Looks like NK did another test. I think the best thing to do is let Bechtel just have full control of the labs and so could be done with whole nuclear weapons thing in the US once and for all. Get rid of UC, crush scientists, and cultural cowboys. Winning!
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Sunday, September 3, 2017
Another test in North Korea.
Looks like NK did another test. I think the best thing to do is let Bechtel just have full control of the labs and so could be done with whole nuclear weapons thing in the US once and for all. Get rid of UC, crush scientists, and cultural cowboys. Winning!

Anonymous said...
Certainly by now it must be clear to even the dimmest of wits that the present US non-proliferation policy DOES NOT WORK. Since we ceased nuclear testing in 1992 in order to "lead by example" the rest of the world has thumbed their noses at us, and continued developing weapons as they willed. Since 1992 Pakistan has executed 6 nuclear tests, India also 6, and North Korea now has a thermonuclear weapon after 6 tests. Even our staunch ally France executed 6 tests after we stopped in 1992. It is obvious that our cessation of testing has had little effect of nuclear proliferation. It is high time that we reinstate our test program, so that we can bring our aged stockpile up to 21st century technological standards.
9/03/2017 8:19 AM
Anonymous said...
The justification for the CTBT and stockpile stewardship was that it would prevent countries like NK from obtaining a bomb.
That premise is really blown as of today, although people like DIck Garwin would say it's working. So much for trusting our valued action intellectuals. -
9/03/2017 10:52 AM
Anonymous said...
The justification for the CTBT and stockpile stewardship was that it would prevent countries like NK from obtaining a bomb.
That premise is really blown as of today, although people like DIck Garwin would say it's working. So much for trusting our valued action intellectuals.
September 3, 2017 at 10:52 AM
Agreed, the best thing would be to close all of the NNSA facilities and completely disarm, now that absolutely would have prevented NK from obtaining a bomb. Look the only reason, ONLY REASON any other country in the earth has NWs is because we have them. Get rid of NWs in the US and all capabilities and the threat will be gone forever. Think about it, this makes perfect sense. -
9/03/2017 11:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Sadly that was the reason that Garwin and others gave for the CTBT and stockpile stewardship.
They also argued vigorously (and successfully) against next generation bombs.
This 100 kiloton test has just trashed their views which they have imposed on us for 25 years. -
9/03/2017 1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
ONLY REASON any other country in the earth has NWs is because we have them.
blathered September 3, 2017 at 11:56 AM
It is a terrible thing to watch the "best and the brightest" slowly sink into the cesspool of the "worst and the dimmest." -
9/03/2017 1:35 PM
Anonymous said...
"ONLY REASON any other country in the earth has NWs is because we have them"
Are you an idiot !
NK bomb was 150+ KT. At least the basic T-U design, with some boost. Data is coming out real time as I type this comment !
NK wants the H-Bomb so it can blackmail SK, Japan, China, Russia, EU, ... and sell them to Iran, ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc...
I think NK will be "toast" soon. -
9/03/2017 1:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Get the "ET" space weapons ready, if they are not already. We have them, now is the time to use them. We can blame "Aliens".
9/03/2017 1:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Trump should respond with a series of underground tests and consider deploying the w84 to Korea.
Tactictical nukes should also be considered like the W79 artillery shell.
We should be ready to light the North up. This is how Russia maintains its southern border.
And enough of this bullshit game with China. They're responsible for this. -
9/03/2017 2:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Ah, the chicken-hawks are all flapping their wings.
9/03/2017 3:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Our adherence to the unratified CTBT is one of the few things that unites liberal doves and conservative hawks. The doves are afraid of atoms and jerk their knees whenever anyone says the word "nuclear", so naturally they love it and would love to pass some law that mandates the elimination of all nuclei on Earth, but the hawks like it too. Why? Because we have the most powerful conventional military in the world, by far, and it's much easier for other countries to develop at least crude nuclear bombs that keep us under threat (see North Korea) but far more difficult for them to build up a credible conventional force that could keep us at bay or defeat us.
Makes perfect sense, do all we can to set an example by not testing and putting economic thumbscrews on anyone who walks down the nuclear path (again see North Korea, though pointedly not Israel), but meanwhile we're sitting on a giant stockpile of nukes AND we have the most powerful conventional military on the planet.
It falls apart when a country like NK goes ahead and develops nukes anyways, despite our example and despite the economic thumbscrews. But that doesn't mean the logic behind supporting the intent of CTBT isn't still sound, and a deterrent to other countries. -
9/03/2017 3:46 PM
Anonymous said...
BS !
9/03/2017 3:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Our adherence to the unratified CTBT.
Look we don't test anymore, so why do we need any science whatsoever at the NNSA labs? Why do anything at all? It just makes sense, why do we have LLNL, LANL and Sandia, after all we no longer test. -
9/03/2017 5:42 PM
Anonymous said...
...why do we have LLNL, LANL and Sandia, after all we no longer test.
September 3, 2017 at 5:42 PM
Fortunately wiser people, who understand the reasons, are in charge. Google "stockpile stewardship", that is a good start. -
9/03/2017 6:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Scooby, Evil, Since one of your blog rules is to stay on topic, you should dump the September 3, 2017 at 11:09 PM comment by mr. "han" for "then".
9/04/2017 6:22 AM
Anonymous said...
It is unfortunate that cigar Bill Clinton, Bushy and passive Obama kicked the can down road and now it all falls on Trumps lap.
When the shit hits the fan (almost literally) I know
the FakeNews will at some point blame Mr. Trump.
I noticed N. Korea backed down on shooting at Guam, hmmmm interesting.
I for one would like a trade war with China (to stop NKorea trade)as bad as that be
rather than a nuclear war with N. Korea. -
9/04/2017 1:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Wait, wait, you mean after all the sturm und drang and hoopla, no one gives a crap about our esteemed "moderators"?? Imagine that! They do what they do, we do what we do. Good enough. They can't possibly remove posts sooner than people will read and comment on them. Keep trying, boys! Hope you love it 'cause it will never end. Until it ends, good riddance.
9/05/2017 7:25 PM
- GreggS said...
My apologies to the impatient folk out there. I had to do a few things like eat dinner and share some quality time with my spouse before resuming patrols of this blog for rules violations. The offending posts on this thread are now removed.
9/05/2017 10:23 PM
Anonymous said...
We have walked the crisis-crap tight rope since at least the 1956 Hungarian uprising. All will be fine.
Until it isn't.
Just like our lives. -
9/06/2017 3:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Until it isn't.
Just like our lives.
I agree but why is it such a surprise every time? Why is it that we are going to look back and say " I cannot believe we the labs fall so far, now look at the consequences,
how come no one warned us, and how could we have let this happen!" -
9/06/2017 6:36 AM
Anonymous said...
Who was offended?
Maybe Glen Walp, (fired from LANL 2002) than Phd Walden University (2005). WTF is Walden University?. Steve (What me?) Dorn (also fired from LANL :), and Chuck Montano, buy my book, since I no longer have a job. We can rule Tommy Hook out.
Perhaps one of these people are offended. Although it may seem off topic these clowns have repeatedly come up again and again when the labs are mentioned in the press. It would be nice if the press did their due diligence and looked into these guys and state that they have huge agendas and are NOT credible people when it comes to anything related to the labs. This blog is source of information on LLNL and LANL. In any case all one has to do is google any of these three people and you will have all the information you need for an informed opinion. Again the question is why wont the press do this? I guess it just easy to take some outrageous claim and add to a story to spice it up rather than doing real work. -
9/06/2017 6:55 PM
Anonymous said...
It would be nice if the press did their due diligence and looked into these guys...
September 6, 2017 at 6:55 PM
It would be nice if you did your due diligence and discovered that the man's name is "Doran" not "Dorn." You keep repeating the same mistake, although you have been corrected. Sorta kills any credibility you might be looking for... -
9/06/2017 8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
It would be nice if you did your due diligence and discovered that the man's name is "Doran" not "Dorn." You keep repeating the same mistake, although you have been corrected. Sorta kills any credibility you might be looking for...
Just checking to see who our troll is ;) -
9/06/2017 9:15 PM
Anonymous said...
There used to be a really great hobby forum, from the late 1990's through the early 2000's. Let's say it was about Singer sewing machines. Everyone who owned a Singer sewing machine and a computer eventually found this site, to learn and share about Singers. It was informative, it was witty, it was a gem. It was run by a good person who had a life and not a lot of money, so as time went on the internet passed it by, and it remained stuck in the 1990's, with 1990's format and - here's the point - no post controls. Anyone could post anything on this forum, and if you knew a little HTML you could post links to photos too. Eventually as the internet grew, and more and more trolls and crazy people populated it, the quality plummeted. The posts no longer had anything to do with Singers, mostly, and instead you had bickering crazy people, kids posting childish tantrums, photos of penises and gay sex, you name it. Eventually it got so bad and disturbing that the owner shut it down for good.
This site is starting to go down that path, and posts like 6:55 pm are harbingers of that same fate. It's possible to have post controls that don't identify the posters, sign-ins with user names and passwords for example. That at least allows the moderators, if they choose, to squash someone and every single one of his posts, goodbye. He might come back with a different user name, but only the very craziest people will keep doing that, and it takes the fun out of it because he has to establish a new identity every time.
Something to think about, before this site goes completely off the rails. -
9/06/2017 9:40 PM
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