with us. Big advantage, big distraction, little cost.

Anonymous said...

So learn from Sun Tzu. Use juijitsu. Create an nearly equivalent situation, both unwelcome, urgent and dangerous to China. Nuclear missile armed Taiwan comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

When Kruschev (sp?) wanted US nuclear bombers out of Turkey he put 50 Russian IRBMs on Cuba. After The missile crisis, both counties repatriated their nuclear forces. Balance.

Anonymous said...

Things are different now, so perhaps aiding Taiwan to develop nuclear weapons and missiles exactly apace with NK may not be the first escalation step.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the introduction of a a series of weapons systems escalations in Taiwan, along with some carrots could help China reduce the NK threat to the US.

Anonymous said...

Or IRBM nuclear missiles in Seoul....or Tokyo. ... perhaps indigenously developed under local control...lead by a unstable pest...

We should also, separately, update the US nuclear arsenal. Its time for UG full scale nuclear weapons development and testing again.

Rock Las Vegas, take these equivalency deployment steps and US deployed Chinese spies gambling there will take our concerns more seriously.

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps the introduction of a a series of weapons systems escalations in Taiwan, along with some carrots could help China reduce the NK threat to the US."

"Or IRBM nuclear missiles in Seoul....or Tokyo. ... perhaps indigenously developed under local control...lead by a unstable pest...

We should also, separately, update the US nuclear arsenal. Its time for UG full scale nuclear weapons development and testing again."

...And within 9 posts, we've forgotten decades of fear of nuclear war and undone decades of careful diplomacy.

The readers of this blog should - of ALL people - know better.

Anonymous said...

The readers of this blog should - of ALL people - know better.

The readers know; it is the chicken-hawk writers who don't. It is the same people who believe carpet bombing Syria and Iraq would solve the ISIS problem.

UG tests will not impress NK a bit. We already have the capability to wipe them off the ace of the earth 10 times over; the question is what would happen to us? Nuclear weapons are crude devices, and updating them is only putting lipstick on a pig.

Anonymous said...

CHicken hawk is an interesting term. It is the derogatory that comfotable Berkeley faggots used to use to try to insult US servicemen returning from Viet Nam service.

Lipstick is not needed on this pig. That's the Clinton, Bush, Obama ineffectiveness that put ICBMs realistically on the horizon of the insane asylum.

Instead of impotence, unrelenting determination preventing that particular bat shit crazy extortionist misanthropic state just across the Yalu from China from possessing and using the ability to kill me in 15 minutes is a worthwhile undertaking.

You can snowflake your life hiding in whatever Chinese consulate intelligence finishing school you are texting from, but the need for America to take strong measures including pressure on China in the form of unmatchable tecnical advancement, regional stratgic nuclear presence, whatever limited ABM presence is possible and diplomatic ju jitsu to align interests is worthwhile.

So is a complimentary stategy of controlling carrots that appeal to Chinese leaders self intrest and greed. Emigration of certain families, access to western education, property ownership. Access to markets.

The nuclear arming of Taiwan, or to a lesser degree Japan and/or South Korea creates a equivalency with Beijing that with the other measures may bring about the necessary pest control measures to disarm the madmen of Pyong Yong.

Better that than smoking holes in Seattle, on the Yalu and in South Korea.

If it does pique the China lobby in this thread, it has chi.

Anonymous said...

Determined often violent pressure often works. It removed Soviet and European client state communists from nuclear power. It stopped Hitler and Hirohito dead. It removed active IRBMS from Cuba. And arguably, IRBMs from Turkey. It prevented intoduction into Nicaragua. A large number of former Soviet states stood down their own nuclear arsenals. South Africa, Argentina, Libya, Switzerland, and Iraq stopped development programs under pressure.

Strong pressure did not deter India or Israel. France, Pakistan and China did not recieve pressure, they were protected clients during the cold war.

It remains whether either Iran or NK can be deterred with sufficient determined pressure or strangled by containment.

Anonymous said...

January 5, 2017 at 6:55 AM
January 5, 2017 at 6:55 AM

Good morning Dr. Strangelove.

Anonymous said...

Or General Mattis

Anonymous said...

Under Soviet pressure the EU disallowed US IRBMs and removed missiles from Turkey as the unacknowledged Kennedy cocession to Kruschev to end the October crisis. Only a token political concession of a few B61s remain there.

Peaceful determination works, but only if the people have determination. Weak folks leave the trenches for the chow line.

Anonymous said...

Or General Mattis

January 12, 2017 at 10:22 AM

What horror! A warrior to lead the military! GASP!

Anonymous said...

Could be McClellan, could be Marshall. More likely will be like Joe Stillwell. Immensely competent man unable to significantly change the political environment he operates in.

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