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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Los Alamos employees punished

It was just a matter of time ...

Los Alamos employees who have charged the COVID leave code are now getting punished.


Anonymous said...

Because there are what, 6 cases in LA county?

Anonymous said...

Any details or just rumor?

Anonymous said...

Classic. Show me the customer who wants LANL employees to work from home, and we’ll charge them. Two months ago TRIAD management openly opposed work from home. I hope they lose their ass on the lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

"I hope they lose their ass on the lawsuits."

I really doubt that.

Anonymous said...

I declined a job at LA a year or two ago because of the no work from home Policy as LLNL is better in that area.

Anonymous said...

When all of this started to hit the Lab and before official travel was paused, several of my colleagues had to quaranteen themselves after returning from a waste management conference. As of last week, Occ Med has refused to approve of the use of COVID codes since the people went to an external doctor and not Occ Med. WTF?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:51 AM.

Nothing will happen to NNSA or TRIAD...

Two months ago, Gordon-Haggerty was writing memos to Mason ordering him to NOT close down the Lab, damn the work force, and that he needs to listen to her and not Grisham. This week little Miss two-faced sends out a group-hug message to all the workers. She cares about everyone's safety ...

Anonymous said...

Given that there are over 10000 employees at LANL, many working in areas that requires special equipment, special nuclear materials and classified computers, how can they honestly be working from home? Who is building pits? Who is performing pit surveillance? Who is making detonators? Hydrodynamics testing being performed in garages? Much of this work is performed by trained technicians who can only do so much training (reading) from home. NNSA doesn’t care about the people

Anonymous said...

4/24/2020 3:20 PM

So it completely escapes you that in two months, the entire world changed, but Gordon-Haggerty can't reverse an earlier decision? When the facts change I change my mind. What do you do?

Anonymous said...

It would be helpful if the original poster had given some details on what “punishment” was occurring.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 2 months ago, TRIAD openly opposed working from home. Covid came along, Mason received the memo from NNSA, you will not close. We have high priority national defense work to accomplish. You report to NNSA, not the state. Not allowed to use report pay, so what are the options? Send 90% of workforce home.

Regarding 5:29 a.m. above, priority was provided by NA-1. Only one DP program remained operational at TA-55 and it wasn't even pit manufacturing. Detonators were also allowed to work. The rest of the programs have been provided information on how they will phase back in. I believe pit man phased in last week. Others will be trickling in until end of May.

Still not business as usual. The lab is still adhering to recommended CDC restrictions all the while attempting to unpause operations.

Anonymous said...

4/27/2020 1:03 PM

I wonder what China thinks of all this? I bet they kept the people at their labs working.

Anonymous said...

Mason held a skip-level manager meeting this week. It was announced that moving forward, if an employee needs to self-isolate, then they are to report it to OM, and will only be allowed to charge LWOP or vacation, and not COVID-sick or sick leave.

Does anyone have any insight as to why this would be the case? What is driving this new charging protocol? Why won't people be allowed to charge sick or COVID-sick while self-isolating?

Anonymous said...

I think there is a lot of confusion about terminology. Someone can choose to "self-isolate" just out of fear of the disease without any causative factors, such as documented contact with a person testing positive, which would, or should, trigger "self-quarantine" for 14 days, which should qualify for sick leave. Unwarranted "self-isolation as defined above is a personal choice and medical leave should not apply.

Anonymous said...

4/30/2020 10:44 AM If you report it to OccMed and they concur you need to isolate, you will be instructed to charge fitness for duty (you can only charge Fitness for Duty with OccMed concurrence). If OM determines you don't need to isolate, and you choose to do it anyway and not work, you charge vacation or LWOP. You don't charge sick because you aren't sick. If you are able to work while you are home, you charge your normal charge code.

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