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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Secession support

 1/3 of Americans support breaking the nation up or secession. If it it comes to that who gets to run the labs.

One the things that is kind of interesting is that on the west coast 41% Democrats want succession, while the mountain zone it is 36% Republicans and the south 50% of Republicans, so it is not some simple thing as saying only Republicans want it or only the south wants it. It could be interesting if the west coast becomes Californation with LLNL and New Mexico joins Flyaoverlandia with LANL, ORNL and Y12 join the New Confederacy, and DC joins "New Europe" I sort of thought the insanity would end once Trump was gone but I think was just a catalyst to get us over the sanity barrier. People are still fighting and in some ways it is getting worse. Sure this sounds crazy but after all we have seen I can believe anything possible at this point.


Anonymous said...

The country is very divided almost as much as during the Civil War. The only way this ends is if one side essentially wins, this could be peaceful or violent. To avoid mass violence it might time to really consider suspending some rights. During the Civil war the Union violated the constitution numerous times. Before things get to far it might be time we need to do this again. (1) Strict control over social media, in other words Google, Facebook, twitter are already onboard with this but need to be given more authority and be free from lawsuits. Additionally the non-approved sources need to be eliminated. (2) A new domestic terror rules where if you are caught spreading lies about electron fraud, saying cancel culture exists you need to be criminally liable. (3) Remove kids from toxic households. (4) Reducing state rights, so that places like Texas cannot go off the rails. (5) Social credit systems. This would not be permeant but maybe 5 years or as long as the Civil war. The alternative is something like another real Civil war but on an even more massive scale. For some these rules sounds harsh, but reality is free speech is not really all that great if you allow idiots, racists, crazy people, and bad people speech. It sort of works when you have saner heads in control but it also fails at times like we are seeing now.

Anonymous said...

Well, if it comes to a civil war, I want to be on the side opposite 9:02.

Anonymous said...

I’m going to hope this is a sarcastic comment.

Anonymous said...

If it is not sarcastic, it is la-la-land, bat-guano-crazy. How is this relevant to LANL/LANL/national labs?? WTH is Scooby thinking? Trying to kill your own blog with blatant nonsense, or just advertising how nuts your subscriber are?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Facebook and Twitter should be shut down by an executive order using emergency powers, I believe Biden has that power. Their business model is clearly harmful in so many ways, to people's mental well-being, society, and democratic governance, while creating few if any benefits. It's deeply troubling to exert censorship on opinions one might not like, so the other alternative of shutting down the platforms entirely could be a wonderful thing. Google then could be regulated as a utility with its research functions becoming the new Bell Labs, because censorship is an issue, they would be forced to license their search-result ranking technology to other companies with various political points of view, during the break-up of the company.

Anonymous said...

"If it is not sarcastic, it is la-la-land, bat-guano-crazy. "

Perhaps but thing have been kind bat-guano-crazy lately if you have not noticed. Who knows what happens next, China invades Taiwan, even bigger riots again this summer, stock market crash, Covid mutates, etc, a real migrant surge on the order of 10 of millions ect, going domestic terrorism. Things are not very stable right now and anything could tip the balance. You have one group that still believes the election is stolen and does not trust anything out of the mainstream media, you have the other group that thinks that half the country are literally Nazis. To be clear I don't think it is a 50%50% but more like 25% and 25% where the other 50% are middle of the road or simply do not care, but if you look at history if 50% of the population is going bonkers that is more than enough to get major social turmoil going. I would also add that one year ago did you think the country would erupt in civil unrest with nightly riots and the capital building being stormed or was that also bat-guano-crazy? You can say I am nuts but these ideas are being discussed by serious people. I can put links in again if you like but every time I do that you simply ignore them I say I am nuts.

Like it or not this stuff will have real consequences for the labs. I do not know where you work but you have remember the Sandia incident in September and that in recent online all hands meetings have been veering off into social issues rather rapidly.
The American Physical Society was also just in the news last week sayin it will no longer allow conferences in cities that are seen as problematic in terms of racial issues.
Major physics society won’t meet in cities with racist policing record
The American Physical Society’s new criteria for conference venues seem to be unique among scientific societies

Anonymous said...

So I guess we divide up the military. Each state gets their own set of launch codes. The B-52's, Ohio class subs, aircraft carriers, associated bombs, missles, warheads are given out to the various states. Texas will of course want to go back to being a stand alone country. I am not sure how we handle important companies, like Boeing, Lockheed, shipbuilding. And each of the new nations will have their own separate relations with other countries, such as China, Russia, Europe, Middle East, etc. It will be interesting. I am too old to see it all happen and that is probably a blessing.

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