“At LLNL, people are our most important asset…We work to develop their skills and create an inclusive environment that supports an array of professional and personal backgrounds. Together, we sustain our legacy of…”
“Inclusive environment” for LLNL “people”? Did LLNL “people” have an opportunity for timely input to the NNSA as to the benefit or harm of extending the LLNS contract for 5 more years? “Sustain our legacy”?
This is why many employees working at LLNL, despite polished mission statements and talking points (words), continue to believe they are treated like commodities (actions) resulting in further erosion of employee morale.
I remember LLNS presentations/sales pitch to woo us UC/LLNL employees BEFORE LLNS was selected to manage LLNL in 2007. When you don’t have binding contractor term limits in practice, that employee feedback necessity goes out the window, especially when granular workforce criteria at LLNL, is not an award fee metric, and not by chance.
"When you don’t have binding contractor term limits in practice, that employee feedback necessity goes out the window, especially when granular workforce criteria at LLNL, is not an award fee metric, and not by chance."
Please reword. I don't have a clue.
no binding annual LLNS workforce report card $$$ criteria for the NNSA to evaluate (not on the radar) + extended contract term, free of external competition = LLNS has no incentive to treat LLNS employees like expendable commodities
Given that LLNL/LlNS just had to lower the initial years of service award from 10 years to 5 years gives you a clue. I am sure when these folks reach their 5 year mark they are really going to be excited to get their prize that looks like something you get at the dollar store or something that can be bought from the Horrible Freight dollar days coupon ad.
= LLNS LLC has no incentive to treat LLNS employees anything other than like expendable commodities thank you NNSA
the NNSA is far too chummy with LLNS, or too lazy or both
“At LLNL, people are our most important asset"
Well at LANL we had Pete Nanos say how no one mattered, he could open the up with only 10 people, we are not necessary and so on. His message was clear "people do don't matter". Somehow even after he left the message sort of remained.
Maybe LFO has been sitting down having a few glasses of wine with LLNS senior management / senior manager.
I saw the true colors when she approved for 1/2 of our shop to get a 10% bonus and the other 1/2 to get nothing for as she put it the “great work during the pandemic”
So sitting at home on L train or working a side job was great work while being stuck on site getting yelled at by not meeting ever increasing deadlines for this “important” work that turned out to be nothing more than gaslighting that apparently wasn’t that important. Thanks for the ever inspiring message there.
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