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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Where will this end up?

Anonymously contributed:

Where will this end up?

USA: layoffs
"Russia to work on new nuclear missiles: Medvedev"


Anonymous said...

1. We continue to disarm.
2. Rogue states continue to arm.
3. Russia regains it's super-power status. Continues to upgrade it's armaments.
4. Somthing really stupid happens that causes an international crisis.
5. Our inept government fumbles the ball yet again.
6. After a brief delay, missiles start flying.
7. Cave dwelling becomes a way of life for the survivors.

Anonymous said...

December 27, 2009 7:04 AM

Well, isn't the goal of this administration to implement a form of government that'll make us "all" equal? They wanted CHANGE, so be it.

Anonymous said...

7:04 and 2:20

I think you should both move to Alaska.

Anonymous said...

December 29, 2009 9:12 AM

That would be great. The last place on earth free from all the fruits and nuts so dominate in today's society and you can carry a gun so when you do come across a moron, they simply become bear bate and fertilizer.

Anonymous said...

December 30, 2009 6:07 AM

You and your closed minded bigoted mindset will not be missed. I guess you really do believe that if people don't look like you or think the same as you, then they can't be "real" Americans.

I bet your motto is - "Fear the Future, Return to the Past."

Anonymous said... when you do come across a moron, they simply become bear bate and fertilizer.

That would be "bait", oh wise one at 6:07 AM.

Anonymous said...

9:12 - Just because two people have opinions you don't like does not mean you have to open up with the personal jabs.

How about giving your own scenario of how it'll end up instead?

Anonymous said...

Well, isn't the goal of this administration to implement a form of government that'll make us "all" equal?

Well, no.

As for 'how it ends up', how about neither cave dwelling or a lot of dead 'bear bate' morons in Alaska. Maybe we keep muddling through. There will be more terrorist attacks. You will watch your children and grandchildren play. Stupid stuff will happen on Wall Street, Main Street and in D.C. and Sacramento. A favorite song will still have you tapping your foot. In other words, life will go on.

Anonymous said...

After the scientists finally come clean with congress and tell them:

1. Our warheads might not work
2. Our missiles may not work


3. We would have told you earlier but you couldn't handle the truth and we wanted to keep the political apple cart from being turned over (and we wanted to keep what money was flowing to us to keep flowing to us).

It will be decided that Obama can do another tour of countries that wish us ill will, only instead of being the America apologizes tour, this would be the "Neville Chamberlain Appeasement Tour".

Or possibly an Appeasement Czar could be named to make that tour.

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