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Monday, May 16, 2011

What is the DOE strategy?

Last week, Newsline announced that DOE will be outlining its strategies.
Does anyone know what they were? in summary?

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

I heard mention that there is an energy strategy meeting going on at HQ this week. So maybe Newsweek was writing in the future tense.

Anonymous said...

There is also an NNSA Strategic Plan that was just released at

Anonymous said...

The DOE "strategy" is to pass the buck down. They pass it to NNSA, NNSA passes it onto the contractors. It is the culture commonly known as "risk averse"

Anonymous said...

The DOE/NNSA strategy is "Stockpile Stewardship". "Stockpile Stewardship" has at its core the "Surveillance Program." The "Surveillance Program" destroys a number of weapons every year to find problems. These weapons need to be replaced by a "Weapon Replacement" program. Strategy = destroy weapons + rebuild the weapons destroyed = perpetual motion bureaucracy. (And, by the way, support lots of otherwise out on the street Ngineers to solve the "problems found")


Anonymous said...

"Stockpile Stewardship" has at its core the "Surveillance Program." The "Surveillance Program" destroys a number of weapons every year to find problems. These weapons need to be replaced by a "Weapon Replacement" program.
May 19, 2011 8:06 PM

Your post shows how ignorant you are about the subjects you chose to address. Please do some research before you make an even greater fool of yourself. The surveillance program doesn't "destroy" weapons. If you knew anything about what components are tested and how, you would know that. Some weapon systems are scheduled to be replaced or upgraded, which has nothing to do with the surveillance program. Your simple-minded analysis is devoid of facts. You should be ashamed of your lack of rigorous intent and intellectual honesty.

Anonymous said...

The cover page of the NNSA Strategic Plan has a picture on the cover page that looks like a "nuke" being set off on planet earth with the words "Making the World a Safer Place". With a cover page like that and glossy of "his majesty" A'go inside says it all.

Anonymous said...

"Strategy = destroy weapons + rebuild the weapons destroyed = perpetual motion bureaucracy. (And, by the way, support lots of otherwise out on the street Ngineers to solve the "problems found")"

Yeah! And, all those parts sitting in the PX warehouses to support these rebuilds should be destroyed & PX closed like Gitmo. :)

Anonymous said...

"Our people and facilities are the ultimate hedge, providing the ability to identify, interpret, and counter emerging threats, whether nuclear,
radiological or conventional, and to respond to technical and geopolitical surprise." Page 3

"These missions ensure vitality in our ST&E base and retention of critical infrastructure and skills."

"Technical challenges and scientific discovery embedded in nuclear deterrence and global nuclear threat reduction missions require that the Enterprise attract and retain the best and brightest scientists, engineers, and technicians." page 13

What an absolute joke these statement are. The reality is in spite of the NNSA mission to retain nuclear weapon expertise Brett Knapp has personally crippled the LANL weapon program by "chopping" weapon infrastructure and expertise (i.e. people). What is even more disgusting is that Anastasio and MacMillan have supported him on this agenda so that ALL could get their pockets lined with fresh new $100 dollar bills, get vested in 5-years, and flee the coop. That's the reality!

Anonymous said...

They are looking for another lab to screw up.
Pointing toward improving PNNL.

Anonymous said...

"protect our phony, baloney jobs"

the nobel Chu

who looks a lot like Mel Brooks wearing a rubber band.

Anonymous said...

The DOE strategy will soon become one of "protect our funding from the raiders over at NNSA!".

The House recently voted in favor of Obama's increased funding for the NNSA but then told the weapons complex that they would have to get this extra money by taking it out of the hide of the existing non-weapons DOE programs!

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2011 9:25 PM said: "Your post shows how ignorant you are about the subjects you chose to address. ... The surveillance program doesn't "destroy" weapons...."

It is too bad the hacks at NNSA tasked with information control, this one in particular, do not bother to do their homework = lazy. A simple Google search uncovers the unclassified Sandia report, SAND-95-2751 "Stockpile Surveillence" which says on Page 6 : "... in general the nuclear explosive package from one sample per year per weapon type is destructively examined for dimension and material composition changes. This sample is retired form the stockpile." Obviuously, the original poster (May 19, 2011 8:06 PM) has got it exactly right: destruction + production = perpetual program.

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