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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Greg Mello on NIF

 I found this gem from From Greg Mello on NIF

15 January, 2023

There is no potential whatsoever to create useful energy from matter in this extremely expensive boondoggle. It is not even necessary for "stockpile stewardship." The Naval Research Laboratory, cognizant LANL scientists, the then-director of Sandia National Laboratories, dissident senior Livermore laser scientists, and pretty much everybody without a conflict of interest ever since would agree with that assessment, as would -- in my opinion, anyone with a quantitative bent to put pencil to paper, slide rule to hand, or computer to use. Many of us brought up these points before this laser-the-size-of-the-Rose-Bowl-stadium was built. Perhaps the most telling comment was provided on the sidelines at that time, in Oakland, by one MIT physicist to me: he thought it was his job to provide jobs for physicists, many if not most of whom work in the defense and nuclear weapons industries.
That was the goal. Oh, let's also count stockpile stewardship "founder" Vic Reis, who said to me, in the presence of then-LANL director Charlie McMillan, that NIF would be retiring before long, leaving Livermore without a clear raison d'etre. In fact, Reis said, the maturity of the stockpile stewardship would leave both of the huge physics labs without a clear mission. The answer to the first problem, said a White House official to me (in case it wasn't clear enough to anyone with eyes in their head) would be a new Livermore-designed warhead, the W87-1, for which LANL would make the plutonium pits, under Livermore's direction. The answer to the second problem, the LANL problem, would be assisted if LANL took it upon itself to build a small nuclear reactor, McMillan and Reis told me. Would I help in selling this idea to Governor Grisham, they said? No I would not. Unfortunately the lack of scientific literacy in our population makes it easy to con people, as Nakhleh is doing here. He scratches Livermore's back and Livermore scratches LANL's. 
Perhaps he has conned himself. Maybe he really believes this crap. It's never possible to sift the lies from the self-deception. As the cognizant White House official said to me a couple of years ago, LANL pit production is a gigantic scheme to keep Livermore well-funded. Deception on this scale confuses ordinary people. It doesn't jibe with the democratic and techno-magical fairy tales many people have gradually come to accept, like children. Both "fusion energy" from inertial confinement or from magnetic confinement are fairy tales. The former serves the nuclear weapons community, and both employ physicists and are essentially physics demonstrations, not steps on any ladder to practical energy sources. In this case, the supposed net energy gain isn't real, not by a long shot, but rather arises from the omission of the vast energy inputs needed to create the laser beams, and of course the vast energy needed to create and run the machine. NIF is a gigantic energy sink, not a source.


Anonymous said...

"McMillan and Reis told me. Would I help in selling this idea to Governor Grisham, they said? No I would no"

What Greg could not pick up on was the Charlie and Vic where just playing a prank on Mello.

More seriously I really seriously doubt that this story happened the way Mello said it did. I think it was more likely scenario is , "Hey Greg I know you againts nuclear weapons at LANL but you know we do a few more things at LANL and LLNL that could have implications for green energy, why not get on board with that?"

Greg replies, "Absolutely not, my whole scam has always been anti-nuke, as such I want LANL and LLNL to be fully committed only to nukes, at least until I retire"

Charlie and Vic than looked at each in surprise and said, "Mello is one weird dude". Greg than pocketed as much of the shrimp cocktail as he could and in the parking lot he ran into Jay Coghlan and told him in rough voice "stay out of my territory"

Anonymous said...

I stopped paying attention to Greg Mello two decades ago. Not all that bright.

Anonymous said...

Greg Mello just jumped the shark.

He said we should not support Ukraine in the local Santa Fe paper, this started a fire storm by his own supporters who have now turned on him. I think this could be the end of the Los Alamos Study group now that he alienated his own base supporters. Jay Coghlan is going in for the finish him off now. Not a good move on Mello part as the study group is essentially going to lose a lot of money over this.

The comments are brutal

Anonymous said...

Dam they are even calling Mello a Putin puppet. These are what people of Santa Fe think of Mello

"Anyone who buys what Mello is espousing (and even "praises" him - "Let us praise Mello and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists") did not learn in school how to analyze facts in order to discern right from wrong, truth from fiction - which is likely attributable to the failure of our underfunded public school system. Unfortunately, our children become adults and still can't quite grasp the truth of what's happening directly in front of them. The below "comments" covering for Mello (and therefore Putin) are not an exercise of "freedom of speech" - they are an exercise of "freedom of stupidity" being given a public platform - and therefore a well-undeserved "legitimacy." This is how conspiracy theories get started, and "poor" Russia somehow becomes the "good guy" - and the justification and defense of authoritarian aggression somehow becomes protected "free speech" that can't be criticized for what it really is - dangerous stupidity"

Some may complain The New Mexican has provided Mello a front page format to post his "views" on Ukraine, but not me: "I'm the one guy who says don't force the stupid people to be quiet. I want to know who the morons are". -Mark Cuban
Agreed, throughout history there have been those who preach peace, nonviolence, conformity to do anything it takes to prevent bloodshed, etc. And those are the kind of people highly valued by totalitarians and dictators (like Putin) as they force their agendas and policies on the people through fear and aggression, so we need to know who and where they are in our society. These are the kind of people who turned out in droves to "welcome" us Viet Nam vets home with slurs and hatred.

Let's start a Go Fund Me page and buy all Russian supporters a one-way ticket to Moscow.

Neville Chamberlain was horrendously wrong about Hitler. You and Greg are similarly horrendously wrong about Putin.

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