LLNL versus Twitter
In light of recent events should LLNL and LANL remove their twitter accounts to help the fight against Fascism? Lets take a vote.
LLNL versus Twitter
US Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday says US war with China over Taiwan could happen in the next 12 months. Just what the world needs...
Sobering assessment of the near term potential nuclear use by Russia in its Ukraine war and how it will escalate from tactical nuclear exchanges to strategic nuclear city busters.
Does LLNS have a structured suicide prevention program that strives to reach out and help lab employees with suicidal thoughts, and if warranted, the authority to investigate employee and management conduct leading up to a suicide event without employer bias?
In some cases, the California Courts may consider "severe emotional stress" caused by "cyber bullying" and "hateful messages" leading to a suicide as a "wrongful death", making it possible for the family members of the deceased to hold the offending party liable in Court.
LANL is rapidly trying to expand its workforce and the problem trying to get qualified people with some tech background.