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Saturday, February 4, 2012


Anonymously contributed:


Anonymous said...

Victims, victims, victims.

Make the effort to work through your obstacle. You will be proud of the result.

Victimization is the refuge for the weak. It is but another excuse for the lazy or disheartened.

Get a good nights rest. Get up early. Have a good breakfast with a warm cup of coffee and get out there and conquer your will learn more from your failures than your successes, but you will feel better., whether it is a weight problem or a workplace bully.

Anonymous said...

"Does this decribe the cultureat LLNL?"

or this blog? The very first comment (February 4, 2012 10:16 AM) is a case in point!

Anonymous said...

......and get out there and conquer your demons...

February 4, 2012 10:16 AM

Demons at LLNS/LANS? You got that right!

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the first point.
I think the person did not read the story. It is how to create and encourage good behavior. A victim sits in the corner and cries and keeps his or her mouth shut when there are wrongs.
A hero encourages people to act appropriately and work towards a common goal.
I see no victims here.
There is health and constructive ways of getting you point across.
This is trying to encourage LLNL to create a more encouraging culture. That is all.
How is that a victim ? I think that is the opposite of a victim. That is someone conquering their demons.

Anonymous said...

Also giving LLNL some ideas on how to do this constructively. I believe they have the ability to do this. It would increase moral and create more positive energy. How can that not be good?

Anonymous said...

Something negative is there on those eastern livermore grounds. Whether it be demons, energy left from the protesters, or perhaps even the dead taking revenge from the bombs dropped many years ago, something is there. Whatever it is, it guides people to do things to each other that are well beyond normal civil human behavior.
The sarcasm, putdowns, and contempt seen on this blog are only the residual traces of the evil that rests within the barbed wire fencing of the lab.

Anonymous said...

The sarcasm, putdowns, and contempt seen on this blog are only the residual traces of the evil that rests within the barbed wire fencing of the lab.

February 4, 2012 8:50 PM

ooooh - EVIL !!! Get a grip. If evil "rests" why fear it? There is no evil, just garden-variety greed and ambition, unfettered by any sense of honor or ethics. Ethics are not within the teachings received by children born after 1970. Neither by parents nor by schools. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

Whether you like it or not, this does indeed describe the culture at both LANS/LLNS. I've been at LANS for 30-years. In the early days you could speak openly and have an open discussion management without fear of reprisal. These new Managers from Bechtel don't make any effort to know or understand their people. They consider us "workers" not "people", with a highly directive and intimidating style. If your considering working at LANS/LLNS as a post-doc or summer student, I would highly discourage it. Take your skills and knowledge where it will be appreciated and valued.

Anonymous said...

Does this describe the culture? I would not say so to any extent greater than America writ large. Are there instances of such personalities and behaviors? I'm sure there are. Can't say they are on display in my immediate organization.

Anonymous said...

The culture of workplace bullying is pretty well established at Livermore-NM and is far from a recent development. Newcomers to LASL heard a lot to their face about ‘that’s not the way it’s done here’. Perhaps some of these admonitions may have been offered in a mentoring manner, but most were just plain mean spirited and intended to keep others down while building up the existing cadre of bullies. Behind their back, a robust campaign was being waged that looked a lot like the script posted in this thread. Over the past decade, it has been taken to a new level by talented leaders such as Wallace and his myrmidons. The Lab still is a ‘Sleeping Giant’, but the true talent of the workforce has been diverted to less productive endeavors, a path that was already being walked before the LLC contract came into play. Meyer may have been forced out for a tactical decision, but the strategic outcome was that Wallace could advance. The same strategy is still in play and some of the biggest bullies are still advancing.

Anonymous said...

The same strategy is still in play and some of the biggest bullies are still advancing.

February 6, 2012 8:21 AM

The worst bully on campus is Bret Knapp and the Institution is rewarding (promotions, salary, bonuses) his behavior. When I made Anastasio aware of his behavior, it was very clear he condoned it. Since then, Knapp has been retaliating against me by transferring out of his Directorate and slandering my name and reputation to former and current colleagues and customers. Knapp is a bully in every sense of the word. To think how close he is to becoming our next Director is in one word "frightening".

Anonymous said...

In the old days at LLNL and LANL, it was mostly scientific bullying by the "best and the brightest" who frequently had problems controlling the arrogance that was bred from their high intelligence.

Today, it's not the scientific bullies. They've all left for better enviroments. It's the C-average, Dilbert type management bullies who do most of the butt-kicking. They're allowed free reign at the labs.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting how fewer and fewer people are coming around to defend Knapp. It's clear Knapp's reputation and pattern of "striking" children on the LANS playground is becoming more visible. Ironical how folks protected Nanos for a long time until everyone became one of his targets. Did Knapp also place a photograph of himself at DAHRT yet?

Anonymous said...

Knapp is the single worst manager I've seen at either Lab in over 25 years. His actions, style, and unethical behavior are indefensible. My only gripe with McMillan and Anastasio is their blind support for this monster. Shame on both of them for turning a blind eye.

Anonymous said...

"My only gripe with McMillan and Anastasio is their blind support for this monster. Shame on both of them for turning a blind eye."

February 10, 2012 1:48 PM

C'mon, don't be so naive! Mikey and Charlie both needed Knapp as their "junkyard dog" to take the heat off of them for their unpopular decisions. You surely don't think Brett thinks this stuff up by himself, do you?

Anonymous said...

C'mon, don't be so naive! Mikey and Charlie both needed Knapp as their "junkyard dog" to take the heat off of them for their unpopular decisions. You surely don't think Brett thinks this stuff up by himself, do you?

February 10, 2012 7:37 PM

They (Anastasio, McMillan) convinced Knapp that he's a Premier Manager, where in reality they are just using him, just like the rest of us. To think just how recently Knapp was "wet behind the ears" and now the Principal Director of Nuclear Weapons is hard to imagine. I find it hard to believe how all the folks that work for this joker can stomach him. Personally, I moved on when massive blob moved in.

Anonymous said...

It is the same at LLNL. And this is who is in charge of our weapons.

Anonymous said...

Unlike some of his fellow PADs, Knapp is reliable in his words and actions. You may not agree with him, but he is transparent about his views. What's not to like about him when he's compared to Wallace?

Anonymous said...

Wallace is a fool. Knapp is evil, so it doesn't matter whether he's also a fool.

Anonymous said...

Unlike some of his fellow PADs, Knapp is reliable in his words and actions. You may not agree with him, but he is transparent about his views. What's not to like about him when he's compared to Wallace?

February 11, 2012 12:08 PM

Knapp is transparent and reliable alright. You can rely on him to stab or screw you from behind without seeing him.

Anonymous said...

Just because Knapp "reliably" screws his subordinates, and "consistently" sells out Los Alamos, hardly makes him a paradigm of those virtues. He is a jackass plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

You people shouldn't be talking about our future LANL Director that way. In just a few more years you'll have to address the man as "Director Knapp".

Anonymous said...

You people shouldn't be talking about our future LANL Director that way. In just a few more years you'll have to address the man as "Director Knapp".

February 16, 2012 12:22 AM

If this goes down, Knapp will be remembered as the least educated, most arrogant, most self-centered, most hated, most Southwest Airline miles back and forth to Livermore, fastest Porsche, and best looking Director in the history of Los Alamos National Laboratory. Is he handsome or what?

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