Anonymosuly contributed:
Rumor has it, LLNS lost a law suit with on a layoff action. The line I heard is that some of the trades laid off are being hired back, with back pay.
Any one have anything concrete?
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
Could be an "court injunction". I remember during Sig Hecker's infamous RIF at LANL when he fired workers, then there was a court injunction which brought workers back for a few few weeks, only for the courts to uphold the action and then fired workers were sent home again. The Lab Managers really have treated workers like crap and continues to get worse under the current LLC leadership.
The National Labor Relations Board in Washington ruled in favor of SPSE-UPTE in its unfair practice charge over nine 800-series (Skilled Trades) employees that it represents and who were laid off in May 2008. LLNS has appealed the decision in Federal Court (hearing to be scheduled probably in 2012) and in the meantime LLNS and SPSE are meeting to try and work out a settlement. You are correct in that the NLRB decision does order to LLNS to reinstate those employees and give them back pay, etc. As I said, it's under appeal.
If a union is involved with the far left NRLB board you know something shady is up.
Look at what unions are doing up north with the longshoremen cutting brake lines and destroying property (in this economy).
Unions always become corrupt. Usually because they elect the most uneducated, dumbest thug as President and they have to negotiate with a Company manager with an MBA. They have to resort to kindergarden games to compete.
Boeing built a new airline plant in South Carolina (a right to work state) and the liberal NRLB won't let them open it (in this economy omg!) because it is non-union.
There is hope however. Union membership is down to 12% and only 8% private sector.
The change is coming when we vote in November (next) when we can get a government that is not anti-business.
The CEO of Cisco (on 60 minutes) said just his company is sitting on $40B oversees because of the 35% corporate tax rate (Ireland 17%). He went on that he is an American and would like to bring that money into the country even if the gov't met him half way.
Ps: I have a good friend who changes light bulbs on the San Mateo (and other) bridges. Because of the union contract (negotiated with the Democrats) he gets $88 an hour (not including benefits) and $115 when working on the bridge.
That is not a living (prevailing wage) that is rape.
Let's talk about the teachers union keeping bad teachers because of the unions and they say the answer is more bond measures. HA!
If the union is involved...
You can write that on Saturday because the unions fought for the five-day work week.
Yes, unions are imperfect institutions. However, there is an asymmetry when CEO are only suppose to worry about return to shareholders, but union leadership is not suppose to only think about their membership.
Both perspectives are short-sighted and self-centered. Both institutions are staffed with human beings with all their imperfections.
If were going to talk about Union corruption let's also talk about LANS/LLNS management corruption, fraud, waste, and abuse. You never hear about the LLNS/LANS managers that go corrupt because LLNS/LANS cover-up instances of it quickly.
Unions always become corrupt. Usually because they elect the most uneducated, dumbest thug as President.
September 10, 2011 2:05 PM
I can't but think of a few LANS managers (B. K.) that fit this profile.
You can write that on Saturday because the unions fought for the five-day work week.
but union leadership is not suppose to only think about their membership.
Unions besides their being corrupt are now a wing of the Democratic Party ($80m to Jerry Brown).
I do not want to support that.
Yes in the day unions were better but now they are puppets (drones) for white liberal elitists.
When people figure out the sweet deals (prevailing wage, PLA's, cannot fire a bad teacher) they will know that unions are part of the problem (nowadays) not the solution.
Just prevailing wage (union/Democratic scam) adds at least 15-20% to any gov't construction (schools, water plants, etc.).
So the point is everyone agrees that a long time ago Unions had a function.
Now times have changed.
Just prevailing wage (union/Democratic scam) adds at least 15-20% to any gov't construction (schools, water plants, etc.).
So the point is everyone agrees that a long time ago Unions had a function.
Now times have changed.
September 11, 2011 10:46 PM
Funny, LANS/LLNS has at least increased the cost of doing business by 20% with their fees, bonuses, flight benefits, housing allowances, free cars, and salary increases for our stellar management.
By the way, how much is LANS/LLNS paying you to blather about how bad unions are and provide distorted information?
By the way, how much is LANS/LLNS paying you to blather about how bad unions are and provide distorted information?
September 13, 2011 4:57 PM
Garbage. No distortion there. Just honest information about how screwed up unions are and how they screw the workers in favor of the union bosses and political fights the rank and file do not support.
By the way, how much is LANS/LLNS paying you to blather about how bad unions are and provide distorted information?
These are typical Union kindergarten games.
The unfortunate facts are that the unions, just like in Wisconsin are on the way out because they have made them selves part of the problem (not part of the solution) and they are too political.
Let me add this.
If Unions (Public and Private) are in way of fixing our countries problems (and they are).
Then look out because once America becomes educated about the shenanigans and political games Unions are playing it's a done deal.
How did a wrongfull termination lawsuit turn into a Faux News talking point? I agree that some union concessions are way overboard, the 100+ an hour light-bulb changer being a prime example, but you have to lay some of the blame on the managers who allowed contracts like that to exist. I could go onto say that where was the MBA when the law was broken to cause this suit to be filed in the first place? But really, to blame all unions for our economic problems is narrow uneducated thinking. By the way where is the outrage against lab management for employing so much union labor ( Labor Only) recently?
Then look out because once America becomes educated about the shenanigans and political games Unions are playing it's a done deal.
September 15, 2011 12:34 PM
We don't have to look at the Unions causing shenanigans and political games at LANS. Not only is LANS playing these games, but the "ruthless game" too. Ask anyone that's been cut down by Bret Knapp. Ask Brian Aubert for starters.
I don't know why you all are talking about Unions and such.. The lawsuit I read about is not settled at all. My understanding is that they are planning to go to court.. There is no settlement and the lawsuit against the laid off employees that are not in the 800 series continues.. Maybe there are two lawsuits.. one for the 800 class (SPSE) and the others (Non-800 Class).. which is continuing as you read this.
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