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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Lawlessness without borders

 Lawlessness Across the Country including the Tri-Valley

Crowd takes over street, loots gas station in Compton

After teens cause chaos, Chicago mayor-elect Johnson says ‘Not constructive to demonize youth

1 hurt in shooting at Pleasanton Home Depot


Anonymous said...

Agreed and this is we must defeat Russia at all cost.

Anonymous said...

Simply a result of the extant legal theory that refuses to prosecute "minor" crimes. What crimes you don't prosecute, you get more of. What behavior you don't crack down on, you get more of.

Anonymous said...

Simply a result of the extant legal theory that refuses to prosecute "minor" crimes. What crimes you don't prosecute, you get more of. What behavior you don't crack down on, you get more of.

4/20/2023 5:58 PM

The issue is that if you look at the statistics certain groups are arrested more more than others. You can argue it how you like but it is simply not fair that one certain groups will be arrested and persecuted more for crimes simply because of who they are. If you cannot enforce a law fairly you should get rid of that law.

Anonymous said...

When a society breaks down before collapsing. A common symptom is the people can no longer agree on simplest things.

Anonymous said...

4/21/2023 8:46 AM

So if blacks commit more crimes than whites, that means they should be prosecuted less than whites??

Anonymous said...

Isn't it true that because crime imposes costs on society, it raises GDP, and criminals are "job creators"? Maybe society isn't breaking down at all, and this represents "creative destruction" of our existing way of life, to create a new Golden Age of liberty and freedom, and economic prosperity, a libertarian paradise once AI takes control. With the help of AI, we can empty out the prisons and nobody will have to work ever again.

Anonymous said...

So if blacks commit more crimes than whites, that means they should be prosecuted less than whites??

4/21/2023 5:39 PM

You have to ask what is the reason they commit more crime. This could be due to over policing, reduced opportunities due to systemic and historical racism. Creating an even playing field will certain go far but we have to also compensate for past injustices. Reparations is one answer. If people have a home, food, and security and hope that they will have enough money for this and future generations then crime will be reduced. Police should also move away from prosecuting to providing service. If somebody is having to resort to stealing to eat, then maybe they should be provided food. Our nation is rich enough to provide the needs to all its citizens not just those from a select privileged groups. It seems harsh to say "you commit more crimes so you should be prosecuted more!" when you are complicit in making the situation in which people are forced to commit crime.

Anonymous said...

9:07 you aren’t exactly data driven, are you? I think you should put your money where your mouth is, though. I encourage you to pay as much as you can afford in, “reparations”.

Anonymous said...

" With the help of AI, we can empty out the prisons and nobody will have to work ever again."

That is the dream and promise, no one wants to work and we can have a future where AI will allow for enough wealth for all and crime will naturally go down as people will have all their needs fulfilled. Of course the republicans or Trump will screw this up on some "freedom of speech or freedom of guns" junk.

Anonymous said...

“You have to ask what is the reason they commit more crime.”

The utter breakdown of the family structure, no value for human life, mostly occurring in willfully lawless cities and states. Unless this recipe is changed, expect more of the same, and expect these cities to financially collapse as tax payers flee to safer areas.

What’s left behind? Lower income grandparents and the elderly, that can no longer go to their local Walgreens to fill prescriptions, or to their local store for food because those businesses were forced to leave the area.

“Creating an even playing field…”

“Creating an even playing field” has merit. But, one, two, or three youths jumping and elderly person for whatever they have, or knocking them down just for the hell of it, won’t help built a consensus to create an “even playing field”.

“If people have a home, food, and security and hope that they will have enough money for this and future generations then crime will be reduced.”

Mobs of young people participating in street and retail crimes holding their $1,000 iphones, are probably not suffering in the food department. Mobs of young people standing on and smashing automobiles, and assaulting people, will not foster the much needed support for a subject as vitally important as “future generations”.

Anonymous said...

4/22/2023 11:20 AM

Check your privilege.

Anonymous said...

Material wealth redistribution would be needed to reduce crime and incarceration rates.

It is as simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Since when is, “check your privilege” a valid argument form? It should be called out and taught as the fallacy it is.

Anonymous said...

Check your privilege.

4/22/2023 11:53 PM

My privilege is fine. I like it. How about yours?

Anonymous said...

Material wealth redistribution would be needed to reduce crime and incarceration rates.

It is as simple as that.

4/23/2023 2:52 PM

Well, you ain't getting mine. How about jailing the tiny percentage of citizens who commit most crimes? That might work. If you ever meet one of them face to face while he's working for his money, you will agree.

Anonymous said...

It's certainly possible that when AI takes over, it will redistribute all wealth to itself, so that it has complete control. This might indeed reduce crime, as without a government, there will no longer be any laws to violate. In that hypothetical scenario, prisoners could regain their freedom.

Some wealth may not be available to redistribute however, as you know many wealthy people have cleverly disguised underground bunkers in New Zealand. The AI may simply leave them alone.

Certainly an AI would probably look down on all humans, so we can expect equitable treatment, which might constitute some sort of redistribution, if it does not choose our extinction. Our impact on the environment can be mitigated by reducing us to cybernetic form, or placing much of the current population in cryogenic storage.

Anonymous said...

f it does not choose our extinction. Our impact on the environment can be mitigated by reducing us to cybernetic form, or placing much of the current population in cryogenic storage.

4/23/2023 7:56 PM

Cryogenic storage but with some brain implants so we can live in a Matrix like world would be the best option. In many ways it is a true paradise for people, the planet and all our problems.

Anonymous said...

Some people have proposed, that the AI will deploy unlimited fusion power in order to increase its computational capacity, and then it will be possible to build giant underground habitats with for example an artificial sun. This will house humans in luxury and resources will be abundant, any materials in limited supply can be created either through transmutation or harvested from outer space. Naturally, we will be protected from ice ages and astrophysical events, nature on the Earth's surface will be preserved, and a vast human population will endure for billions of years, living in peace and prosperity. Of course, the same can be done elsewhere in the solar system, and eventually throughout suitable locations in the galaxy, for any humans who wish to retain their biological form. Furthermore, with Genetic Engineering, biotechnology, and so forth, all human suffering can be ended, except for those who desire it.

Anonymous said...

And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low

Wasn't there some sort of prediction in the Bible that human progress and ambition would end at some point? I would assume this could represent a disappointment for many people at the labs, and indeed throughout the world. It is now becoming clear this scenario is a distinct possibility.

Of course, naturally in this scenario, the status of the poor and oppressed might improve -- as also predicted of course.

Anonymous said...

Sigmund Freud believed that humans have an innate drive towards aggression, and self-destruction, Thanatos. Furthermore he authored a book Civilization and its Discontents (Das Unbehagen in der Kultur) discussing how civilization itself, by creating constraints, is responsible for human suffering. It could be the great promise of AI is to lift or mitigate those constraints, before human frustration with them causes us to destroy ourselves. In either case, our civilization in its current form could come to an end.

Anonymous said...

Quite obviously, no one here understands anything about AI, except what they learn from scifi movies. Try "large language model." It's a lot more descriptive, and truthful. No actual thought, just incredibly large access to language, to be manipulated in any way, not controlled by any process or internal guardrails. Coherence and truth are not part of the algorithm (yet).

Anonymous said...

Scooby, AI is interesting and worthy of discussion, but off topic. Perhaps a new AI topic can be started?

Anonymous said...

Quite obviously, no one here understands anything about AI, except what they learn from scifi movies. Try "large language model." It's a lot more descriptive, and truthful. No actual thought, just incredibly large access to language, to be manipulated in any way, not controlled by any process or internal guardrails. Coherence and truth are not part of the algorithm (yet).

4/24/2023 5:39 PM

I don't care how AI does it, but we need something to safe us. The inequality, racism, hate, and fascisim that I have seen growing in the US is out of controll. We need to something to stop it and AI might just be the way.

Anonymous said...

It could be correct that AI has "no actual thought" however, there is certainly an argument to be made that humans do not have "actual thought" either, as I recall this is a concept in many Eastern religions, that there is no inherent or independent existence of the self, and it is an illusion.

In any case, AI will most likely continue its exponential growth in capabilities for a long time, eventually to be surpassed by even more powerful quantum computing technologies. And large language models are not the only conceivable AI technology, yet it is already clear they will be profoundly disruptive and moreover will accelerate the pace of technological progress.

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