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Saturday, September 14, 2024

NNSA “Field Offices”? Really?

Is the American tax payer well served when our purported NNSA “Field Offices”are essentially populated with long term, Livermore, Los Alamos, etc. residents (buying local homes, kids going to local schools, going to local functions, parties, etc.) that commingle with NNSA contractors they are supposed to be objectively evaluating?

Why aren’t these people forced by NNSA policy, into a 6-12 month field office rotation schedule? Because this is not currently the case.

As non-rotating NNSA employees, do NNSA Field Office employees basically become a non-objective arm of the contractor, they are suppose to be evaluating?


Anonymous said...

NNSA field office employees and Contractor management over time, can become two peas in a pod, until and unless a high profile preventable accident occurs, like the ~500 million dollar WIPP radiological accident. When an event of this magnitude occurs, the peas may insist on separate rooms, and a fresh set of clothes. Unfortunately by then, it’s too late.

Anonymous said...

The Field Offices serve absolutely no useful purpose and should be eliminated.

Anonymous said...

“The Field Offices serve absolutely no useful purpose and should be eliminated.”

Only “useful purpose” in practice, is to buffer contractor from NNSA HQ harmful award fee criteria.

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