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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Trump stopped from using NUCs

 Trump stopped from using nuclear weapons!

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, took top-secret actions to prevent former President Donald Trump from using nuclear weapons, a new book claims. During her call with the general, the book details, Pelosi demanded to know what precautions Milley would take to prevent Trump from utilizing nuclear launch codes. Pelosi said, “You know [Trump’s] crazy. He’s been crazy for a long time.”Milley reportedly responded, “Madam Speaker, I agree with you on everything.”

U.S. General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called General Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army on Oct. 30, 2020 - four days before the election - and again on Jan. 8, two days after Trump supporters led a deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol, the newspaper reported. In the calls, Milley sought to assure Li the United States was stable and not going to attack and, if there were to be an attack, he would alert his counterpart ahead of time, the report said.

Sure it could have been bad, lots of dead people and all that but at least "testing" again would have been cool.

To be honest this whole story that has a ting of BS about it. Either it is totally made up, or Milley is gong beyond embellishing a lot to make himself look good. Something about it does not add up.


Anonymous said...

Can't this one just be left alone, Scooby? So eager for clicks?

Anonymous said...

Can't this one just be left alone, Scooby? So eager for clicks?

9/15/2021 6:16 PM

What we have not used a weapon in war since 1945. The idea that Trump was seriously considering using a whole bunch of them right after Jan 6th is kind of relevant to the labs.

Anonymous said...

So Flynn had to resign when he spoke to Russians, but Milley gets to lie, command his subordinates to disregard the Commander and Chief, and contact China's command ... all because no one likes what Trump tweets

Anonymous said...

9/15/2021 8:29 PM

No one has reported or said that "Trump was seriously considering using a whole bunch of them [nuclear weapons] right after Jan 6th..." Please provide a source for that claim.

Anonymous said...

9/15/2021 8:34 PM

Why are you lying about what Woodward's book actually says?

Anonymous said...

I am just amazed that under Trump the United States nearly cam to an end twice. First was the bloody Jan 6th insurrection which only through the brave actions of the police that prevented the take over of American and death of hundreds of Congress people and Trump becoming a dictator for life. The other is that a single General had to literllaly stop a madman from starting ww3 which could cost hundreds of millions of lives.

I have to say in light of how close things got, do we really want to risk a third event? No way, we got lucky. It is now time to put or foot down and face the truth that we have a large number of people who voted for Trump that need to dealt with. We offer them the chance repudiate Trump and his policies and if they do not they are considered part o the insurrection. It is as simple as that. I know some of you are going to scream "our constitution" or "freedom of speech", well those are not going to mean anything if there is no nation or smoldering ruins.

If you do still believe in all this "freedom of speech and choice" crap just look what it is doing to the nation right now, we cannot even stop Covid. These people need to be taught a lesson, you should allowed to vote if you are too stupid to get a vaccine, you should not be allowed to vote if are still proud of the fact that you voted for Trump. I do not mean to sound harsh but you all know what I am saying is true.

Anonymous said...

Why are you lying about what Woodward's book actually says?

9/16/2021 5:44 PM

It is an interesting conundrum. A large number of people want the narrative that Trump was so insane that he was about to start ww3 but this sane General stopped it by essentially committing treason. But it was a just treason.

The other possibly is this is not what happened and Trump was not considering using weapons to attack. The Woodward book is not giving the real context, or what the book actually said is simply being reported.

As odd as it sounds the latter will turn out to be disappointing to many.

One thing we do know is Milley was going on about "white rage" yet he never provided any evidence for such a thing occurring in the military or anywhere else. He seems like a guy who just says what he thinks the media wants to hear. Maybe he figured he could make up a good story to impress Woodward.

Anonymous said...

Since Carter, has any President been less “pro war” than Trump? Facts and data only.
If so (and frankly even if not), is it not apparent that if the stories of Milley’s actions are true then this is a violation of the uniform code of military justice?

Anonymous said...

7:04 you might consider reality therapy. Hyperbole and baloney are not what this country, or the world, needs right now.

Anonymous said...

@8:34PM: “ ... all because no one likes what Trump tweets”

Trump’s problems go way, way, way beyond the fact that he’s written a lot of bad tweets. We’re talking here about an ex-president who tried to overturn and steal a certified US presidential election by encouraging his supporters to intimidate and threaten members of Congress on the day of the counting of the Electoral College votes in the Senate. Unprecedented. Unforgettable. Unforgivable. If Trump had succeeded in what he was trying to do, over 200 years of American democracy would have died on 1/6/21.

As for Trump’s mental stability, Trump has been telling people that he expects to be ‘reinstated’ as President this summer. Yes, Trump is really that loony and out-of-touch with reality. And that’s the guy who had his thumb on the nuclear button. Scary. :

“Donald Trump really does believe that he, along with two former GOP senators, will be ‘reinstated’ to office this summer”, The National Review (a very well known conservative magazine).

Anonymous said...

Never forget that with 37% of the popular vote the National Socialist Party of 1930s Germany placed a narcissistic racist into power. The parallels are stunning.

Never forget that the German experiment in Aryan supremacy ended with world-wide destruction and chaos, with millions of "enemies of the state" meeting a horrible end in concentration camps. The present right-wing rhetoric about Democrats and media is disturbing, to say the least.

Anonymous said...

9/16/2021 7:13 PM

Milley is now claiming that everything he did was completely legitimate and within the bounds of his position so there is no treason. The problem is that many people actually want the treason portion to be true since that paints Trump in the worse possible light. If what Milley is saying is true then the Woodward book not accurate or at least not be represented by the press accurately and is kind of non-story. I think this is another lesson we should learn that the media simply does not do its job or will just spin to whatever its agenda is.

If you go on Facebook or twitter it is endless posts from friends, family, professors, and so on about how Trump was insane and going to start WWIII but Milley and Pelosi stopped him. We need to arrest Trump and his followers. At the same time you have another group saying Miley is a traitor who is paid off by the Chinese. It looks like both versions are wrong.

You can say something rational and it is either ignored or mocked. You also get people just saying you are wrong by adding a link to a Huff post or Fox News. Social Media is simply not a platform for nuanced options. The more over the top the opinions the more likes.

Anonymous said...

Neither the left "it was justified to subvert the President's authority" nor the right "it was treason to subvert the President's authority" stories have all the information. They are just jumping to their talking points instead of waiting for the complete story, which will come out. Accepting a Bob Woodward book as truth is always dangerous. He has an overriding bias: selling books.

Anonymous said...

9/17/2021 8:33 AM

It is clear Trump is totally insane and would nuke random countries just out of a fit. Look at the endless wars he started, drone strike after drone strike, millions all over the world dead of Covid. On top of that he was proven to have worked for Putin, called for his followers to overthrow the capital, said white supremest are good, people, tried to stop black people from getting a job, said George Floyd deserved to die, told millions to drink bleach, killed carp in Japan, wanted to nuke a hurricane, defunded the military , killed 600k Americans but telling them not to get a vaccine, tanking the stock market , destroying rights for women, children, stoped our space exploration, wanted nuke national parks, wanted to cut military spending. He was literally worse than Hitler and Mussolini combined, he was also dumb as box or rocks, he never earned any of his money, he never too Covid seriously and almost died. He is out of his mind, crazy, dumb a racist and worse than Hitler. We good now.

Anonymous said...

9/18/2021 12:33 AM

That is pretty impressive Scooby. I give a rational post as to why 8:33pm poster statements are wrong. Trump has never stated he we was going be reinstated. I simply asked for actual evidence for this and the two GOP senators who also claim this. Perhaps 8:33pm could provide some evidence for this that I would accept and I would be wrong. You did not allow that post yet at the same time you have no problem with the 12:33AM post, which I put as a troll post by putting a bunch of points that are wrong.

I have always leaned to libertarian values, which is opposite of authoritarianism. I also lean towards rationalism. For most of my life I have tended to vote for moderate democrats and a few Republicans. I would vote for some libertarians but generally they have no chance or in some cases a bit nuts. Trump is actually a moderate Republican if you look at his policies and actions. The problem now is that I am seeing more and more real authoritarianism and irrationally on the left. It is getting to a cult like level, where they simply do not care about truth but only about being right. I have always found the religious right to be one of the most off-putting groups however the left has essentially become that as well, they now fully embrace censorship, tribalism, racism, violence, corporatism, segregation, war, authoritarianism, breaking families up, shunning people and intolerance. By far the most striking feature I have seen since 2014 is the extreme anti rationality and anti intellectualism on large parts of the left. They simply no longer care about truth or even admit that something like truth even exists. I am starting to see people knowingly lie because they think it is for the good or promotes their side. It is like normal people from 10 years ago have joined some kind of cult who can no longe think, argue or debate. In many cults it is considered perfectly ok to lie or be deceptive if furthers you cause. That is irrational and the end of liberal values. They simply know they are right, you agree with them or you are evil, and it is perfectly fine to lie to evil people. Unfortunately Scooby has shown some of these tendencies where rational arguments is no longed allowed to be posted but saying Trump was literally worse than Hitler and Mussolini combined is allowed. The 12:33 AM post was posted with a series of over the top false claims to make a point, however since it agrees with their view it is allowed.

Anonymous said...

11:31 AM, it's good to hear that there are still rational people out there. Not everybody subscribes the cultish bs

Anonymous said...

@ 9/18/2021 11:31 AM

There is no 8:33PM poster. There is an 8:33AM post which I wrote. As for the claim that Trump thinks that he’s going to be ‘reinstated’ as President this summer, I posted the title of the National Review article on that at the bottom of my post. You can easily find the article yourself by googling the title.

As for your ‘9/18/2021 12:33 AM’ post, no it was not filled with “over the top false claims”. It was filled with a series of over-the-top false claims AND half-truths that you sprinkled in your attempt to try to discredit true facts about Donald Trump that you don’t like. For instance, Trump really was trying to overturn and steal a certified US Presidential election on 1/6/21 by encouraging his supporters to intimidate and threaten members of Congress during the counting of the Electoral College votes in the Senate on that day. Heck, even Fox News refers to the Capitol Riot as an “insurrection”. Also, while Trump did not explicitly say that white supremacists are “good people”, he did say that there were “fine people” on both sides at Charlottesville even though one of the sides consisted of many white supremacists marching in the night there while holding flaming torches and screaming “Jews will not replace us!”. Trump also once posted on Twitter a short video clip of one of his own supporters shouting “white power!”. Do I think that he did it deliberately? Probably not. But he did do it and, to my knowledge, he never acknowledged his mistake (if indeed it was a mistake) and he never apologized for doing it. I could go on about many of the other points in your ‘9/18/2021 12:33 AM’ post, but you get the idea.

Anonymous said...

9/18/2021 11:31 AM

Claiming that "Trump is actually a moderate Republican." is an insult to the millions of moderate Republicans who are not narcissistic, racist, pathological liars.

Anonymous said...

9/19/2021 11:08 AM

Indeed. He's only been a "Republican" since 5 minutes before he came down the escalator to announce his candidacy, before that he was busy donating to Hillary's campaigns.

Anonymous said...

Claiming that "Trump is actually a moderate Republican." is an insult to the millions of moderate Republicans who are not narcissistic, racist, pathological liars.

9/19/2021 11:08 AM

Yes Trump is a moderate Republican when you look at his policies and actions. He had plenty of social programs he backed which are left wing leaning. He backed a stronger border which is right wing, and he was against expanding foreign wars which is left wing. He had some moderate tax cuts and so on. Any scholar of political science will tell you Trump is clearly a moderate.

The rest of your rant is simply MSM and social media hysteria you are repeating. If have evidence that Trump is not a moderate Republican can you please provide it. Essentially repeating a twitter rant is not evidence.

Anonymous said...

'9/19/2021 6:28 PM' wrote " If have evidence that Trump is not a moderate Republican can you please provide it."

- After losing a certified US Presidential election almost a year ago, Trump is the only ex-President in US history to never concede that he lost. Nothing that's "moderate Republican" about that.
- Trump was impeached not just once but twice: First and only twice-impeached President in US history. Nothing "moderate Republican" about that.
- Trump incited an historic riot on the US Capitol in an attempt to overturn and steal a certified US Presidential election for himself because he couldn't deal with the fact that he lost his reelection.. Nothing "moderate Republican" about that.

Obviously, you're locked into this ridiculous delusion that Trump is "moderate Republican", so I don't expect that any of the above will change your mind. But on the other hand, it should be clear to you that you're not going to change my mind nor that of many others here on this particular subject. We're just going to have to agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

Scooby can I respond to

9/19/2021 9:32 AM

or not?

If not simply say so. I would not mind a reason as to why I cannot respond, if you do want to tell me why than just say you will not let anyone respond to this post.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:32AM
Your claims prompted me to check whether anybody arrested for the Jan 6th protest have been charged with seditious conspiracy or insurrection. As far as I can tell, there are no charges for criminal behavior that were worse than the summer 2020 mostly peaceful protests.

Do you have any evidence to support your claim of "insurrection?"
Please don't cite "journalists" or Twitter. I'm looking for formal charging documents authored by professionals.

Anonymous said...

Dear 9/19/2021 11:08 AM

I have noticed on this and other blogs that most of the posts with the anti Trump anti-GOP hysteria are not original. In other words the posts seem just like rehash of something right out or CNN, MSNBC, Huff Post or a Celebrity tweet. They seem to be pretty much just cut and past or just a reworded regurgitation of a talking point. What I find so odd particularly on this blog is that I do not see any new angle or original thought, or new insights. I would figure that someone would have been smart enough to have a more nuanced take on why Trump and the GOP are not right for the country. I am not even sure why they post since I have heard every single one these arguments on Huff post or the latest tweet from a Hollywood actor. It is always, Trump is a racists, his followers are are uneducated racist white males, he is insane, he is like Hitler, he killed 650k people, he is a pathological lair, we works for Putin, he is really dumb, he is a threat to democracy, and so on. Could someone have a more original take that that? In fact even I could give you a bunch of possible reasons to not have vote for Trump bases on policies, US military induced stability in world and so on. I have also noticed much of the anti-Trump jargon does not include actual numbers, statistics, or analysis and tons of it is contradictory if you think about for second. Most of these posts are just a repeats of stuff off twitter and MSM. If you have a legit argument that you have actually thought about than I can respect that but just hearing something off NPR and repeating it is is not very impressive. You have to remember then even these places are just giving some possible interpretation, it is up to you to consider which parts are more probable than others, which parts they could have missed, which parts simply do not logically follow with the information at hand. This of course is true when consuming any news media. For example plenty of right wing news have claimed that our recent exit from Afghanistan could not have gone worse, I could imagine situations where it could have gone way worse. If you are just agreeing 100% of the time with the particular news media you are consuming that something is wrong and you not thinking very critically.

Mr 9/19/2021 11:08 AM, some actual argument you could have given that Trump was not adequate because he did lower taxes enough, he spend way to much money and added to the debt, he pushed for military programs that where to costly, he did not build his wall, he did not invade Iran, he was not hard enough on China, he did not stop the riots of 2000, he was too moderate, he should have put more troops in Afghanistan, the idea of having more manufacturing in the US is a bad idea, and so on. These are actually issues but because your Facebook friends have no understanding of this you just go with the same old talking points.

Anonymous said...

@‘ 9/20/2021 1:40 AM’ wrote “ It is always, Trump is a racists,…..he is insane,…. he is a pathological lair,…..he is really dumb, he is a threat to democracy, and so on. Could someone have a more original take that that?”

The claims don’t need to be original. They just need to be true - and they are.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any evidence to support your claim of "insurrection?"
Please don't cite "journalists" or Twitter. I'm looking for formal charging documents authored by professionals.

9/19/2021 8:57 PM"

Even Fox news is using the word, "insurrection" so I do not understand you point. Why would the media being calling it insurrection if was not an insurrection. Also clearly Trump is narcissistic pathological liar would have loved to have made himself king for life and round up and kill millions like in Nazi Germany. Trump is even using the Big Lie the same way Hitler did. The parallels between Nazi Germany the insurrection and Trump are beyond obvious and if you cannot see it you hopeless. The fact that you have even asked this question shows you how far gone you are. Try reading the NYT instead of Breitbart.

Anonymous said...

@'9/19/2021 8:57 PM': "Do you have any evidence to support your claim of "insurrection?""

The Oxford Dictionary definition of "insurrection" is "a violent uprising against an authority or government". The Capitol Riot of 1/6/21 fits the definition. The Capitol Riot of 1/6/21 was indeed a violent uprising which attempted to overturn and steal a certified US Presidential election. Was it a well-planned effort? No. Was it competently performed? No. But none of that matters. What matters is that it fits the definition of "insurrection", which is why even Fox News refers to the Capitol Riot as an "insurrection".

Anonymous said...

Why would the media being calling it insurrection if was not an insurrection.

9/20/2021 10:27 AM

If you can't understand why that would be, you are a 12 year old.

Anonymous said...

One does tire of those with such low mentality that they can only repeat the lies that they are told by despots. Voting laws should indeed be changed -- requiring an IQ test score of at least 100 would be a good first step.

Anonymous said...

One does tire of those with such low mentality that they can only repeat the lies that they are told by despots. Voting laws should indeed be changed -- requiring an IQ test score of at least 100 would be a good first step.

9/25/2021 4:57 PM

I am not sure you would like how they vote.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to like how people vote, but you do have to accept and live with the result until the next election.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You don't have to like how people vote, but you do have to accept and live with the result until the next election.

9/26/2021 6:46 PM

You mean like 2017?

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