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Thursday, February 16, 2023

LLNL to be Test-Bed for Future NNSA Contracts

LLNL to be Test-Bed for Future NNSA Contracts


Anonymous said...

Does this signify that NNSA would like to see a money grabbing carpet bagger organization ala Bechtel involved in every contract?

Anonymous said...

Why pick on LLNL? There have been plenty of bad privatization models to choose from in the last 25 years. By now, even those entities new to the game, or ones that have been in a coma, realize that any of those kick-the-can-managed-decline compliance models will generate income. And it should be even easier, now that most of those pesky Boomer/X’s are getting out while the getting’s good. With the breathing pulse bearing knowledge base fleeing, the remaining generation can breathe a sigh of relief and will be able to honestly say when they pick up the phone, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

On the subject of carpet baggers, one must remember who feeds and encourages them. None of this happened by accident. The Department of Energy trajectory has been fairly clear since 1996.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, "reward risk taking", good luck with that. To be a manager now at the labs, the first requirement is that you have to be terrified of your own shadow.

Anonymous said...

Bechtel and the other industrial companies in LLNS have destroyed the work environment and work force at LLNL. Issues with sole UC management at LANL was the reason NNSA wanted for profit companies involved in running it, and the thrust that ill conceived approach on LLNL too. Now Bechtel et al are gone from LANL and it’s back to a not for profit public service M&O contractor, while LLNL is still stuck with the Bechtel leeches taking their profits out of LLNL’s hide. Tragic and sad. Having been at LLNL middle management since the mid 90s I can say with certainty the industrial partners in LLNS have added zero good to LLNL’s operations.

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous 3/11/23 3:45

Enjoy the new facilities and safety parameters as well as the diversity of thought and people brought to you over the LLNS contract timeframe.

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous 3/11/23 3:45

Enjoy the new facilities and safety parameters as well as the diversity of thought and people brought to you over the LLNS contract timeframe.

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