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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Pentagon and top weapon makers to meet

 Pentagon asks top 8 U.S. weapons makers to meet on Ukraine. 

The Pentagon will host leaders from the top eight U.S. weapons manufacturers on Wednesday to discuss the industry's capacity to meet Ukraine's weapons needs....


Anonymous said...

Let us be blunt, Russian and Ukraine are fine but the free world and democracy are now at stake as madman Elone who will if he has his way will allow anyone on twitter no matter how much hate, lies, false news, fake news, disinformation,. false news anti Urkranianin, or whatever be allowed on.

Anonymous said...

The lines are becoming clear now. In 1939 it was Japan, Italy and Germany versus the free world. Good versus evil. Now it is not nations but people. You now have Trump, Putin and Musk forming a new Axis powers against the free world. The labs need a new mission to fight the new Axis powers.

Anonymous said...

Allowing people to freely express themselves puts the free world and democracy at risk?
Up is down and sideways is straight ahead.

Anonymous said...

Let’s be blunt, 6:16. You are a consistent troll here and your faux freedom goes against everything the western world has fought to achieve over the last 400 years. Your authoritarian ideals are welcome in Cuba, China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, Belarus, Syria, and a dozen other failing countries around the world. Why stay here?

Anonymous said...

Robert Reich said it best about the so called push for Freedom of speech.

“That’s Musk’s dream. And Trump’s. And Putin’s. And the dream of every dictator, strongman, demagogue and modern-day robber baron on Earth. For the rest of us, it would be a brave new nightmare.”

Max Boot also pointed this out.

"I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter. He seems to believe that on social media anything goes. For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less."

Freedom of speech comes great responsibility and it cannot be used as an excuse to promote tyranny, hate speech, racism, harassment or cause harm. The other thing people are starting to realize just how dangerous misinformation is. The founders could not anticipate that internet. In their age they had agreed on hierarchies and experts who would naturally put moderation on speech. Now with mass information in single tweet Trump can bypass the media and say some mass information that cannot be checked by the media. Freedom of speech was never meant to hurt society and in this day and age we need modify the constitution to be consistent with modern times. We have to be honest after 2020 we found that we have 85 million people who could easily fall for misinformation we have to rethink the idea of the limits to free speech. Our democracy cannot survive if 1/3 of it cannot be trusted with free speech. It is harsh but we have to consider it. I am all for free speech provided that it is true, I do not believe you should be allowed to hurt society by spewing lies, hate or trying to promote essentially tyranny. There is the paradox of tolerance, you cannot tolerate the intolerant.
People like Musk, Trump, Putin, Joe Rogan simply want to allow for hate speech and false narratives. These people must be stopped.

"Cuba, China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, Belarus, Syria, and a dozen other failing countries around the world. Why stay here? "

I see you have fallen for the misinformation. Cuba and Venezuela have better health care systems than the US, just because they do not play ball with US does not mean they are like North Korea. You also bing out the racist trope that " the western world is somehow is so great". Excuse me but the Western world enslaved huge portions of humanity, that is not something to be proud of.

Iran, Sryria, Somalia, Afghanistan are that way because of guess what.... the policies of the US.

Russia and Belarus are only this powerful can brazen because of Trump.

As for me leaving, you are the people that attempted a couple on Jan 6, that do not allow people to vote, want only certain groups to emigrate, are fine with hate speech. You are the one who does not believe in democracy. You want a country where only you are allowed to have power. You want North Korea, China or Russia as long as you can be a little oligarch. You are the person who needs to leave. I believe in democracy and equality for all.

Anonymous said...

“Our democracy cannot survive if 1/3 of it cannot be trusted with free speech”

“ I believe in democracy and equality for all”

Still trying to reconcile those two statements

Great satire

Anonymous said...

9:45 has thus shown the full array of symptoms of TDS.

Anonymous said...

“Our democracy cannot survive if 1/3 of it cannot be trusted with free speech”

“ I believe in democracy and equality for all”

Still trying to reconcile those two statements

Great satire

4/16/2022 2:10 PM

It is not satire, I do believe in equality for all, however 1/3 of our population does not. The 1/3 can have their rights they just cannot take the rights away from others or use their rights to hurt others which is exactly what they are doing. There are limits, what is so hard to understand about that? If you abuse your rights you lose your rights, if this is applied in a just and equitable manner than my argument is completely consistent. When those 1/3 voted for a racists, fascists, a person who wished to cause harm that is when I say they should lose their rights.

Call it TDS if you want but is it so deranged to be upset that on Jan 6th there was a couple attempt that could have lead to the end of the United States as we know it? Think about that we almost lost the nation right there in then. Do you think Trump would have just stopped or would he make himself president for life, get rid of all elections after that and start imprisoning or doing worse to the people that do not go along? You seem not to realize the magnitude and meaning of Jan 6th, do you really doubt that this was not planned? People have a sense that Fascism is returning, why do you think we have Antifa now. Free speech will not mean a hill of beans if it used to create speech that leads to the end free speech...see how that works.

Anonymous said...

TDS has mutated and is now mostly infecting Trump supporters. They can't stand to hear or read anything negative about Trump. Too much trauma, I guess.

Anonymous said...

What is TDS?

Anonymous said...

To make this relevant to the national security and the labs, the labs should have some programs to look how to combat misinformation,
either by making programs that identity key words used by adherents of misinformation, ways to block and trace people who consume or spread false information, ways to make counter information, or ways to create a data base of use misinformation but with a set of consequences. If people knew there was a consequence for using false information they would think twice before reading that crazy tweet or forwarding on.

Anonymous said...

4/18/2022 9:27 AM

Sorry Sparky, but the labs are funded by the federal government, and the federal government is prohibited (see U.S. Constitution, Amendment 1) from "abridging the freedom of speech." Private companies can do what they want, but not the government (federal or state, by the 14th Amendment). Take your unconstitutional authoritarianism elsewhere (maybe Russia or China?).

Anonymous said...

I believe that history may be repeating itself. In this instance, it would be the Salem Witch Trials.

I make sure I've got popcorn at hand when I visit this blog. It's a bit messy on the keyboard though.

Anonymous said...

"I believe that history may be repeating itself."

The problem is no one and I mean no one seems to know history. I am history buff and I thought Orwells stuff was over the top sci fi level, with double speak , depersoning, scrubbing the past, contradicting yourself in the same sentence, inversions of reality and so on but I am amazed how much of this is happing now. Also what is so weird is all this started in 2014, compare life 8 years ago today and so much of this Orwellian word is now part of everyday life.

I will tell you this I was a Democrat before 2014, but once I started seeing the extreme authoritarianism, violence, and yes Orwellian features that was embraced by much the left I was out.

One thing about the Orwellian world is that everything is inverted or opposite. Tolerance actually means certain people need to silenced. Peace means violence against those you do not like. Open to ideas means never talking to certain family or friends again. Only certain groups can be racists, only certain groups can be privileged, listen and believe do not question, so and so was good guy yesterday but is now a non-person today. Be afraid at all times you will be cancelled. Say the wrong thing and you are removed from the discourse. Do not have children talk to their parents, there is a group of people in authority who you should trust.
Dictators love free speech, men are women, math is racist, defund the police and so on. It is like someone read 1984 in 2014 and said...hell yes this is what we need to do.

Of course Orwell knew history and these kinds of anti liberty manias have swept through nations and movements many times before. I guess I was naive to think it could not happen in the modern era.

I have talked to people about the historical periods where similar things have happened and they agree but then you seen the panic or confusion set in, because they then say, well this is not what the NYT, NPR, or my Facebook friends are saying. I have seen countless times very educated calm people start to totally lose it when they think about what I am saying. I remember what the NYT was like back 90s, it is not the same anymore, NPR is not the same either and maybe you should question your Facebook friends.

Anonymous said...

The autocrats lost another power over the rest of us - no more masks on public transport!

Anonymous said...

The autocrats lost another power over the rest of us - no more masks on public transport!

4/19/2022 3:57 AM

Because of one crazy activist far right judge in Florida. How did these people get into law school, how did they get appointed. Florida is becoming an increasing problem for the nation and needs to be dealt with. DeSantas is another Putun wannabe who wants to rule over your life and put your life in danger.

Anonymous said...

Max Boot also pointed this out.

"I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter. He seems to believe that on social media anything goes. For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less."

BTW Max Boot is a neocon American imperialist who supported the Iraq war. I’d try to be on the opposite side of what he says.

Anonymous said...

4/18/2022 11:01 PM: I am history buff...

Great. I prefer to read the writings of actual trained historians who are taught how to understand historical writings, not the uneducated verbose ramblings of "buffs."

Anonymous said...

"Great. I prefer to read the writings of actual trained historians who are taught how to understand historical writings, not the uneducated verbose ramblings of "buffs."

4/19/2022 6:06 PM"

Great so we can agree that "trained" historians have studied many examples of nations falling into tyranny.

By the way history buffs often do know as much or even more about certain historical events or periods than "trained historians". Even PhDs in history will tell you this. Much of the humanities like history, archeology, art and even literature are accessible to people with no formal training in these fields and there are countless examples of non academic people making significant contributions to all of these fields. In fact the title of "historian" does not even have formal definition beyond simply having an extensive understanding of certain historical events. Plenty of historians are "not taught" how to understand historical writings but figured it out for themselves or read other works on so on. Have you ever been to the history section of the book store, the vast majority of the authors are not "trained historians".

But hey you do you, it is blog.

Anonymous said...

I consider myself an "atmospheric physics buff" and submit that surgical or cloth masks were never protective against airborne viruses. I am now even more confident of this assertion given the revelation that "buffs" can "...know as much or even more about certain..." facts than "trained experts."

Thanks for the validation, autocrat.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the validation, autocrat.

4/20/2022 7:13 PM

I specially said in fields like humanities "buffs" can know as much, this is not true not science. In science things are far more technical and you generally need more training to be able to have a contribution. If you go to the science section of a bookstore the science books are mostly PhDs and there are some journalists. If you go to the history section, maybe 1/4 are PhDs, the rest are all over the place.

Anonymous said...

I consider myself an "atmospheric physics buff" and submit that surgical or cloth masks were never protective against airborne viruses.

4/20/2022 7:13 PM

I'm sure the surgeons and OR nurses must agree with your superb analysis, which is why they never mask up before surgery. And that bunk about washing hands? I'm a "hydrodynamics buff" myself, and I can assure you that washing hands is not effective protection from infectious diseases.

Anonymous said...

4/21/2022 3:44 PM

I sense a great confusion in your mind. Things such as a nuance, sarcasm, intricacies, multiple possibilities, counter intuitive narratives and context are sources of your inner turmoil. These concepts are not for you, just accept that and be at peace. There are more things in heaven and earth, and the dictionary than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Remember this and keep it in mind if you do not understand something, be assured that others do understand so do not fret that something is wrong with the world. The fault lies not in your stars, but in yourself.

Anonymous said...

4/21/2022 9:25 PM

Beautifully put. I wish I'd had the time to spend on fools to write something so good.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that 4/21/2022 9:25 PM self identifies as a "psychiatry buff" as well as a "literature buff."

Anonymous said...

I suspect that 4/23/2022 11:19 AM is a not only a buff of the art if ignorance but is actually officially recognized expert by the dullard guild. Their motto "Actions speak louder than sound!!!"

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