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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Latest rumour

New rumors

The contract change will be delayed by 6 months or more with the winning team not announced until Oct. This is due to "tax reasons". 

Wallace is part of a bid team, and it may be the Bechtel led team. But there are rumors of a 4th hidden team, like Boeing with Honeywell, a pure industry team with some very surprising partners. Nothing about Lockheed. 

UC team is the usual group, Sarao , Lesure, Zerkle, the "clever bid". Also someone named Perry?


Anonymous said...

If the earlier posted rumor is true that Bechtel and Wallace are on the same team, that is funny. A marriage of one loser to another loser, maybe they can get it right on the second time around and make a go of it.

Anonymous said...

James Perry

Anonymous said...

There is no one named "Lesure". It's Leasure. You've been told that before.

Your misspellings and bad grammar give you away as the same person who has made up fake rumors before.

Anonymous said...

Wallace hates Bechtel. This is not a secret. He makes it very clear. There is no way he is teamed with Bechtel.

Anonymous said...

March 7, 2018 at 6:26 AM

Which "fake rumors" would those be? These rumors, fake are not what is going around and basically everyone at LANL has already heard them. You give yourself away as someone who no longer works at LANL by your out of touch statements. Since you no longer work at the lab why do you care about who will run the lab or what workers at the lab think? You clearly have some weird anti-LANL agenda why not just come and state what it is.

Anonymous said...

March 7, 2018 at 2:34 PM

As a lawyer would say, "Assuming facts not in evidence." Try again.

Anonymous said...

"Wallace hates Bechtel. "

I am not sure about that nor do I believe it. For one thing if he hated Bechtel he would not be in the positions he has had nor be the current Director if he had a bad relation with Bechtel. Being with Bechtel thing makes a lot of sense if know anything about Wallace and what he has been doing lately. One thing is clear people are saying that he is on a bid team but it is not the UC team.

I have not heard anything about who U Texas has, maybe it is all outsiders.

Anonymous said...

2:34 PM.

You give yourself away as a person who wants to be important but isn't. You can't spell, can't write, and can't see glaring inconsistencies in the nonsense you TRY to write. None of your previous misspelled (crazy) rumors have proven to be true.

You strike out every time you come to the plate.

Anonymous said...

I stand by the fact that Wallace hates Bechtel. It is well known in the management team at the Lab. UC picks the Director. Bechtel does not have the votes on the Board to stop UC (3 UC Votes, 2 Bechtel, 1 BWXT). Even with the other industrial partner vote (BWXT) they can only reach a stalemate. UC put in a director they knew would be loyal to them in this crucial bid time (communications, politics, etc.). That is Wallace. The rest are just poorly thought out rumors.

Anonymous said...

Leasure is out of the inner circle since Charlie left. This has also become clear.

Anonymous said...

"These rumors, fake are not what is going around (sic) and basically everyone at LANL has already heard them."

If "basically" everyone at LANL has already heard these rumors then why do you need to blog about them?

Anonymous said...

" None of your previous misspelled (crazy) rumors have proven to be true. "

Which would be? I am sure you can point these out.

Look these are not even "my" rumors they simply what is going around the lab, which you would know if you worked at the lab. By the way how are on earth can someone anyone be important for posting on anonymous blog?

Anonymous said...

I hope that the winning entity gets rid of all those currently present in the ranks of managers who are used car salesmen. This would be every PAD, every AD (and deputies), division leaders and group leaders. It is clear that the current crop of really bad managers just continue to be worthless and do their own thing. All they do is check the box to make the milestone and move on to the next milestone. A problem is identified which causes a knee-jerk reaction that makes it virtually impossible to recover from and then move on to the next thing. Wallace has no ethics, Bechtel has no ethics so it is a match made in heaven.

Anonymous said...

"By the way, how are on earth (sic) can someone anyone(sic) be important for posting on anonymous blog (sic)?"

They can't. Not if they write like a third grader.

Anonymous said...

They can't. Not if they write like a third grader.

March 9, 2018 at 6:10 AM

Ok suppose they write like Shakespeare, again how would that make somone "important" for posting on anonymous blog, particularly this blog? I doubt anyone is trying to important they are simply sharing with others such as the LLNL community what is being said at LANL.

Anonymous said...

Thank the good Lord Leasure has fallen from grace. He is a miserable excuse for a manager and only got his present position because of Knapp and McMillan.

Anonymous said...

"how would that make somone (sic) 'important' for posting on anonymous blog (sic),..." " ..doubt anyone is trying to important (sic).."

If they wrote like Shakespeare, readers would pay attention. Mr. Shakespeare might be able to influence opinions. You get the point. However, no one will pay any attention to someone who writes like a third grader.

Why don't you take a remedial writing course? It might just help you to achieve a fourth grade writing level. If you continued to progress, you might stop embarrassing yourself and stop embarrassing LANL.

Anonymous said...

Thank the good Lord Leasure has fallen from grace. He is a miserable excuse for a manager and only got his present position because of Knapp and McMillan.

March 9, 2018 at 11:44 AM

Leasure was a Gibbs protege for many years. Scott made many good decisions, and a few very, very, bad ones, like choosing Leasure as a Deputy AD.

Anonymous said...

12:36PM you can take any post that offers information seriously or not. You seem to be very interested in stoping information and you will use any means necessary to do that. Saying da sky be blue is not grammatically correct but it is still factually correct. You clearly have some agenda against LANL but you never come clean about what your problem is.

Anonymous said...

"You seem to be very interested in stoping (sic) information."

Made-up rumors are not the same as information.

Anonymous said...

"Made-up rumors are not the same as information.

March 11, 2018 at 8:38 AM"

Do you have some evidence that these are made up? They may not be accurate, rumors by definition may not be true, so yes it could well be accurate information. These are simply what is going around the lab right now. Sometimes these things turn out to be true other times not, but I am not aware of anyone simply making something up and putting in this blog. What I find so odd is that you worked at LANL you probably would have heard many of the things being said at the blog. I think it is rather clear that you are not a lab employee, if that is the case why do you even bother with this blog. Do you have some agenda?

Anonymous said...

Leasure was dumped on Gibbs when Knapp died. Nobody wanted him and Gibbs took him in to be a good citizen. It was, as you say, a very, very bad decision.

Anonymous said...

Leasure was dumped on Gibbs when Knapp died. Nobody wanted him and Gibbs took him in to be a good citizen. It was, as you say, a very, very bad decision.

March 11, 2018 at 7:01 PM

Your timing is way, way off. Leasure was Gibbs' deputy long, long before Knapp ever showed up.

Anonymous said...

Leasure was Knapp’s pal long before Gibbs was in power. You connect the dots.

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