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Monday, March 18, 2024

At NNSA, The squeaky wheel gets removed.

 For-profit NNSA contractors are in and have been, in a NNSA supported and financed “cash cow” no risk environment for over a decade plus.

Suppression of potential accidents, safety issues, and mismanagement = maximum fee. This M.O. is effectively risk free to the NNSA contractor, given the low threshold of NNSA reimbursement of contractor legal fees when pushback occurs. The NNSA contractors just “lawyer up” on the taxpayers dime. Easy peasy. Thank you NNSA.

The squeaky wheel doesn’t get the grease, it gets removed, in this cash cow NNSA sanctioned system.
It is a built in and funded anti-incentive for contract management and mission improvements.


Anonymous said...

I keep hearing NNSA is not happy with the labs right now.

Anonymous said...

Is ANYONE happy with the Labs right now? They have become a joke foisted upon the American taxpayer for the enrichment of Beltway bandits.

Anonymous said...

Local NNSA overnight of the Labs is suppose to be independent and objective. Interesting though, when LANL Director McMillan stepped out, so did NNSA LANL Field Office Manager Lebak. Just a coincidence, or the result of a long overdue DOE/NNSA audit?

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