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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Accident at Livermore Lab

 Contained Firing Facility Accident at Livermore Lab

(Event date: June 10, 2021)

Investigation Link:

“Incident Analysis (IA)/Root Cause Analysis
Release of Combustion (and
Contamination) Products
after an Experiment at the Contained
Firing Facility (CFF)”

Is at the bottom of the first link


Anonymous said...

LLNS FY2021 Performance Evaluation Summary

“Goal 1”/ “Issues”

“Contained Firing Facility (CFF) has been down since June 2021”

Anonymous said...

As an unimportant expendable hourly worker involved in this line of work in 2021 all I can say is the sad part is WCI now SD actually essentially promoted and fostered this type of incompetence. There is no stop work when you treat your people literally in the line of fire this way.

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