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Saturday, October 12, 2024

2024 Nobel Peace Price

 The Nobel Peace Prize this year went to a group of atom bomb survivors in Japan who have advocated for bombs not to be used, on account of the suffering it might well cause:


Anonymous said...

There was a TV show in the 1950's dramatizing the story of a survivor:

Anonymous said...

I think we should stop killing puppies too. There are thousands more like me. Should we get a prize?

Anonymous said...

Plans to use chemical weapons against Japan were later declassified, although it is not clear to what extent this would have happened:

Anonymous said...

The Japanese committed a lot of war crimes, including the use of chemical and biological weapons which may have killed more people than the nuclear bombings:

Anonymous said...

This is also some interesting history, the United States came up with a novel plan to weaponize bats for use against Japan:

Anonymous said...

The special torpedoes needed for the shallow depths at Pearl Harbor were designed and built at Nagasaki.

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