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Wednesday, April 13, 2022
NATO expansion
Despite Russian Warnings, Finland and Sweden Draw Closer to NATO
Right now it is 2022, we are two years of possibly losing America for good if Trump gets reelected. That will be it folks, of the US, whatever Russia does will be no concern to the US as there will be no US. At this point we cannot afford to waste anymore time dealing with Russia, China, the border, or Balkiin states like Finland or Norway. Nato needs take care of itself as we may need the bulk of our forces back in the US to face a possible calamity. I have never been more afraid for our future than right now. We all saw what happened on Jan 6, yet we did essentially did nothing, and I keep seeing poll after poll that Trump could win if he ran right now. In fact I think the US might already be essentially done if this is really the case. I do not know what it means for the labs but why bother with pits, or any kind of nuclear weapons, I am getting an increasing sense of hopelessness. I just read that Musk is trying to get twitter and could allow Trump back on, that could be the end of everything if can start spending false information again. Trump does not even need Russia to elect him anymore.
Are you out of your mind, do you not watch the news? We are on the brink of world tyranny, Putin, Trump, Orban, and Musk are just running free doing whatever and we are just watching it all. We are in Aug 1939, we all know what is going on and no one is doing anything. Yes I am afraid, and so should you. Do you use Twitter, it is the public square now and we about to allow that to be lost for ever if Musk takes over.
“I have never been more afraid for our future than right now.”
First of all, please reach out as needed, to alleviate any serious fears with friends or here, if that’s more acceptable, lots of opposing opinions here, but nobody wants to create high levels of stress for anyone.
Secondly, we must ask ourselves, why, really why, Trump or other Republicans are now in a position to become the majority in the house and senate after the midterms. That is the reality check.
"Secondly, we must ask ourselves, why, really why, Trump or other Republicans are now in a position to become the majority in the house and senate after the midterms. That is the reality check."
Because we have allowed false information to flourish, Fox news is allowed to exist and say false things, Joe Rogan can freely broadcast, Alex Jones is not in jail. That crazy congress women Georgia is not thrown out. All those republicans who supported Jan 6 are not barred from running, that the Republican party is not held accountable for the Jan 6th couple attempt. That republicans are allowed to tweet hate speech, attack the press, and spread false information. In short we are where we are because we did not reign in misinformation. A democracy can only flourish in conjunction with free speech when that speech is TRUE.
"Because we have allowed false information to flourish, Fox news is allowed to exist and say false things, Joe Rogan can freely broadcast, Alex Jones is not in jail. That crazy congress women Georgia is not thrown out. All those republicans who supported Jan 6 are not barred from running, that the Republican party is not held accountable for the Jan 6th couple attempt. That republicans are allowed to tweet hate speech, attack the press, and spread false information. In short we are where we are because we did not reign in misinformation. A democracy can only flourish in conjunction with free speech when that speech is TRUE."
OK your a devoted Dem, fine, but "false information"? Do you really want to go there? You still haven't answered the fundamental question as to why the Dems may take a HUGE upset in the midterms have you? Purported lies from the Republicans is insufficient at best, and according to USA surveys, the majority of Americans ain't buying your talking points, sorry.
There you go again with "we have allowed." There is no "we" that gets to allow or disallow anything. We have a constitution and the rule of law. You seem to be asking for mob rule. 51% makes everyone else do what they want, right?
What "We" need to do is change the constitution. Freedom of speech as written into the constitution in 1770s is not compatible with the internet. After Jan 6th we can all agree on this.
The constitution did not specially mention the internet so why should we allow free speech on the internet. In the 1770s what they meant was someone talking or something written. In either case it was not broadcast to the entire world so there was a buffer system. I doubt Thomas Jefferson or any of those guy would have been cool with something like the internet that the British loyalist could have tweeted out to everyone. In fact I doubt the founders where big into free speech at all, so the idea that free speech is American is just nonsense. In any case the constitution allows for changes and we need to do that. I think what happened is that adults in room thought that all the other adults that made the technology would reign in all the crazy stuff. Than you have guys like Tucker Carlson, Trump, Joe Rogan and Putin who are now using the internet to cause harm all in the name of free speech. This was never how the founding fathers ever intended free speech to be used. The far right has always misinterpreted the Bill of Rights. This was ok as long as adults in the media, universities, politics and academics could correct them, but now the internet was allowed the far right to bypass this and give false interpretations of the bill rights such as yelling fire in a theater, saying a militia means you can own guns, have hate speech, capitalism, and land grabs. By the way constitution never endorsed capitalism. You people are a contradiction, you want free speech but people can go to jail in Florida for saying gay. Now do you understand why so many of us are afraid?
"Because we have allowed false information to flourish, Fox news is allowed to exist and say false things, Joe Rogan can freely broadcast, Alex Jones is not in jail. That crazy congress women Georgia is not thrown out. All those republicans who supported Jan 6 are not barred from running, that the Republican party is not held accountable for the Jan 6th couple attempt. That republicans are allowed to tweet hate speech, attack the press, and spread false information. In short we are where we are because we did not reign in misinformation. A democracy can only flourish in conjunction with free speech when that speech is TRUE."
9:53, while prolific even for a Troll, has no facts on their side.
While the the so called troll may be prolific, the poster did state a series of facts. Now you can ask how relevant these facts are to free speech is a different question.
I was just reading something today from the founder of Reddit. He has a rather dark view of all this. He argues that the entire culture war or future is going to be fought on the internet and that is why every side wants to control it. He thinks nobody really wants free speech they just want to shut down the speech of the other side. The left always wanted Trump off twitter even before Jan 6th and so on. The right wants BLM and Antifa off the internet while the left wants the Tucker Carlson off the air. In the end it is just an information war but before the internet this was already going on. We all hold the ideals of "free speech" up but very few actually want it.
I am think I am one of the few that is for free speech, with that I will say some controversial things. I find it odd how much their is push to make Russia super evil in invading another country. I am against invading other nations but I was also against it when we invaded Iraq. The vast majority of people around me where all for it since it was so justified and media was pushing the narrative that Iraq was behind 9/11. We wanted to invade Iraq because they where a threat. Now suppose the average Russian feels the same way about Ukraine as we felt about Iraq? I think that if you are actually for free speech you are simply going to be by yourself as you are going to disagree with every side to some some extent and that is way.
4/17/2022 12:37 PM blathered loudly: "Freedom of speech as written into the constitution in 1770s is not compatible with the internet. After Jan 6th we can all agree on this."
Really don't get it, do you?
36% of a normal distribution of intelligent hominids will believe anything, from flat earth to stolen elections. It has always been so, and always will be. Limiting freedom of speech will not change that. Those poor beings will continue to pour poison into their bodies, and live in fear of the dark, even without madmen in office or on TV throwing benzene on the fire.
The other 74% deserve to live in the freedom they and their forebears fought for, hear both sides of the story in a free press, and decide for themselves. Without your help, thank you!
36% and 74% something does not add up, must a normal distribution.
In any case I agree that that 36% of the population are idiots who believe in drugs, guns, hatred, flat earth, terrorists, big trucks, pitbulls, bling, Star Wars, WWE, Art Bell, lizard people, Kennedy was killed by the CIA, " they" lied about WMD, 9/11 was a inside job, CIA sold crack in South Central, the police should not be defunded, that earth 6000 years old, vaccines are poison, the media is biased, teachers have political agenda, women should not vote, Obama is a communists, injecting bleach, there are good people on the side of Nazis, UFOs, Bigfoot, Zen, Yoga, avocado toast, Putin is a good guy, there was no Russian collusion, Musk is for freedom of speech, the NYT is baised, organic food is good for you, and so on.
You are right that it worked for years because there was "A BUFFER" of time and space. In other words 36% of the people could not synchronize and act as single herd unit before the internet. In the old days 36% of the idiots would go in different directions and the stupidity would cancel. The problem is today the internet can synchronize these people. In other words Trump or Musk can can send single tweet that all 36 percent will get and react too as coherent flock. In 1980 what would happen is a few newspapers would run a story on something but all the crazies could not read it at the same time.
The information flow does not need to be halted so you can still keep your beloved free speech, it simply needs some form of natural control. This controls arose organically before the internet but the internet have allowed the idiots to form a Borg like conscious or a herd. Nietzsche recognized the danger of herds. The internet has allowed the formation of much larger herds than we have ever seen. Herds and free thinking cannot live together especially when free speech feeds the herd.
The herd instinct is defined as the obedience of the individual to the mass, blindly and without reflection. Nietzsche sharply criticized the herd instinct in the modern civilization : “Morality is the herd instinct.
Do you want to have an easy life? Then always stay with the herd and lose yourself in the herd.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
Now do you understand what we are dealing with. You seem not to get it that we are in a new age, you keep going back to how it use to work. The rules are different now and we need to adapt or we will fall to tyranny. 36% can take over if they act as one, while we cannot even argue. Think about.
By the way be wary of "Normal distributions" besides equilibrium systems these do not exist. Once you start dealing with complex systems, economics and so on you should be very careful when you bring this up. Distributions can often look Gaussian or normal by eye but are not and the behavior of the system can be completely dominated by the tails. IQ is certainly not Gaussian and cannot be by definition as IQ has a lower bound. In any case 1 very smart person who believes something even if you decide it is crazy can have way more influence than 1000 dumb people who believe the same thing. It is nice to say only dumb people believe in dumb things but it is not true nor even helpful.
"The rules are different now." Just because you say so? Uh-uh. Sorry, you don't get to change the rules, it's called the Constitution, Cupcake.
4/18/2022 5:11 PM
The Constitution was written by white men that owed slaves. That alone means that what it says is suspect and yes "WE" can change it and should change it. Real cute calling me cupcake you are a real constitutional scholar. And yes the rules are different now, for example blacks are free and can vote, women can also vote, and more rights are being granted to marginalized people, so yes cupcake the rules have changed and will continue to change. You can fear it or embrace it.
I don't have to fear anything, Your chances of amending the Constitution to say what you want are less than nil.
As for the Constitution writers having owned slaves:
Ezekiel 18:19-20: The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.
I thought IQ tests were always normalized to a Gaussian distribution centered on 100, with standard deviation of 15. 10:12 PM does not understand the statistics underlying psychometrics.
Additionally 5:06 pm refers to gasoline as benzene, this is the term in Russian or German, not a native English speaker. Perhaps a Russian post?
I also thought the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, rather than in the 1770's as 12:37 pm states, that shows a poor knowledge of American History. Perhaps another Russian?
"I thought IQ tests were always normalized to a Gaussian distribution centered on 100, with standard deviation of 15. 10:12 PM does not understand the statistics underlying psychometrics. "
The real data is not Gaussian. For connivence you can take any distribution of a data set and say it centered some place with standard deviations, but that does not mean the actual data distribution is Gaussian, this is of course why economists, climate, and yes pyschometrics studies gets things horribly wrong so often. I get it that Gaussian are easy and in many cases they work pretty well, but a lots of real world data is not Gaussian particularly in the tails. This why your Gaussian at several standard deviations can underestimate things by many orders of magnitude which happens over and over in social sciences, economics, and weather predictions. In general people in hard scientists understand this as they deal with power laws, logarithms, skew and exponentials. Oddly economists often do not get this, heck a large number statisticians do not get this. N. Taleb talks about this in some of his books "The black swan impact of the highly improbable" is a good one.
People in the field of psychometrics do not understand statistics, just ask one and even they admit this or at least admit getting proper distributions is a real issue in this field.
"Additionally 5:06 pm refers to gasoline as benzene, this is the term in Russian or German, not a native English speaker. Perhaps a Russian post?"
Most certainly a Russian troll. In fact it is odd that you know that this term is used by Russians or Germans. How could you know that unless you are German or Russian. I guess you are Russian. That means we have two Russian trolls! Ok Boris tell us what your purpose on the blog is? Is this to create discord in the labs so we cannot do our national security work? I think we are smarter than you.
"I also thought the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, rather than in the 1770's as 12:37 pm states, that shows a poor knowledge of American History. Perhaps another Russian?"
Good, call nd you got another Russian troll. Must the three or more, if I look at Huff post they have all sorts of Russian trolls as well saying stuff like not having to wear masks on planes is good, that CRT is bad, Covid is not a dangerous as it is made out to be, those all signs of Russian trolls. I think Russia is losing the war in Ukraine because a large segment of their population is online being trolls. Just be the hear number of trolls I keep finding on every blog, facebook or Tick Tock it must be millions. After Russia hacked our elections in 2016 and installed Trump they went all out on the troll wars. Maybe it was a dumb move as they simply do not have enough soldiers on the ground now.
I have head claims that the Russian troll farms have had very little effect and there are almost no Russian troll on the internet relative to the number of users and that even than Russians trolls seem to have counter agendas. I do not buy this, we have at least 3 Russian trolls on this blog alone, they must be everywhere. Scary thought.
Right now it is 2022, we are two years of possibly losing America for good if Trump gets reelected. That will be it folks, of the US, whatever Russia does will be no concern to the US as there will be no US. At this point we cannot afford to waste anymore time dealing with Russia, China, the border, or Balkiin states like Finland or Norway. Nato needs take care of itself as we may need the bulk of our forces back in the US to face a possible calamity. I have never been more afraid for our future than right now. We all saw what happened on Jan 6, yet we did essentially did nothing, and I keep seeing poll after poll that Trump could win if he ran right now. In fact I think the US might already be essentially done if this is really the case. I do not know what it means for the labs but why bother with pits, or any kind of nuclear weapons, I am getting an increasing sense of hopelessness. I just read that Musk is trying to get twitter and could allow Trump back on, that could be the end of everything if can start spending false information again. Trump does not even need Russia to elect him anymore.
4/14/2022 6:51 AM
"Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid..."
Wow, get a grip on your insane fear.
4/14/2022 5:06 PM
Are you out of your mind, do you not watch the news? We are on the brink of world tyranny, Putin, Trump, Orban, and Musk are just running free doing whatever and we are just watching it all. We are in Aug 1939, we all know what is going on and no one is doing anything. Yes I am afraid, and so should you. Do you use Twitter, it is the public square now and we about to allow that to be lost for ever if Musk takes over.
“I have never been more afraid for our future than right now.”
First of all, please reach out as needed, to alleviate any serious fears with friends or here, if that’s more acceptable, lots of opposing opinions here, but nobody wants to create high levels of stress for anyone.
Secondly, we must ask ourselves, why, really why, Trump or other Republicans are now in a position to become the majority in the house and senate after the midterms. That is the reality check.
4/14/2022 10:36 PM
"We" don't allow or disallow anything that is done by a private company, that's not how the United States of America works.
"Secondly, we must ask ourselves, why, really why, Trump or other Republicans are now in a position to become the majority in the house and senate after the midterms. That is the reality check."
Because we have allowed false information to flourish, Fox news is allowed to exist and say false things, Joe Rogan can freely broadcast, Alex Jones is not in jail. That crazy congress women Georgia is not thrown out. All those republicans who supported Jan 6 are not barred from running, that the Republican party is not held accountable for the Jan 6th couple attempt. That republicans are allowed to tweet hate speech, attack the press, and spread false information. In short we are where we are because we did not reign in misinformation. A democracy can only flourish in conjunction with free speech when that speech is TRUE.
Orban got throw in there! Almost didn’t notice!
"Because we have allowed false information to flourish, Fox news is allowed to exist and say false things, Joe Rogan can freely broadcast, Alex Jones is not in jail. That crazy congress women Georgia is not thrown out. All those republicans who supported Jan 6 are not barred from running, that the Republican party is not held accountable for the Jan 6th couple attempt. That republicans are allowed to tweet hate speech, attack the press, and spread false information. In short we are where we are because we did not reign in misinformation. A democracy can only flourish in conjunction with free speech when that speech is TRUE."
OK your a devoted Dem, fine, but "false information"? Do you really want to go there? You still haven't answered the fundamental question as to why the Dems may take a HUGE upset in the midterms have you? Purported lies from the Republicans is insufficient at best, and according to USA surveys, the majority of Americans ain't buying your talking points, sorry.
4/16/2022 9:53 AM
There you go again with "we have allowed." There is no "we" that gets to allow or disallow anything. We have a constitution and the rule of law. You seem to be asking for mob rule. 51% makes everyone else do what they want, right?
9:53, while prolific even for a Troll, has no facts on their side.
" We have a constitution and the rule of law."
What "We" need to do is change the constitution. Freedom of speech as written into the constitution in 1770s is not compatible with the internet. After Jan 6th we can all agree on this.
The constitution did not specially mention the internet so why should we allow free speech on the internet. In the 1770s what they meant was someone talking or something written. In either case it was not broadcast to the entire world so there was a buffer system. I doubt Thomas Jefferson or any of those guy would have been cool with something like the internet that the British loyalist could have tweeted out to everyone. In fact I doubt the founders where big into free speech at all, so the idea that free speech is American is just nonsense. In any case the constitution allows for changes and we need to do that. I think what happened is that adults in room thought that all the other adults that made the technology would reign in all the crazy stuff. Than you have guys like Tucker Carlson, Trump, Joe Rogan and Putin who are now using the internet to cause harm all in the name of free speech. This was never how the founding fathers ever intended free speech to be used. The far right has always misinterpreted the Bill of Rights. This was ok as long as adults in the media, universities, politics and academics could correct them, but now the internet was allowed the far right to bypass this and give false interpretations of the bill rights such as yelling fire in a theater, saying a militia means you can own guns, have hate speech, capitalism, and land grabs. By the way constitution never endorsed capitalism. You people are a contradiction, you want free speech but people can go to jail in Florida for saying gay. Now do you understand why so many of us are afraid?
"Because we have allowed false information to flourish, Fox news is allowed to exist and say false things, Joe Rogan can freely broadcast, Alex Jones is not in jail. That crazy congress women Georgia is not thrown out. All those republicans who supported Jan 6 are not barred from running, that the Republican party is not held accountable for the Jan 6th couple attempt. That republicans are allowed to tweet hate speech, attack the press, and spread false information. In short we are where we are because we did not reign in misinformation. A democracy can only flourish in conjunction with free speech when that speech is TRUE."
9:53, while prolific even for a Troll, has no facts on their side.
While the the so called troll may be prolific, the poster did state a series of facts. Now you can ask how relevant these facts are to free speech is a different question.
I was just reading something today from the founder of Reddit. He has a rather dark view of all this. He argues that the entire culture war or future is going to be fought on the internet and that is why every side wants to control it. He thinks nobody really wants free speech they just want to shut down the speech of the other side. The left always wanted Trump off twitter even before Jan 6th and so on. The right wants BLM and Antifa off the internet while the left wants the Tucker Carlson off the air. In the end it is just an information war but before the internet this was already going on. We all hold the ideals of "free speech" up but very few actually want it.
I am think I am one of the few that is for free speech, with that I will say some controversial things. I find it odd how much their is push to make Russia super evil in invading another country. I am against invading other nations but I was also against it when we invaded Iraq. The vast majority of people around me where all for it since it was so justified and media was pushing the narrative that Iraq was behind 9/11. We wanted to invade Iraq because they where a threat. Now suppose the average Russian feels the same way about Ukraine as we felt about Iraq?
I think that if you are actually for free speech you are simply going to be by yourself as you are going to disagree with every side to some some extent and that is way.
4/17/2022 12:37 PM blathered loudly: "Freedom of speech as written into the constitution in 1770s is not compatible with the internet. After Jan 6th we can all agree on this."
Really don't get it, do you?
36% of a normal distribution of intelligent hominids will believe anything, from flat earth to stolen elections. It has always been so, and always will be. Limiting freedom of speech will not change that. Those poor beings will continue to pour poison into their bodies, and live in fear of the dark, even without madmen in office or on TV throwing benzene on the fire.
The other 74% deserve to live in the freedom they and their forebears fought for, hear both sides of the story in a free press, and decide for themselves. Without your help, thank you!
4/17/2022 5:06 PM Well said!
36% and 74% something does not add up, must a normal distribution.
In any case I agree that that 36% of the population are idiots who believe in drugs, guns, hatred, flat earth, terrorists, big trucks, pitbulls, bling, Star Wars, WWE, Art Bell, lizard people, Kennedy was killed by the CIA, " they" lied about WMD, 9/11 was a inside job, CIA sold crack in South Central, the police should not be defunded, that earth 6000 years old, vaccines are poison, the media is biased, teachers have political agenda, women should not vote, Obama is a communists, injecting bleach, there are good people on the side of Nazis, UFOs, Bigfoot, Zen, Yoga, avocado toast, Putin is a good guy, there was no Russian collusion, Musk is for freedom of speech, the NYT is baised, organic food is good for you, and so on.
You are right that it worked for years because there was "A BUFFER" of time and space. In other words 36% of the people could not synchronize and act as single herd unit before the internet. In the old days 36% of the idiots would go in different directions and the stupidity would cancel.
The problem is today the internet can synchronize these people. In other words Trump or Musk can can send single tweet that all 36 percent will get and react too as coherent flock. In 1980 what would happen is a few newspapers would run a story on something but all the crazies could not read it at the same time.
The information flow does not need to be halted so you can still keep your beloved free speech, it simply needs some form of natural control. This controls arose organically before the internet but the internet have allowed the idiots to form a Borg like conscious or a herd. Nietzsche recognized the danger of herds. The internet has allowed the formation of much larger herds than we have ever seen. Herds and free thinking cannot live together especially when free speech feeds the herd.
The herd instinct is defined as the obedience of the individual to the mass, blindly and without reflection. Nietzsche sharply criticized the herd instinct in the modern civilization : “Morality is the herd instinct.
Do you want to have an easy life? Then always stay with the herd and lose yourself in the herd.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Now do you understand what we are dealing with. You seem not to get it that we are in a new age, you keep going back to how it use to work. The rules are different now and we need to adapt or we will fall to tyranny. 36% can take over if they act as one, while we cannot even argue. Think about.
By the way be wary of "Normal distributions" besides equilibrium systems these do not exist. Once you start dealing with complex systems, economics and so on you should be very careful when you bring this up. Distributions can often look Gaussian or normal by eye but are not and the behavior of the system can be completely dominated by the tails. IQ is certainly not Gaussian and cannot be by definition as IQ has a lower bound. In any case 1 very smart person who believes something even if you decide it is crazy can have way more influence than 1000 dumb people who believe the same thing. It is nice to say only dumb people believe in dumb things but it is not true nor even helpful.
4/17/2022 10:12 PM
"The rules are different now." Just because you say so? Uh-uh. Sorry, you don't get to change the rules, it's called the Constitution, Cupcake.
"The rules are different now." Just because you say so? Uh-uh. Sorry, you don't get to change the rules, it's called the Constitution, Cupcake.
4/18/2022 5:11 PM
The Constitution was written by white men that owed slaves. That alone means that what it says is suspect and yes "WE" can change it and should change it. Real cute calling me cupcake you are a real constitutional scholar. And yes the rules are different now, for example blacks are free and can vote, women can also vote, and more rights are being granted to marginalized people, so yes cupcake the rules have changed and will continue to change. You can fear it or embrace it.
“ for example blacks are free and can vote, women can also vote, and more rights are being granted to marginalized people”
Thanks for the update! I should get out more. Didn’t realize all that happened.
You can fear it or embrace it.
4/18/2022 11:07 PM
I don't have to fear anything, Your chances of amending the Constitution to say what you want are less than nil.
As for the Constitution writers having owned slaves:
Ezekiel 18:19-20: The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.
I thought IQ tests were always normalized to a Gaussian distribution centered on 100, with standard deviation of 15. 10:12 PM does not understand the statistics underlying psychometrics.
Additionally 5:06 pm refers to gasoline as benzene, this is the term in Russian or German, not a native English speaker. Perhaps a Russian post?
I also thought the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, rather than in the 1770's as 12:37 pm states, that shows a poor knowledge of American History. Perhaps another Russian?
"I thought IQ tests were always normalized to a Gaussian distribution centered on 100, with standard deviation of 15. 10:12 PM does not understand the statistics underlying psychometrics. "
The real data is not Gaussian. For connivence you can take any distribution of a data set and say it centered some place with standard deviations, but that does not mean the actual data distribution is Gaussian, this is of course why economists, climate, and yes pyschometrics studies gets things horribly wrong so often. I get it that Gaussian are easy and in many cases they work pretty well, but a lots of real world data is not Gaussian particularly in the tails. This why your Gaussian at several standard deviations can underestimate things by many orders of magnitude which happens over and over in social sciences, economics, and weather predictions. In general people in hard scientists understand this as they deal with power laws, logarithms, skew and exponentials. Oddly economists often do not get this, heck a large number statisticians do not get this. N. Taleb talks about this in some of his books "The black swan impact of the highly improbable" is a good one.
People in the field of psychometrics do not understand statistics, just ask one and even they admit this or at least admit getting proper distributions is a real issue in this field.
"Additionally 5:06 pm refers to gasoline as benzene, this is the term in Russian or German, not a native English speaker. Perhaps a Russian post?"
Most certainly a Russian troll. In fact it is odd that you know that this term is used by Russians or Germans. How could you know that unless you are German or Russian. I guess you are Russian. That means we have two Russian trolls! Ok Boris tell us what your purpose on the blog is? Is this to create discord in the labs so we cannot do our national security work? I think we are smarter than you.
"I also thought the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, rather than in the 1770's as 12:37 pm states, that shows a poor knowledge of American History. Perhaps another Russian?"
Good, call nd you got another Russian troll. Must the three or more, if I look at Huff post they have all sorts of Russian trolls as well saying stuff like not having to wear masks on planes is good, that CRT is bad, Covid is not a dangerous as it is made out to be, those all signs of Russian trolls. I think Russia is losing the war in Ukraine because a large segment of their population is online being trolls. Just be the hear number of trolls I keep finding on every blog, facebook or Tick Tock it must be millions. After Russia hacked our elections in 2016 and installed Trump they went all out on the troll wars. Maybe it was a dumb move as they simply do not have enough soldiers on the ground now.
I have head claims that the Russian troll farms have had very little effect and there are almost no Russian troll on the internet relative to the number of users and that even than Russians trolls seem to have counter agendas. I do not buy this, we have at least 3 Russian trolls on this blog alone, they must be everywhere. Scary thought.
Isn't 4:58 PM a Russian? Note the grammatical and spelling mistakes.
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