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Wednesday, December 15, 2021



Do the labs go in lockdown again. The story at LANL is we go back full time in Jan, just when OMICRON! gets going. OMICRON! 

By the way Colorado said Covid done so do as you please, maybe the labs should do the same thing. Fire anyone is not boosted, fire anyone who gets Covid and we are good to go.


Anonymous said...

NYC is now hitting a record number of cases. Another rumor is that boosters will be mandatory at the labs.

Anonymous said...

It feels like 2020 again with a huge spike in cases. Only this time it is driven by the unvaxed which is like 95% right wing, this is crazy. Get vaxed, get boosted, wear a mask, and social distance, what is so hard to understand about this. This is the epidemic of the unvaxed. I say they need to be held accountable, maybe we should have a max class action against the unvaxed pay for all the damage they have done. Every unvaxed person should pat extra 70k to fix the damage. The only exceptions will be certain minority groups who have reason to be afraid of government. I am really getting sick of these idiots who have ruined the world, if everyone got vaxed for masked before none of this would have ever happened.

After Jan 6 and the ongoing pandemic I think the US has learned that 280 million rational produced Americans are being held hostage by 79 million nuts. This cannot go on. The Founders never thought that people could be this dumb.

Anonymous said...

"The Founders never thought that people could be this dumb."

Yes, in fact, they KNEW people could be dumb and irrational.

They formed a government comprised of 3 legs to server as a check against each other.

They made an Electoral College to hopefully prevent mob rule, a hallmark of a REPUBLIC (not just a mob rule Democracy).

And they were imperfect but allowed the means to alleviate their mistakes. Treating blacks as property and not giving women the vote are two glaring examples.

We have been to vaccine up to protect others. It doesn't, it protects the person getting the shot from serious symptoms, it does not prevent the transmission. And as noted by the third and fourth jabs, it doesn't protect long term. I don't recall multiple vaccinations for polio etc. A booster required within a year - pretty poor stuff, they can and should do better.

Wear a mask - great, how many? What quality? Do you have a beard, not going to work well. Go talk to a health/safety tech about protective masking. We have them at the labs.

Minority groups afraid of the government - well maybe they were ahead of the curve.

As to Jan 6. How many AR-15 and AK-47's were taken away from the protestors. For a group of people who were on the verge of taking down a government, they seem to have been able to do a lot without much fire power.

Anonymous said...

"As to Jan 6. How many AR-15 and AK-47's were taken away from the protestors. For a group of people who were on the verge of taking down a government, they seem to have been able to do a lot without much fire power."

I hope you do not work at the lab, you post is downright scary. At this point we know that the Jan was coup attempt that could have led thousands of congress men being being killed. They planned this out with the help of Republicans, these are FACTS. Every single person at the coup should get life in prison. The US looks more and more like a third world country. This is getting serious a group of Generals just wrote a washington post column talking about Civil war.

Three retired U.S. generals warned in a chilling column Friday that another coup attempt in America in 2024 could divide the military and plunge an unprepared nation into civil war.
“With the country still as divided as ever, we must take steps to prepare for the worst,” wrote former Army Major Gen. Paul Eaton, former Brigadier Gen. Steven Anderson and former Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba.

Anonymous said...

"Thousands of congress men being killed"

OK, let's do a civics lesson. There are 435 members in the house. There are 100 Senators.

Now a math lesson: 435 + 100 = 535. That is not 1000's.

Can you tell me that every house member and every senator was present at the Capital building at the time of the riot? I would hazard a guess and say it was less that 535. AOC said she was afraid of being assaulted yet she was in the building next to the capital.

They planned it with the help of the Republicans? Well surely they would not have been present in the Capital building lest they be destroyed, again taking away from that "THOUSANDS" number you publish.

And to be correct, it shouldn't be congress men, it should be congress persons.

And if the US is looking more like a third world county, have you considered moving to Canada, it's quite balmy this time of year.

Anonymous said...

12/19/2021 6:57 AM

The WashPost story is warning for what could be coming. The labs could be part of the solution where should start to look at domestic terror.

Anonymous said...

12/19/2021 6:57 AM

Your "FACTS" are no such thing. Try to learn what an actual fact is. Hint: It isn't necessarily what you currently believe.

Anonymous said...

"And to be correct, it shouldn't be congress men, it should be congress persons."

I am indeed sorry for that and you are correct.

To clarify I did not mean thousands of actual members of congress but their staff, police, civilians, and so on. The building is big and I am sure it must hold 10000 or more . The coup could have easily killed 2000 people. Yes Trump and many republicans planned it, it is all in the news right now. Trump, Bannon, Stone and the crazy senator from Ohio, Tucker Carlson many others are being exposed at this very moment with the Jan 6th congressional investigation. Stop watching Fox News and read real news sources.

I am not moving to Canada, 280 million Americans are keeping their country from the 80 millions fascists who do not believe in democracy. My grandfather fought to save American from Fascists in WW2 fighting in the Philippines, we defeated you once before we shall do it again. Your coup attempt failed to kill 2000 people working in the congress building but they did kill 10 wound 130 people and was planned in connection with republicans in the congress and the Trump White House. FACT

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Any member of Congress who helped plot a terrorist attack on our nation’s capitol must be expelled.

This was a terror attack. 138 injured, almost 10 dead. Those responsible remain a danger to our democracy, our country, and human life in the vicinity of our Capitol and beyond.

EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of Congress and White House Staff

Anonymous said...

30% of lANL is teleworking. What will exactly change in January when the lab comes out with an official Remote Working Policy?

Anonymous said...

"My Coup?" - a bit presumptive on your part. Do you have documentation and proof of my hand in this coup?

Your Grandfather was in WW2 in the Philippines - For me it was my Father, 4 years from Hawaii to Tinian. If they were alive they could swap stories. It would be interesting to ask each of them to look at you and me and say which mindset they fought for.

As for quoting rollingstone as a credible source, I stopped looking at it for music news decades ago, I never thought of it as a credible source of "news" and the Duke Lacrosse team rape allegations solidified the reputation of producing fiction in the name of sales at the cost of credibility.

Anonymous said...

"Your Grandfather was in WW2 in the Philippines - For me it was my Father, 4 years from Hawaii to Tinian. If they were alive they could swap stories. It would be interesting to ask each of them to look at you and me and say which mindset they fought for."

No doubt they would have talked about how they defeated the Nazis fascists, and how much they support antifa. After all the US ww2 vets are the OG antifa.

Anonymous said...

The Pacific theater was fought with the Empire of Japan, not the Nazis.

Funny, I don't recall my father, a member of the Old Guard Antifa in your fantasy, setting fire to business districts in United States. Maybe it slipped his mind to relay that story to me.

Sometimes I wish things on this site had the ability to be written with a readily recognized Satire Font. It would put my mind at ease if I believed some of the statements here were tongue in cheek. If they are serious, we are in trouble.

Anonymous said...

12/20/2021 7:16 PM

Claiming WWII vets are the original antifa is a talking point I see all the time on extreme left wing sites. In fact in the local Los Alamos paper there is this one person who says this repeatedly. I am do not understand how the logic works on this as they seem not understand why the war was fought, which countries where involved, what fascism is, and what antifa people actually believe. But hey if gives me an excuse to burn down small business, break windows and attack the elderly by claiming I am fighting fascist than I should be hailed as hero like our ww2 vets.

Scooby said...

Dear 12/20/2021 7:16 PM
Logic says antifa = anti-fascist. The people that fought fascism in WW II or the people that are against today are antifa.
Antifa is a position, an idea, a doctrine, not an organization.
If you are anti(antifa), you are fascist.
I am against any group that causes damage in protests. They are thugs.
How did you make the association between thugs and tbe idea of antifa?

Anonymous said...

12/22/2021 1:36 PM

Hi Scooby, I think you are being sarcastic but I am not sure. Putting Anti in front of something does not actually mean anything. Suppose Charlie Manson said his part of a group called Anti-Murderers, does that make him anti-Murder? Your actions determine what you are not your label.

So "antifa = anti-fascist" is meaningless. Just saying anti does not make it so.

"The people that fought fascism in WW II or the people that are against today are antifa."

The people that fought on the allied side where actually anti-imperialists. Japan for for example was empire. Germany and Italy had very different kinds of fascism, but what they where was actually irrelevant the fact that Germany wanted to invade Russia, England, France and Poland was the reason the allies fought not simply because Germany was fascist. The ww1 was fought for similar reasons and Germany was not a fascist state back then. If Germany had been a monarchy or communists and invade the same countries ww2 still would have occurred. The idea that WW2 was fought to end Fascism is not actually true. The simple fact is Spain and Portugal where both fascist states yet we did not go to war with them since they did not attempt to invade anyone. The war was fought to stop the take over of territory by the axis powers. By the way Greece actually had Fascist state but was taken over by Germany.

As for antifa actually being against fascism is rather odd. First of all there are few fascists today. Antifa seem to think Trump supporters are fascists but this is not true. In WW2 Germany and Italy where open that they where fascists. I do not know a single group that actually says they are fascists and support principles of fascism. Antifa do not seem to have any definition of what a fascist is other than yelling at police they are fascist, attacking store owners, reporters, and elderly people. After hundreds of days of rioting in 2000 of destroying public property one has to ask just who where these fascist that antifa thought they where fighting. I would contend that there are almost no fascists in the United states.

"If you are anti(antifa), you are fascist. " How on earth does this logic work? Even if you bought into the idea antifa being anti-fascist you could still be against antifa and be against fascism. This fallacy is called false dichotomy, or false dilemma.

"How did you make the association between thugs and tbe idea of antifa?"

There is a things called Youtube, Twitch, and Facebook that people could livestream to during 2020. The live streamers posted hours of video every night of antifa rioters attacking people, cars, buildings, police and reporters. They would scream, cuss at people, and attack, saying F* you Nazi to 75 year women before attacking them. In fact the only thing antifa ever did was just be thugs. Antifa never promoted peaceful protests and always started the violence. Every single thing I saw showed that to be thugs and nothing more than thugs. On top of that in any kind interview they seem to have no idea what fascism and where to be walking contradictions.

I will go further and say they actually believe more in the principles closer fascism than almost any other group out there. From what I can tell they simply believe that using violence against others to be acceptable, and if you are not part of them specially you are a fascist. There are plenty of videos of them attacking blacks, hispanics, jews, and many other minorities, all being justified because they are "fascists". They also seem to have clear Marxist agenda specially against capitalism.

Anonymous said...


"Antifa is a position, an idea, a doctrine, not an organization." This is a talking point from MSM, I doubt anyone believes this especially MSM. It is an idea, if it was you could give the actual idea to me, if is not a doctrine, again if it was you could give it to me. Saying it is "against fascism" is itself not an idea or a doctrine. You also have to have definition of fascism which they do not appear to have.

It is sort of like saying you are "AntiMar" or against Martrians and attacking story owners in Portland and calling them Martians, an anyone who is not part of AntiMar is therefore a martian.

Yes it is an organization.

Make no mistake they are not an idea they are specific group of people. Mainly they are young people in a set of cities without jobs, have criminal records, drug problems, runaways, or homeless, or mental problems. The are organized and in fact groups of them go to the same protests all over the country. In other words their jobs seem to be professional protestors. Many of the same people in Portland for one set of riots will then pack up in vans to go to Wisconsin or DC for another set. Many of the on the ground reporters know these people by name at this point. There are also groups that fund them. For example in Portland every time they arrest them they are bailed out rapidly, which is pretty odd. Also I certain the FBI considers them to be an actual organization and a real threat.

Also let me be clear I am a libertarian so I am furthest from fascist as you can get. I am an Anti (Antifa) but that does not make me fascist In fact I would claim that Antifa is probably the closest thing we have to fascists right now. You might want to look up Brownshirts to see the striking similarities.

Anonymous said...

Scooby - The poster at 12/20/2021 3:58 PM stated that vets of WWII were the OG Antifa. While it is true that they fought fascism, the poster was trying to elevate the Antifa movement we have seen today in the United States to the noble efforts of those WWII veterans. You state that Antifa is an idea, not an organization. Well, the burnt out business buildings of 2020 were not done by an idea.

12/22/2021 11:25 AM seems to have understood my sentiment.

In 2017 I attended my daughter's graduation ceremony at a Bay Area college. One speaker discussed how we need to fight the good fight against the Nazis of Berkeley. To this day I am puzzled how anyone could have ever made such a statement, but the poster at 3:58 has shown me that the speaker at my daughter's graduation is not alone.

Anonymous said...

(1) Logic says antifa = anti-fascist.

How does logic say that? In what way is antifa anti-fascist? I am pro-vaccine, if just add anti in from of it does that actually change anything or do your actions dictate what you are not. This is one of the linguist tricks called "doublespeak". In 1984 you had things like the ministry of truth.

(2) If you are anti(antifa), you are fascist.

LOL, you might want to do the Ven diagram on this statement.

Anonymous said...

Antifa is a position, an idea, a doctrine, not an organization.

12/22/2021 1:36 PM

That's a nice fantasy, but you are wrong. Look a little deeper.

Anonymous said...

Where on earth did "Antifa is just an idea " come from? It makes no sense as you have specific groups of people who identify as Antifa, have specific names of their local chapters, have uniforms, have a well defined Marxist doctrine, rules for how to engage people, and seem to have large fundraising capabilities. There are endless videos of large groups of Antifa people with their slogans, warning scenic cloths and so on. I simply do not understand who anyone can say they are a "idea" and not an organization. I looked on the internet for " Antifa is only an idea" and you can find some NPR, MSNBC, stories that say something along these lines but if you read the stories they seem to have no information at all or any evidence to back this up. I think I will stick with the massive amount of video evidence to make my conclusion, rather than statement by Jerry Nadler or Scooby.

Scooby said...

As a moderator, and in an effort to be impartial, I allow posts even if they contradict me.
Once in a while, I respond to someone. This does not mean I am interested in debating them. I am not interested in arguing or engaging in "debathons".
If I do, I am likely to violate my impartiality.
I also would appreciate it if contributors keep their posts to the standard 200-word limit and care about spelling.

Anonymous said...

Hey Scooby, as impartial moderator, how about getting this thread back on track to a discussion about omicron COVID, against which booster shots are ineffective after 10 weeks.

Anonymous said...

12/24/2021 3:55 PM

So what? More variants will come. RNA viruses mutate. More boosters will come. What, you want the pandemic to go away, and it won't?!? Poor you.

Anonymous said...

12/24/2021 6:58 PM

The better question is if the new variants become less deadly to the point that having vaccines will not be needed. As for the for labs the question is when and if they are going to allow the unvaccinated back.

Anonymous said...

12/24/2021 8:38 PM

It's not a "better" question, it's a different question, which seeks to avoid the point, which is that no one can predict the course of the pandemic, whether new variants will be better or worse, or whether vaccines will be effective or not. To your question, the answer is that no unvaccinated people should ever be allowed to work indoors next to vaccinated people. Their choice was to not protect themselves and anyone else, so they pay the price for that choice. The people who make responsible public health decisions get to work.

Anonymous said...

The people who make responsible public health decisions get to work.

12/27/2021 5:37 PM

I agree but for how long? When can the unvaccinated be allowed to reenter public life? Will Covid be gone in a year or will it be around in some form for 10 years? Also could the unvaccinated be responsible for keeping Covid around this long. Also should minority groups who are not vaccinated also not be allowed to work? You have to understand that many minority groups who make up a large percentage of the unvaccinated have every right not to trust of the modern medical establishment. I think it would be very unfair to them if they also had to suffer consequences for not getting vaccinated. These or not better questions or different questions but the hard questions we need to addressing.

Anonymous said...

COVID continues to demonstrate how effective a biological weapon it is.

Anonymous said...

COVID continues to demonstrate how effective a biological weapon it is.

12/28/2021 11:51 AM

No, it continues to demonstrate how ineffective it is as a biological weapon. No significant degradation of US military preparedness has occurred.

Anonymous said...

“ To your question, the answer is that no unvaccinated people should ever be allowed to work indoors next to vaccinated people. Their choice was to not protect themselves and anyone else, so they pay the price for that choice. The people who make responsible public health decisions get to work.”

Hello Chinese Post Doc.

Anonymous said...

Hello Chinese Post Doc.

12/28/2021 10:13 PM

How is following the science or taking reasonable action mean it is from Chinese postdoc? This post is just creepy and weird. It also comes across as racists.

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