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Friday, September 24, 2021
Mandatory vaccine
Federal contractors must ensure employees are fully vaccinated by December
So if they do come decide to fire lab people, can they come back rehired after the pandemic is open? With the way LANL hires today it seems they would be shoe in to be rehired. Is there some clause that says you where fired for no Covid vaccine and you can never work again?
So far I still thing that come Oct 15, they will just say, "we got enough people we are good". I also contend that the same thing will be happening to most of America in that they simply will not want to go through with mass firing due to all the liabilities. Ok, let us see who is right we shall run the experiment so to speak. Of course maybe I am wrong and the can easily replace everybody with Haitians, they just need to the get a vaccine.
Fun factoid of the day, there are 10.9 million job openings
There are 11 million people in Haiti, we could make this work.
By the way not just let people in to the US if the agree to work, have all the job adds on the border, if you agree to the job you are in, if you leave the job you are deported. Of course you could go the put Libertarian approach where you let them in and if the survive great if not whatever. Of course you need to get rid of every single government perk for this approach to work.
Did Biden say 97% to 98% of people need to vaccinated before we can go back to normal? Many it was just one those Biden slips and he mean 78% or 88%. I would think with natural immunity that 78% might do it. The other issues is how much does the vaccine fade over time so that in 6 months were are back to an effective vaccination rate of 60% so that we can never really get rid of Covid. At some point we just give up and so go for and a yearly vaccine.
My questions was there any real chance to have stopped this early on by everyone wearing mask and not going out. Or if we got like 100 vaccination rate by the end of June?
What on earth? I thought only hardcore right wingers do not get the vaccine? I am very confused. I am a well informed, educated and smart person, how could I have missed this?
On September 16, CNN host Don Lemon maligned those who have chosen not to be vaccinated as "stupid,” "selfish,” filled with “ignorance,” and “not acting on logic, reason and science." He then issued this decree: “it’s time to start shaming them or leave them behind.”
On Sunday, New York's Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul, when announcing her intent to use National Guard soldiers to replace health care workers fired for refusing the vaccine, told her audience: “yes, I know you're vaccinated, you're the smart ones.” She then said those who refuse to get the vaccine are not just stupid but have turned their back on God:
Liberals feel free to disparage them as "stupid” notwithstanding long-standing (though diminishing) racial disparities among this group. A CNN headline from last month told part of the story: “Black New Yorkers may have the lowest vaccination rates, but community groups refuse to give up.” Citing data from the city's health agency, the network reported that “citywide, just 28% of Black New Yorkers between the ages of 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated. The Hispanic community is the second-least fully vaccinated population in that age group, with 49% being fully vaccinated.”
Two weeks ago, Bloomberg reported that while some of the unvaccinated are unable to get the vaccine (due to work pressures or health conditions), most of them are vaccine-hesitant by choice and continue to reflect racial disparities. Under the headline “U.S. Racial Vaccine Gaps Are Bigger Than We Thought: Covid-19 Tracker,” the news outlet reported: “the White vaccination rate is not as bad as it had seemed and Hispanic communities are lagging more than previously thought.”
The LANL daily post facebook page continues to be filled with highly tolerant posters talking about the non-vaxers. Stuff like "cull the herd" "lots of not so bright people at the lab", "you have no right to work", "evil people", "get waxed or die", "the world would be be better off without all of you" "people this dumb do not belong to work". Nice stuff.
Facts are you can get and transmit Covid after vaccination. Vaccination is only for the benefit of the individual. Making it mandatory at the state level is legal (not at the federal level). The virus is endemic. Get over it and move on.
The daily post seems to be a good example of the "Midwit". Los Alamo seems be filled with these. During the cold war you had a lot of smart people at LANL but that has been lost of the course of 30 years. Now reading the comments of the paper you can see what we have.
This is “midwit”, a term originated from Michael Malice.
The ‘midwit’ is smarter than a ‘dimwit’, but unable to think on their own, or hold any independently-arrived at opinion. Because of this, they become perfect receptacles and vectors for whatever propaganda is being pushed by the Political Class. You know these people, they’re everywhere. They have an uncanny, natural aptitude for learning all the correct opinions, even all the lingo and jargon, that are held by the powerful among the media, government, industry, and the medical professions. Once they’ve been programmed, these people spread this propaganda in the most effective of ways. They reproduce the propaganda perfectly in daily conversation, using the same lingo as the “experts” from whom they first heard it. And in the midst of COVID madness, the midwit truly shines. They began spreading lockdown propaganda immediately, parroting it on social media, and everywhere else they could. They spread the fear and paranoia, and did so with no critical reflection whatsoever. You’ve encountered these people. It’s impossible to talk to them, debate their opinions, or even attempt to change their minds. They are immune to alternative points of view, and of course they have self-programmed into reflexively labelling alternative opinions as “conspiracy theories”. They drive establishment narratives, and robotically attack any dissenting voices in swarms. The ‘midwit’ is usually college-educated, and might even hold an upper middle class career. Looking closely, you can see that their entire lives are merely a reflection of the views and opinions of others, of establishment culture. Their lives are not their own, and neither are their opinions. They are capable of great destruction.
"Facts are you can get and transmit Covid after vaccination. Vaccination is only for the benefit of the individual. Making it mandatory at the state level is legal (not at the federal level). The virus is endemic. Get over it and move on.
10/03/2021 9:05 AM"
Try listing to the experts you are putting others people lives at stake because that is all you care about is you. We are in the middle of a global pandemic, the science is clear. Getting your information off a youtube page is not research. In fact if there is one thing this pandemic has taught us is that miss-information is our biggest threat, as people just get false information off the internet and run with it because so many do not have the the critical thinking skills to understand if it is true or not. Misinformation is just a real of the threat to the US as international and domestic terror. We need to stamp out misinformation.
2:50 raises an excellent point. I’ve lived in Los Alamos my entire life and I’ve seen it transformed from a vibrant, truly diverse (in thought) community into an echo chamber of lazy, woke, nonsense. One need look no further than the Lab’s recent leadership to witness this disturbing trend. “Compliance” is literally the watchword of the day.
2:50 raises an excellent point. I’ve lived in Los Alamos my entire life and I’ve seen it transformed from a vibrant, truly diverse (in thought) community into an echo chamber of lazy, woke, nonsense. One need look no further than the Lab’s recent leadership to witness this disturbing trend. “Compliance” is literally the watchword of the day.
10/04/2021 5:21 AM
It is a good point. I still think there is some very smart and interesting people who work at LANL or live in town but the number is dwindling and it many old timers. I am struck by the contrast to the intellectual depth and general knowledge of science, history, art and the world from people pushing 80 and above to that of the people hired over the last 10 years. The most recent ones and not dumb by any stretch of the imagination but sadly are very uninteresting to to speak with and just repeat lines from NYT, NPR. They even start off with "well actually I just heard a story on NPR..." When you try to discuss further or point out that there are more complexities or a counter example they just get hostile or confused. It is like their programing cannot go beyond what authority has said.
The other thing I noticed is that on the online Los Alamos newspaper anytime I see a comment or post from LANL scientist it is always a low level boiler plate response that is lifted right off any MSM site. I have yet to see some real analysis or original thought . To be clear I have never seen someone I consider to be top or even reputable lab scientist post. It is always the same dimwit or midwit types who need to explain how "science" works to the lowly uneducated people. You have to question how much they themselves understand science as they give a high school definition of science. Of course real science has way more complexities and uncertainties than that. Perhaps there are more interesting people in Los Alamos they simply are not the vocal ones.
I also do not but "it is just younger" people argument because I visit many other universities and even other labs such as LBL, ORNL and ANL and there are many very smart interesting and driven people under 40, where you do have a more vibrant intellectual atmosphere.
Face it. It's a pit factory in the making. Compliance, not science, is the keyword.
10/05/2021 5:27 PM
That is a fair point, the skills for a pit factory are different from those of a science lab. I think they should just make it clear if it is going just be a pit facility or both a pit facility and a science lab. It seems fairly straight forward to have both. You could even just split lab in to two different entities like ORNL and Y-12. Having them together and just letting the science decay is kind of pointless. They could just move a good portion to another lab such as LLNL, Sandia, or even ORNL. It seems like they are not even sure what they want. If the lab just becomes a pit facility then why would UC even want to be part of it, I think Texas AM could better serve the role of academic partner for what little science or engineering would be left.
Try listing to the experts you are putting others people lives at stake because that is all you care about is you. We are in the middle of a global pandemic, the science is clear. Getting your information off a youtube page is not research. In fact if there is one thing this pandemic has taught us is that miss-information is our biggest threat, as people just get false information off the internet and run with it because so many do not have the the critical thinking skills to understand if it is true or not. Misinformation is just a real of the threat to the US as international and domestic terror. We need to stamp out misinformation.
10/03/2021 7:04 PM
Two “breakthrough” cases in my household alone. The virus is endemic.
What precisely is the scientific underpinnings for a vaccine mandate if the virus can be caught and transmitted by vaccinated people? Is it to protect the unvaccinated as we fire them from their jobs and kill them socially?
Black Lives Matter protests haven't led to COVID-19 spikes. It may be due to people staying home.
Do you see the problem. By the way the NBC story was bassed of a non-published paper.
"" I have read it along with many others and it is total BS. Not only is the methodology bad but I suspect the way the study was done was deliberate confuse different data sets, as protests and riots are not the same. If you only consider cities with actual riots there does appear to be correlation. It gets stronger when assume that in certain cities like Santa Monica that the rioters where not residences of Santa Monica but of nearby cities which did have spikes. Just looking at the makeup of the rioters gives this away. This same trend holds for many other places.
As of the paper is still not published (hmmm someone may have pointed out these issues, I cannot imagine who ;). Yet this news story is still up and this result still gets tossed around. And now we are told that other riots do lead to Covid spikes.
You can't argue logically with an anti-vaxxer any more than you can debate with a flat-earther. Like spitting into the wind. Give it up. If the virus runs its course, they'll all be gone soon enough.
I think Texas AM could better serve the role of academic partner for what little science or engineering would be left.
10/05/2021 7:09 PM
Why would a pit factory need an academic partner? I don't recall that Rocky Flats had one. We are probably seeing the last of UC partnership. Or any other major academic player, for that matter. Maybe a junior college?
I agree with you 10/06/2021 5:39 PM if the anti- vaccers harmed only themselves but you know they will harm anyone in their path. Vaccine resistance is due to lack of awareness about how contagious the virus is. That is why some wake up only when they catch it. The human condition!
You can't argue logically with an anti-vaxxer any more than you can debate with a flat-earther. Like spitting into the wind. Give it up. If the virus runs its course, they'll all be gone soon enough.
10/07/2021 3:14 P
You seem to imply that you are not a science denier and that the anti-vaxers are all idiots. Then you imply that anti-vaxers will all die of Covid. The problem is that the odds of dying of Covid rather low, so most of the anti-vexers will not die. Now it is true that more non-vaxinated people will die but again the overall death numbers are still small. This is on top of the fact that Delta variant although more contagious is less deadly. There will be only a very small fraction of anti-vaxers under 50 who will die of Covid. One should still get vaxd since you can still get very sick for some time, and the odds of a bad reaction to the Vax are very low. The only argument I could see against it is that you already had Covid or the possible long term effects of the Vaccine. Since it was rushed the latter part is a legit concern but very hard to estimate. You just have to guess at what are the odds that vaccine could have effects on you in 5 or 10 years. I would guess low but I simply do not know. If you are older I would simply take the vaccine since your lifespan is limited anyway and dying of Covid is probably a much higher risk than any possible longterm vaccine risk, which you may not even live long enough to experience anyway.
Wrong. More people have died of Covid so far in 2021 than in all of 2020 despite the vaccines.
10/08/2021 6:25 PM
Nope, you might want to check that again buddy. Delta got its rapid increase going until around after July 14. Go to google and type in Covid all cases, it takes you to the NYT page which is updated daily the CDC also has similar information. The large scale Delta spreads starts after July 14. The peak was around Sept 20 at about 200k cases a day and has sense being dropping. The hight of deaths was per day for Delta is around 1800. In Jan 27 2021 the number of deaths per day was 4000, with about 250k cases a day. The peaks in deaths in Jan 2021 where due to Beta not Delta and Beta can be seen to be about as twice as deadly, which is also consistent with other studies. From the graphs in the NYT if you count every death from July 15 on up as Delta you get about 1/4 of the deaths in 2021 being Delta and 3/4 being Beta. Yes Delta is more contagious and is less deadly which by the way is also the usual course of a disease, this simply a consequence of rate equations, mutations that speed more rapidly win out in the end, while mutation that kill more rapidly simply give people less time to spread it, so over time the less deadly variant wins. This is not always the case but usually is what occurs.
As a vaccinated person who has subsequently caught a moderate case of covid (pneumonia like symptoms), I stand by the question of why are we forcing vaccination on people instead of increasing testing? Vaccinated people catch and spread covid. This is a fact. Further, why hasn’t one single state mandated vaccination when they truly have the power to do so through precedent where the federal government does not?
Of course vaccinated people can be infected and transmit Covid, but is clear that their viral load is much lower, so that their contagious period is very short and the amount of virus transmitted is very low compared to unvaccinated people, and their probability of hospitalization and death is vanishingly small. States have not mandated vaccine since they could not withstand or afford the resultant lawsuits, Far better to leave it up to employers.
Why the lean toward conspiracy? To detract from the basic questions? How are companies any less liable than a state? They certainly are not. In fact they are more exposed. Anyone who espouses “precedent” always lands on case law that is grounded in state policing powers yet again not ONE state has mandated this vaccine. This oh so important vaccine. It is not really that important maybe? In your run to condemn yet somehow “save” the unvaccinated by ostracizing them and sending them to the welfare line maybe you should ask yourself who you are “protecting” or are you just a pitchfork carrying mob?
So if they do come decide to fire lab people, can they come back rehired after the pandemic is open? With the way LANL hires today it seems they would be shoe in to be rehired. Is there some clause that says you where fired for no Covid vaccine and you can never work again?
So far I still thing that come Oct 15, they will just say, "we got enough people we are good". I also contend that the same thing will be happening to most of America in that they simply will not want to go through with mass firing due to all the liabilities. Ok, let us see who is right we shall run the experiment so to speak. Of course maybe I am wrong and the can easily replace everybody with Haitians, they just need to the get a vaccine.
Fun factoid of the day, there are 10.9 million job openings
There are 11 million people in Haiti, we could make this work.
By the way not just let people in to the US if the agree to work, have all the job adds on the border, if you agree to the job you are in, if you leave the job you are deported. Of course you could go the put Libertarian approach where you let them in and if the survive great if not whatever. Of course you need to get rid of every single government perk for this approach to work.
Did Biden say 97% to 98% of people need to vaccinated before we can go back to normal? Many it was just one those Biden slips and he mean 78% or 88%. I would think with natural immunity that 78% might do it. The other issues is how much does the vaccine fade over time so that in 6 months were are back to an effective vaccination rate of 60% so that we can never really get rid of Covid. At some point we just give up and so go for and a yearly vaccine.
My questions was there any real chance to have stopped this early on by everyone wearing mask and not going out. Or if we got like 100 vaccination rate by the end of June?
9/27/2021 11:12 PM
To whom are you asking your question? Do you want a knowledgeable answer or just somebody's opinion? If the former, you are on the wrong forum.
Do you want a knowledgeable answer or just somebody's opinion? If the former, you are on the wrong forum.
9/28/2021 5:44 PM
Both if possible but I generally consider a blog to be mainly forum for opinions.
9/29/2021 3:39 AM
What on earth? I thought only hardcore right wingers do not get the vaccine? I am very confused. I am a well informed, educated and smart person, how could I have missed this?
On September 16, CNN host Don Lemon maligned those who have chosen not to be vaccinated as "stupid,” "selfish,” filled with “ignorance,” and “not acting on logic, reason and science." He then issued this decree: “it’s time to start shaming them or leave them behind.”
On Sunday, New York's Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul, when announcing her intent to use National Guard soldiers to replace health care workers fired for refusing the vaccine, told her audience: “yes, I know you're vaccinated, you're the smart ones.” She then said those who refuse to get the vaccine are not just stupid but have turned their back on God:
Liberals feel free to disparage them as "stupid” notwithstanding long-standing (though diminishing) racial disparities among this group. A CNN headline from last month told part of the story: “Black New Yorkers may have the lowest vaccination rates, but community groups refuse to give up.” Citing data from the city's health agency, the network reported that “citywide, just 28% of Black New Yorkers between the ages of 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated. The Hispanic community is the second-least fully vaccinated population in that age group, with 49% being fully vaccinated.”
Two weeks ago, Bloomberg reported that while some of the unvaccinated are unable to get the vaccine (due to work pressures or health conditions), most of them are vaccine-hesitant by choice and continue to reflect racial disparities. Under the headline “U.S. Racial Vaccine Gaps Are Bigger Than We Thought: Covid-19 Tracker,” the news outlet reported: “the White vaccination rate is not as bad as it had seemed and Hispanic communities are lagging more than previously thought.”
The LANL daily post facebook page continues to be filled with highly tolerant posters talking about the non-vaxers.
Stuff like "cull the herd" "lots of not so bright people at the lab", "you have no right to work", "evil people", "get waxed or die", "the world would be be better off without all of you" "people this dumb do not belong to work". Nice stuff.
Facts are you can get and transmit Covid after vaccination. Vaccination is only for the benefit of the individual. Making it mandatory at the state level is legal (not at the federal level). The virus is endemic. Get over it and move on.
10/01/2021 6:25 PM
The daily post seems to be a good example of the "Midwit". Los Alamo seems be filled with these. During the cold war you had a lot of smart people at LANL but that has been lost of the course of 30 years. Now reading the comments of the paper you can see what we have.
This is “midwit”, a term originated from Michael Malice.
The ‘midwit’ is smarter than a ‘dimwit’, but unable to think on their own, or hold any independently-arrived at opinion. Because of this, they become perfect receptacles and vectors for whatever propaganda is being pushed by the Political Class. You know these people, they’re everywhere. They have an uncanny, natural aptitude for learning all the correct opinions, even all the lingo and jargon, that are held by the powerful among the media, government, industry, and the medical professions. Once they’ve been programmed, these people spread this propaganda in the most effective of ways. They reproduce the propaganda perfectly in daily conversation, using the same lingo as the “experts” from whom they first heard it. And in the midst of COVID madness, the midwit truly shines. They began spreading lockdown propaganda immediately, parroting it on social media, and everywhere else they could. They spread the fear and paranoia, and did so with no critical reflection whatsoever. You’ve encountered these people. It’s impossible to talk to them, debate their opinions, or even attempt to change their minds. They are immune to alternative points of view, and of course they have self-programmed into reflexively labelling alternative opinions as “conspiracy theories”. They drive establishment narratives, and robotically attack any dissenting voices in swarms. The ‘midwit’ is usually college-educated, and might even hold an upper middle class career. Looking closely, you can see that their entire lives are merely a reflection of the views and opinions of others, of establishment culture. Their lives are not their own, and neither are their opinions. They are capable of great destruction.
"Facts are you can get and transmit Covid after vaccination. Vaccination is only for the benefit of the individual. Making it mandatory at the state level is legal (not at the federal level). The virus is endemic. Get over it and move on.
10/03/2021 9:05 AM"
Try listing to the experts you are putting others people lives at stake because that is all you care about is you. We are in the middle of a global pandemic, the science is clear. Getting your information off a youtube page is not research. In fact if there is one thing this pandemic has taught us is that miss-information is our biggest threat, as people just get false information off the internet and run with it because so many do not have the the critical thinking skills to understand if it is true or not. Misinformation is just a real of the threat to the US as international and domestic terror. We need to stamp out misinformation.
2:50 raises an excellent point. I’ve lived in Los Alamos my entire life and I’ve seen it transformed from a vibrant, truly diverse (in thought) community into an echo chamber of lazy, woke, nonsense. One need look no further than the Lab’s recent leadership to witness this disturbing trend. “Compliance” is literally the watchword of the day.
2:50 raises an excellent point. I’ve lived in Los Alamos my entire life and I’ve seen it transformed from a vibrant, truly diverse (in thought) community into an echo chamber of lazy, woke, nonsense. One need look no further than the Lab’s recent leadership to witness this disturbing trend. “Compliance” is literally the watchword of the day.
10/04/2021 5:21 AM
It is a good point. I still think there is some very smart and interesting people who work at LANL or live in town but the number is dwindling and it many old timers. I am struck by the contrast to the intellectual depth and general knowledge of science, history, art and the world from people pushing 80 and above to that of the people hired over the last 10 years. The most recent ones and not dumb by any stretch of the imagination but sadly are very uninteresting to to speak with and just repeat lines from NYT, NPR. They even start off with "well actually I just heard a story on NPR..." When you try to discuss further or point out that there are more complexities or a counter example they just get hostile or confused. It is like their programing cannot go beyond what authority has said.
The other thing I noticed is that on the online Los Alamos newspaper anytime I see a comment or post from LANL scientist it is always a low level boiler plate response that is lifted right off any MSM site. I have yet to see some real analysis or original thought . To be clear I have never seen someone I consider to be top or even reputable lab scientist post. It is always the same dimwit or midwit types who need to explain how "science" works to the lowly uneducated people. You have to question how much they themselves understand science as they give a high school definition of science. Of course real science has way more complexities and uncertainties than that. Perhaps there are more interesting people in Los Alamos they simply are not the vocal ones.
I also do not but "it is just younger" people argument because I visit many other universities and even other labs such as LBL, ORNL and ANL and there are many very smart interesting and driven people under 40, where you do have a more vibrant intellectual atmosphere.
10/04/2021 9:29 AM
Face it. It's a pit factory in the making. Compliance, not science, is the keyword.
10/04/2021 9:29 AM
Face it. It's a pit factory in the making. Compliance, not science, is the keyword.
10/05/2021 5:27 PM
That is a fair point, the skills for a pit factory are different from those of a science lab. I think they should just make it clear if it is going just be a pit facility or both a pit facility and a science lab. It seems fairly straight forward to have both. You could even just split lab in to two different entities like ORNL and Y-12. Having them together and just letting the science decay is kind of pointless. They could just move a good portion to another lab such as LLNL, Sandia, or even ORNL. It seems like they are not even sure what they want. If the lab just becomes a pit facility then why would UC even want to be part of it, I think Texas AM could better serve the role of academic partner for what little science or engineering would be left.
Try listing to the experts you are putting others people lives at stake because that is all you care about is you. We are in the middle of a global pandemic, the science is clear. Getting your information off a youtube page is not research. In fact if there is one thing this pandemic has taught us is that miss-information is our biggest threat, as people just get false information off the internet and run with it because so many do not have the the critical thinking skills to understand if it is true or not. Misinformation is just a real of the threat to the US as international and domestic terror. We need to stamp out misinformation.
10/03/2021 7:04 PM
Two “breakthrough” cases in my household alone. The virus is endemic.
What precisely is the scientific underpinnings for a vaccine mandate if the virus can be caught and transmitted by vaccinated people? Is it to protect the unvaccinated as we fire them from their jobs and kill them socially?
Total misunderstanding of the purpose and effect of a vaccine. Who led you to believe that any vaccine is 100% effective in preventing infection?
So anti-vax riots in Australia lead to Covid out breaks.
‘Fascist’ Anti-Vax Riot Sparks COVID Outbreak in Australia—With Rupert Murdoch’s Help
Yet at the same time the race riots in US during summer 2020 did not lead to Covid outbreaks.
Black Lives Matter protests haven't led to COVID-19 spikes. It may be due to people staying home.
Do you see the problem. By the way the NBC story was bassed of a non-published paper.
"" I have read it along with many others and it is total BS. Not only is the methodology bad but I suspect the way the study was done was deliberate confuse different data sets, as protests and riots are not the same. If you only consider cities with actual riots there does appear to be correlation. It gets stronger when assume that in certain cities like Santa Monica that the rioters where not residences of Santa Monica but of nearby cities which did have spikes. Just looking at the makeup of the rioters gives this away. This same trend holds for many other places.
As of the paper is still not published (hmmm someone may have pointed out these issues, I cannot imagine who ;). Yet this news story is still up and this result still gets tossed around. And now we are told that other riots do lead to Covid spikes.
10/06/2021 5:39 PM
You can't argue logically with an anti-vaxxer any more than you can debate with a flat-earther. Like spitting into the wind. Give it up. If the virus runs its course, they'll all be gone soon enough.
I think Texas AM could better serve the role of academic partner for what little science or engineering would be left.
10/05/2021 7:09 PM
Why would a pit factory need an academic partner? I don't recall that Rocky Flats had one. We are probably seeing the last of UC partnership. Or any other major academic player, for that matter. Maybe a junior college?
I agree with you 10/06/2021 5:39 PM if the anti- vaccers harmed only themselves but you know they will
harm anyone in their path.
Vaccine resistance is due to lack of awareness about how contagious the virus is. That is why some wake up only when they catch it. The human condition!
Thanks Scooby. Rationality is always appreciated.
You can't argue logically with an anti-vaxxer any more than you can debate with a flat-earther. Like spitting into the wind. Give it up. If the virus runs its course, they'll all be gone soon enough.
10/07/2021 3:14 P
You seem to imply that you are not a science denier and that the anti-vaxers are all idiots. Then you imply that anti-vaxers will all die of Covid. The problem is that the odds of dying of Covid rather low, so most of the anti-vexers will not die. Now it is true that more non-vaxinated people will die but again the overall death numbers are still small. This is on top of the fact that Delta variant although more contagious is less deadly. There will be only a very small fraction of anti-vaxers under 50 who will die of Covid. One should still get vaxd since you can still get very sick for some time, and the odds of a bad reaction to the Vax are very low. The only argument I could see against it is that you already had Covid or the possible long term effects of the Vaccine. Since it was rushed the latter part is a legit concern but very hard to estimate. You just have to guess at what are the odds that vaccine could have effects on you in 5 or 10 years. I would guess low but I simply do not know. If you are older I would simply take the vaccine since your lifespan is limited anyway and dying of Covid is probably a much higher risk than any possible longterm vaccine risk, which you may not even live long enough to experience anyway.
This is on top of the fact that Delta variant although more contagious is less deadly.
10/08/2021 8:20 AM
Wrong. More people have died of Covid so far in 2021 than in all of 2020 despite the vaccines.
Wrong. More people have died of Covid so far in 2021 than in all of 2020 despite the vaccines.
10/08/2021 6:25 PM
Nope, you might want to check that again buddy. Delta got its rapid increase going until around after July 14. Go to google and type in Covid all cases, it takes you to the NYT page which is updated daily the CDC also has similar information. The large scale Delta spreads starts after July 14. The peak was around Sept 20 at about 200k cases a day and has sense being dropping. The hight of deaths was per day for Delta is around 1800. In Jan 27 2021 the number of deaths per day was 4000, with about 250k cases a day. The peaks in deaths in Jan 2021 where due to Beta not Delta and Beta can be seen to be about as twice as deadly, which is also consistent with other studies. From the graphs in the NYT if you count every death from July 15 on up as Delta you get about 1/4 of the deaths in 2021 being Delta and 3/4 being Beta. Yes Delta is more contagious and is less deadly which by the way is also the usual course of a disease, this simply a consequence of rate equations, mutations that speed more rapidly win out in the end, while mutation that kill more rapidly simply give people less time to spread it, so over time the less deadly variant wins. This is not always the case but usually is what occurs.
As a vaccinated person who has subsequently caught a moderate case of covid (pneumonia like symptoms), I stand by the question of why are we forcing vaccination on people instead of increasing testing? Vaccinated people catch and spread covid. This is a fact. Further, why hasn’t one single state mandated vaccination when they truly have the power to do so through precedent where the federal government does not?
China is moving toward the second step of its plan.
10/08/2021 10:52 PM
Of course vaccinated people can be infected and transmit Covid, but is clear that their viral load is much lower, so that their contagious period is very short and the amount of virus transmitted is very low compared to unvaccinated people, and their probability of hospitalization and death is vanishingly small. States have not mandated vaccine since they could not withstand or afford the resultant lawsuits, Far better to leave it up to employers.
10/08/2021 10:52 PM
Can you restate you question. I am not sure what your point is.
10/08/2021 10:52 PM
Ok, I will bite. Let's just go down the conspiracy route.
"why are we forcing vaccination on people instead of increasing testing? "
(1) Because the vaccination is designed to kill people and reduce the population, so you need to get as many to take it.
(2) It is just to get people used to obeying.
(3) The drug companies want as much money as possible.
(4) Listen to science!!!!!. Because Facui said so, I believe in science, stop the spread!!!.
"why hasn’t one single state mandated vaccination when they truly have the power to do so through precedent where the federal government does not?"
(1) The Federal government is centralizing power for when they fully take over.
(2) States do not want to take liability when this goes south and the vaccination kills everybody.
10/09/2021 6:49 PM
Why the lean toward conspiracy? To detract from the basic questions? How are companies any less liable than a state? They certainly are not. In fact they are more exposed. Anyone who espouses “precedent” always lands on case law that is grounded in state policing powers yet again not ONE state has mandated this vaccine. This oh so important vaccine. It is not really that important maybe? In your run to condemn yet somehow “save” the unvaccinated by ostracizing them and sending them to the welfare line maybe you should ask yourself who you are “protecting” or are you just a pitchfork carrying mob?
"Why the lean toward conspiracy?"
It was just supposed to be fun, take it easy. I cannot even figure out what the point of 5:31pm was.
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