Scooby, will you please stop tolerating this pro_Putin troll? His posts are revolting and inhumane. I understand he does not violate directly your rules, but when is enough blind acceptance of slaughter enough?
1/29/2023 5:56 PM"Scooby it is your blog. Like it or not the NNSA labs are at the very least indirectly involved in current international politics. I am going to be a bit blunt, the above post is from a simpleton. I would have hoped LLNL/LANL/Sandia currently employ or have employed people with at least a modicum of rational thinking skills. If I am Putin troll with such revolting and inhuman posts it would be very easy to point out why beyond insults. I also argue that it could be possible that prolonging a conflict for rather dubious reason is also inhuman. Just something to think about, but there is no thinking any more on this just reaction. I am sure this is all going end well.