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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Weapons in he wrong hands

Anonymous said:

In light of recent events in Dayton and El Paso it is our moral duty to reexamine our stance on nuclear weapons especially in light of the date. Nuclear weapons have and will disproportionally effect people of color a fact that has not been considered before. In this light NW are not simply weapons of indiscrimante mass destruction but actually weapons of white supremacy and maybe the ultimate weapons of white nationalism. In light of this California should reconsider having LLNL on its land and the many non-Trump supporters in the lab should consider if they want to be part of the resistance and ask why they are still working at this place. Do you really want to an enabler of white supremacy by working at the NNSA labs?


Anonymous said...

Scooby - do you really want to tolerate this troll?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely correct, and you should immediately remove yourself from the situation if you are so employed so that the stockpile may be safe from you. In any case, you may consider one of many anxiety reducing meditation practices to avoid getting worked up into a fear frenzy caused by a perception of being surrounded by racists and white nationalists. Getting help early is the key.

scooby said...

8/8 5:17PM: He has the right to express him/herself even if it is unusual. If I start being selective, I can't remain impartial.

Anonymous said...

Were you ever impartial by anyone’s standards other than your own?

Anonymous said...

This could be a troll post but I would not be surprised if something like this argument will be used at some point.

Anonymous said...

Do you really want to an enabler of white supremacy by working at the NNSA labs?


Anonymous said...

I am a Trump supporter so I guess I can stay.
I am guessing the poster sees racism in their breakfast cereal.

Anonymous said...

Do you really want to an enabler of white supremacy by working at the NNSA labs?


8/09/2019 5:22 AM

Wow, I hope you are kidding. This blog is starting to look like 8Chan.

Anonymous said...

Any sufficiently advanced parody is indistinguishable from genuine pretension.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Any sufficiently advanced parody is indistinguishable from genuine pretension.

8/09/2019 6:01 PM

... and LLNL fits that description admirably.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I hope you are kidding. This blog is starting to look like 8Chan.

8/09/2019 7:26 AM

No, you are just now discovering there are conservatives here who don't appreciate liberal/progressive name calling as a substitute for rational discussion. Rein it in, or go back to your WaPo boards.

Anonymous said...

"No, you are just now discovering there are conservatives here who don't appreciate liberal/progressive name calling as a substitute for rational discussion. Rein it in, or go back to your WaPo boards.

8/10/2019 5:54 PM"

Excuse but last time I checked it was the centrist and the left that are on the side of rational discussion. How many people with PhD's are on the right? 10% at most. How many professors are on the right, 5% at most, how many people with an IQ over 110 are on the right, 10% at most. How many great ideas did the right ever come up with? 0% at most.
Conservatives have been on the wrong side of everything, Vietnam, civil rights, women rights, gay rights, trans rights, immigrants, religious freedom, fight against slavery, workers rights, food safety, eduction, human rights, children rights, disabilities, animal rights, climate change, environment, globalism, dignity, compassion, and good versus evil.

Huffington post recently had an article on cutting of family members that support conservatives and Trump. I strongly encourage everyone to do this, also don't watch Fox news, don't look at random things and the internet and make sure you get the proper non-fake news sources. Don't engage with these people on the internet, home or work, avoid suppressive people. You need a disconnection from these people and institutions that create harm.

Anonymous said...

If you read Huff Post, I seriously doubt you are a scientist and if you are, your faculties of education are no longer worth mentioning. Furthermore, it is well documented that many true physical and theoretical scientists with significant findings were religious men and women with strict moral codes. Most would not stray into a political argument because again, who with a true scientific intellect would read Huff Post or make such a broad generalization based on a “study” from a clearly biased source. You can take your political science degree somewhere else. I think you found the wrong blog.

Anonymous said...

8/11/2019 4:24 AM

I wish you where correct however I think your experience with scientists is restricted to LLNL, Sandia or LANL people where you can find a variety of opinions including many such as you describe. At universities it is very different I know professors of physical science who say the ONLY news sources they read or trust are Huffing post and NPR. When asked if they ever read Fox or the WSJ they will say under no circumstances would they ever do that. I try to read a variety of different sources and it is stunning how different the various news media will spin things. Many of these news sources do cite "studies", but if you ever go these studies they are often not even studies that are peer reviewed but some random data where the person draws a bizarre conclusion from the data or the data itself is meaningless. The media will often just misquote what the person said, not mention all the caveats the person said, or cheery pick the study. This happens time and time again. At many universities you have to be very careful what you say or what you do not say. If you try to defend the the wrong idea there can be severe consequences so you better have the right opinions and read the proper news sources Huff Post being one of them.

Anonymous said...

“Excuse but last time I checked…”

@8/10/2019 7:03 PM

Hmm. Here is a raft of assertions that don’t even rise to the level of notions, buttressed with a backbone of the “credential fallacy” for good measure, or bad. Perhaps you should check again.

Anonymous said...

Emergence of mankind from hunkering in the depths of caves was made possible through increasingly sophisticated communication skills: first grunts and gestures, then language, mathematics, writing, the printing press, and finally the internet. Oh, wait, ...

Anonymous said...

"Hmm. Here is a raft of assertions that don’t even rise to the level of notions, buttressed with a backbone of the “credential fallacy” for good measure, or bad. Perhaps you should check again.

8/11/2019 9:00 AM"

Privilege is being able to insult people by claiming that their arguments do not rise to your personal standard. The only thing you need to do is check you privilege before you simply dismiss a post.

Anonymous said...

@ 8/11/2019 10:06 PM

The post was not simply dismissed; it was dismissed with the great prejudice one reserves for that which is hideously obvious to those who actually have standards. There are ideas that are actually better than others, which is a form of inequality. See? I just provided you with another grievance! No need to thank me all at once.

Anonymous said...

10:06, This may be hard for you to accept, but logical fallacies have that moniker for a reason - they falsely advance a logical conclusion. The ability to recognize logical fallacies isn’t a consequence of “privilege”, but of superior education.

Anonymous said...

8/11/2019 10:06 PM

Why bother? He isn't worth trying to rehabilitate from leftie craziness.

Anonymous said...

8/12/2019 3:32 PM

I try not to take pleasure in the suffering of others but in this case it is a good cause. The reasons you are so angry is that your unearned privilege will soon be going away and you and many others in American are going nuts right now. Your time is up, as in the next 10 years. America is changing and changing for the better to fair and equal place. For some equality is freedom, for others who have never had to compete on a level playing field equality is going to feel like oppression, welcome to who 70% of America has had to face from the last 200 years. You can insult me and feel smug about junk like "logical fallacies" but make no mistake you will no longer be able feel superior to others just because you feel it is your right.

3.32pm you own your self so hard, as yes some ideas are much better than others ideas like equality, dignity, fairness, justice and restitution. These are the ideas that are winning, you are on your last gasp with the current administration, you guys are dinosaurs and will be gone soon enough.

Anonymous said...

@8/12/2019 7:13 PM

I am relieved to hear that you do have an outlet for the feelings of oppression and insecurity you have. Schadenfreude, while shallow, is better than nothing. Honest introspection about why you feel so aggrieved would be more constructive, but as they say, any landing is a good landing.

I sincerely appreciate the heads up on the “time left on the clock.” There are so many soothsayers, ball-gazers and other charlatan prognosticators who would cloud the field, thus making it difficult to choose. But there is one in the house offering up services! Please accept my thanks to you in doing your part to reduce uncertainty with your not inconsiderable service.

There are indeed good ideas, and I am in no small way relieved that you acknowledge this. The ones you mention are indeed good, and if applied with honesty and integrity they will serve you well. See my first paragraph above for clarification, if you are in any way confused.

The United States of America has indeed been changing for the last 240 some odd years. I can truly say that I feel, um, “privileged” to be a part of this great enterprise and concern. It has offered opportunity to both the downtrodden and well to do, made great scientific advances possible, and brought hope and happiness to millions. A ”winning” combination, you might say.

Anonymous said...

"I try not to take pleasure in the suffering of others but in this case it is a good cause. The reasons you are so angry is that your unearned privilege will soon be going away and you and many others in American are going nuts right now. Your time is up, as in the next 10 years. America is changing and changing for the better to fair and equal place. For some equality is freedom, for others who have never had to compete on a level playing field equality is going to feel like oppression, welcome to who 70% of America has had to face from the last 200 years. You can insult me and feel smug about junk like "logical fallacies" but make no mistake you will no longer be able feel superior to others just because you feel it is your right."

Good to see the summer students weighing in……and who knew they were paying attention during orientation!

Anonymous said...

I worked at LLNL while Carter and Obama were in the white house and did not feel that I was an enabler of bumbling idiots. As to nuclear weapons being controlled / used by "white nationalists" consider that India and China's population of "non whites" far exceeds the white populations of the US, Britain, France and Russia combined. The one thing that the original post demonstrates is that critical thinking is no longer being taught in the education system of this country.

Anonymous said...

"is that critical thinking is no longer being taught in the education system of this country."

Critical thinking is a dog whistle for white nationalists as it implies only certain groups can "think" critically. I am sorry that our schools are no longer enforcing white male supremacy but the nation is slowly advancing. I would argue that our schools are now in fact teaching actual critical thinking and that is why things are changing. Europe is light years ahead of us but we now starting to make some progress.

China and India only developed weapons of mass destruction in response to west and let us be honest the US is the only nation that would ever use them in a first strike. That says a lot about us.

Anonymous said...

This guy must be trolling. Nobody can be this ridiculous. He must be practicing for a presidential run.

Anonymous said...

@8/14/2019 12:55 PM

I am gratified to see that you have not abandoned the discourse! And you continue, in your own way to add to the larger conversation with no less than a geopolitical tour de force. No doubt you will allow some of us to catch our breath and grasp what firm edifices available to fully digest that which you have revealed to us.

The cunning way in which you combined the geopolitical with rational thought, race, and the patriarchy will no doubt go down in history as “The Exact Moment They Came to Their Senses.” You can’t get this anywhere, mind you, except in certain august institutions whose conservatorship continues to serve the community at large.

I can’t wait for your next intellectual gem to be cast out before us commoners to marvel at. Find the time to break out of your daily confines and stun us with even greater truths!

Anonymous said...

8/14/2019 12:55 PM

Wow. You are so nuts. Scooby, I'll understand if you delete this, but the guy really needs help.

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