It looks like llnlthetruestory is coming alive. The article worked wonders. Now you may even get some good input. I wish you the best. Stay tuned to http://llnlthetruestory.blogspot.com/ Maybe making contact with
jlscoob5@aol.com will help. He or she is the owner and it's my hopes they are more successful than the others. In the meantime please look into this:
It looks like management will do anything to stop the truth from getting out. Check out who snooping for answers http://lanl-the-rest-of-the-story.blogspot.com/2007/12/vultures-are-circling.html
Here one for your headlines B. Mason.
Nations spends $11B a month on foreign affairs while destroying out national labs and then puts our own people in the streets looking for employment. Now there's common sense for you.
See Water Appropriations Bill
In reference to another post on this blog I just couldn't resist so I wrote a letter to the editor of the Contra Costa Times. I asked that it be entitles, Stupid is as Stupid does and point right to those who are responsible. Believe it or not they don't reside at LLNL but I won't exclude those that do. Here we go. Stupid is as Stupid does take one.
Hello December 16, 2007 9:25 AM
LLNL Budget is crums compared to what is wasted in Iraq, New Orleans and other areas by way of sub-contracting.
We should all keep this in mind come Nov '08. We must vote the incumbents out, be it Pelosi, Feisntein, Boxer, Tauscher or anyone else.
It is not too late for congress to repair the damage! We all need to write and write!
Looks like we have more issues to worry about. Check out the heading entitled significant cuts Just how much of this is LLNL?
Please investigate and translate the following so that the blue collar workers at LLNL know how many will be leaving.
Weapons Programs:
$5.9 billion, $632 million below the President’s request and $396 million below 2007 with cuts to 37specific weapons program accounts.
New Facilities and the Reliable Replacement Warhead:
Prohibits the development of a reliable replacement warhead until the President has a post cold war strategic nuclear weapons plan necessary to guide transformation and _downsizing of the stockpile and nuclear weapons complex_ away from its expensive Cold War configuration to a more affordable, sustainable structure.
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