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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

New DOE deputy secretary

 The Energy 202: Biden picks ex-Obama climate official for Energy Department deputy


Anonymous said...

At least team Biden picked someone that has worked inside DOE. Sort of critical for the Dep Sec as they usually oversee the day to day administrative operations of DOE, especially important when S-1 has no background in the department and its internal workings. Still surprised that NA-1 hasn't been named. I've heard Charlie has zero interest in the job.

Anonymous said...

I've heard Charlie has zero interest in the job.

2/19/2021 7:33 AM

I think the job would have no interest in Charlie.

Anonymous said...

I think the job would have no interest in Charlie.

2/23/2021 5:09 PM

But there is always Mikey the Ewoc.

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