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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cavuto on the president


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Cavuto is entitled to his own opinion.
The Universal healthcare law is the law of the land. Passed by congress. Challenged and upheld by the Supreme Court!
The president ran on, among other things, the universal healthcare issue and won by 5 Million popular votes.
If some unhappy people start to repeal or de-fund a bill because they don't like it, that will be the end of democracy won't it?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what this has to do with "LLNL - The True Story." However, if people unhappy with the law go through legal means to repeal and/or de-fund the law, that will be the very essence of democracy (or at least of a constitutional republic).

Anonymous said...

October 8, 2013 at 5:42 PM

Obama and his socialist cartel and all his followers need to be put out to pasture once and forever. You can thank those 5M + parasitic cartel members for the current socialist regime and the destruction of America. I hope the politically correct people of this nation take them all down big time by any means they deem necessary.

Anonymous said...

"Cavuto is right on the money. The skunk smell is Obama and everyone who supported or supports this bozo. Time to fumigate DC and abolish the left wing socialist democratic party.

October 8, 2013 at 6:28 PM"

You lost, it is over for you. You do not understand what socialism is anyway so why do you care? Maybe in the end we will wind up like some European hell hole such, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland or Germany. Oh ya you have never been to those places.

Look I adhere to conservative values personally but I have to say I am very embarrassed by the average Republican I run into nowadays. I know it sounds mean but could we just be rid of the Southern states, I mean seriously just let then be their own county.
You take the New England states, wealthy, educated and democratic and compare them to the dixieland states, poor, uneducated and republican, it kind of says all you need to know. The republicans or at least a certain branch of them are indeed holding the nation hostage so let them have there own country.

Anonymous said...

October 8, 2013 at 7:32 PM:

Your rants are becoming ever more incoherent. Perhaps if you could spell, or use proper grammar, or maybe stop saying "ya", you might be taken more seriously. As it stands, you sound just like the uneducated Southern Republicans you claim to decry. Plus, if you are such an expert on socialism, then try to explain why someone who appears to agree with your outlook is wrong and deserving of ridicule by you. Just because someone mentions "socialism" they have to be wrong because you are the expert and no one knows more than you? State your credentials.

Anonymous said...

This is almost as good as Cavuto's fervent stand in 2007. He recognized then that to hold back the hordes of socialist brokers and investment bankers, there should be no bailout of Wall Street.

Anonymous said...

October 8, 2013 at 9:44 PM

I agree. There never should have been a bailout for anyone. They should have left the cards fall where they may in 2006 when all this went to hell. Why prolong the inevitable. As far as Obama’s ideology of stealing from the rich to give to the poor is concerned I do not agree with that neither. What Obamanites want is a society of parasites on the backs of the working class and that doesn’t mean on the backs of the 1%. It’s on the backs of the average Joe blow who barley makes it from pay day to pay day due to the cost of living and over taxation. Anyone who is for this type of government is for socialism and I for one am not. As far as overseas welfare countries sited above is concerned, been there, saw that many times and I didn’t find a damn place overseas I ever wanted to have anything to do with. I have no desire to be like Europe , Asia, Africa and I sure as hell don’t agree with taxing the rich to see the low life’s are taken care of. I say anyone who want to leave this country should be given a one way free ticket with a guarantee of no return by midnight tonight. Go, get out and don’t come back, please.

Anonymous said...

Just because someone mentions "socialism" they have to be wrong because you are the expert and no one knows more than you? State your credentials.

October 8, 2013 at 8:57 PM

Socialism is what Obama is trying to do. It is the government running everything, no private, property, no guns, a state religion, complete control, drones, no constitution, big taxes, free abortions whenever and everybody can do whatever they want. My credentials are that I can think.

Anonymous said...

In my best civil tone I have seen one side go around or against laws voted in all the time, ie...Prop 8 is an example of that where a majority of voters did that and now we have the opposite.
Why cannot conservatives fight Obamacare?

Anonymous said...

Lamenting big, socialist government on a blog focussed on a Government owned facility (National Lab) is hysterical! I hate other societal leaches, because they diminish my "important" handout. I work for my handout while they just take or have useless red-tape, non-essential jobs....Just pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Double-bubba (October 9, 2013 at 8:15 AM and October 9, 2013 at 8:15 AM)is calling others fools.


Whatever their position, they have figured out how to post only once per try.

Anonymous said...

My credentials are that I can think.

October 9, 2013 at 5:42 AM

Anyone can think. It's the quality of the thought that counts.

Anonymous said...

October 9, 2013 at 2:28 PM


Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Double-bubba (October 9, 2013 at 8:15 AM and October 9, 2013 at 8:15 AM)is calling others fools.


Whatever their position, they have figured out how to post only once per try.

October 9, 2013 at 2:28 PM

Write something smart and maybe someone will give you credit. You must be the one my dad always talked about when he said. "it is better to the thought a fool then open mouth and remove all doubt"

You proved him correct once again pinhead.

Anonymous said...

What ever gave you the impression that anybody would want "credit" from you or any other member of this pathetic gang of losers?

Anonymous said...

You lost, it is over for you. You do not understand what socialism is anyway so why do you care? Maybe in the end we will wind up like some European hell hole such, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland or Germany. Oh ya you have never been to those places.

Interestingly enough, the average standard of living (per capita income) in the poorest US state (Mississippi) is higher than in a "socialist utopia" like Sweden (granted, income disparity is higher in Mississippi than in Sweden). So no, just like I do not want to live in Mississippi, I do not want to live in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

Ditto, I do not want anything to do with hell holes like European Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland or Germany or any other country who tax the workers and rich to assure their dope smoking worthless asses are taken care of. No now, not ever. people who want someone to take care of them need to pack up and go to what they love. Move, move and move now.

Anonymous said...

The republicans or at least a certain branch of them are indeed holding the nation hostage so let them have there own country.

I am not sure which republicans these would be. It is clear that the democratic senate and the administration are the problem. Their "my way or the highway" attitude and their refusal to negotiate or even speak with republicans are not consistent with the compromises needed in a diverse society. These people act like bullies who need to rely on sophomoric rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

FYI, the "Mississippi is richer than Sweden" thing is way out of date. Sweden (and the rest of Scandinavia) is doing better than every state but Connecticut and Delaware:

Anonymous said...

Obama's latest poll numbers.... only 37% support left and dropping fast.

Watch out below!

Anonymous said...

Re: Mississippi and Sweden.

The most current data is here: and

But, it appears the CIA uses current dollars and the UNM study uses 2005 dollars, so it's not 1:1 comparison.

Still, though, Mississippi comes out middle of the range for the EU, more or less.

Anonymous said...

October 9, 2013 at 10:30 PM

To late. The POS BHO and his socialist cartel followers have already done extensive damage to America of which we may never recover from. The only course of action left for America is the complete abolishment of the socialist democatic party and all it followers world wide.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:16
Do you realize that the Senate passed the House budget for CR? That is a HUGE compromise! It has left Grover Norquist speechless and scratching his noggin about why the House isn't ecstatic with this harsh new budget. Are you willfully ignorant or just plain uninformed?

Anonymous said...

October 9, 2013 at 10:30 PM

Spoken like a true fascist...thank you

Anonymous said...

You guys got a little stupid and got your wings clipped. Thanks, Scooby.

Anonymous said...

October 10, 2013 at 8:14 AM

You'd be really surprised to now how many people feel the same way and if the shooting starts that exactly what will happen.

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