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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Nuke review change

 Biden’s Nuke Review Omits ‘No First Use’, Kills Naval Cruise Missile


Anonymous said...

So how did we go from Nanos " the nation does not need LANL" and "what is done at LANL that cannot be easily done anywhere" to now nukes are so important we may need to do a first strike? It is kind of amazing that in 2004 that so many people where saying we need to close the labs or that they are of no value. This big push came after 9/11 when people thought the only threats where from global terrorism and that China, Russia and North Korea will never be a problem. As such the labs should be retooled, downsized, privatized or and beaten into submission. Now in 2022 it looks like the labs maybe relevant again.

I know the resident troll, will come along and chime in about how the labs are not relevant but this guy is beyond delusional. Back in 2004 no one though that just maybe what we do is relevant.

Anonymous said...

Back in 2004 no one though that just maybe what we do is relevant.

4/01/2022 5:50 AM

It's only relevant if it is fully funded. Modernization and upgrading is crucial to national security.

Anonymous said...

4/01/2022 5:50 AM

The cowboy culture of "we know best because we are just sooo smart" is alive and well in LANL. You guys think you are important, ha ha ha, some things never change. I say shut it down. LANL has been a problem since the Zinner report.

As for all this hiring at LANL I suggest you look at this

In Feb. 2022, Triad management increased plutonium facility operations at LANL to “24 hours a day, seven days a week”, and they expect “night shift activity to ramp-up in tempo and complexity”.36 The Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) performed an “Independent Assessment of the Plutonium Strategy of the NNSA” in 2019 and determined that attempting to increase production at PF-4 by operating second shift and installing additional equipment is “very high risk”. 37

Equipment at LANL does not currently meet safety standards. For example, in a weekly report from February 18, 2022, the DNFSB identified more than 50 gloveboxes that are deficient and ‘there are currently no funded plans associated with upgrading or replacing HS-Pu gloveboxes”.38

Safety accidents are currently an issue for employees at LANL. Workers have been contaminated through breaches in plutonium gloveboxes as recent as Jan. 2022, and another 15 workers experienced a similar incident in 2020.39

Anonymous said...

Modernization and upgrading is crucial to national security.

4/01/2022 6:07 PM

According to who? The only enemy we need to use nukes would be Russia and guess what they just lost to a country that is 1/8 their size. So there is no need for a nuclear that size we have. At best we need about 400 to counter China so we can easily downsize by factor of 5 to 10, the NNSA budget should cut by a factor of 5 right now.

Anonymous said...

the NNSA budget should cut by a factor of 5 right now.

4/07/2022 6:16 AM

I'm sure your concerns will be factored into the next Nuclear Posture Review along with those of all the other experts.

Anonymous said...

I am so saddened by what is happing in Ukraine. I and many others simply cannot take the pain, we have do something, send in NATO and US troops and call Putins bluff. If the Ukrainians can whip Putin than our troops will mop up Russian troops like nothing. I am sick of this ww3 crap. If there was any reason to ban nuclear weapons than this is it, if Russia did not have nukes we would have blasted them to oblivion in second. Once we defeat Russia it is time to ban nuclear weapons or at least leave them in the hands of the adults which are the US (provided Trump does not come back).

Anonymous said...

4/08/2022 5:48 PM

It would be nice if you were correct. But you might be wrong. What then?

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