Blog purpose

This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

Blog rules

  • Stay on topic.
  • No profanity, threatening language, pornography.
  • No political debate.
  • Posts and comments are posted several times a day.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Interesting AI result

 This is an interesting AI result -- my understanding is that some of the problems on these exams are quite difficult for most people:

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Aviation safety

 There was another incident involving aviation safety, which I bring up since there were many posts on this topic previously:

It seems that for the third time in recent memory, a Southwest flight was at low altitude when it should not be, which runs the risk of colliding with terrain obstacles such as buildings, radio towers, or the ground itself. It seems this may have happened because the pilots failed to use instruments on landing, instead relying on visual cues.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Question For Former LANS Employees

 Question For Former LANS Employees as LLNS Approaches a Possible LLNL Contractor Change in 2026

In the last year or two before LANS was replaced with Triad, were there any above baseline, or questionable promotions, pay raises, bonuses, or shuffling of “key” LANS employees? If yes, what did NNSA HQ or the NNSA Los Alamos Field Office do or not do about it?

Friday, July 12, 2024

Authorship manipulation:

 Sandia researcher in Livermore, CA has 2 papers retracted for authorship manipulation:

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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Intelligent AI in the decade ahead

 This is an interesting set of articles that are hyping AI developments. It points out how we will soon have super-intelligent AI systems:

Check out the menu at:

Saturday, July 6, 2024

What will happen to the labs?

 Future of the labs in times of great uncertainty

Sadly, in the ABC interview Biden basically said that it would be ok if the country sunk into fascism as long as he tried his hardest. It was among his final comments during the interview. That comment alone disqualifies him. He has obviously lost the plot.

What will happen to the labs? 

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