Anonymous said...
For those left at the lab, please describe the people that they are hiring these days. Are they young? Overqualified?
June 11, 2009 6:36 PM
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
What is there to say about them. They are just there to do a job and once that job is done the company will shit-can them just as they have done most anyone whose talent is no longer needed. LLNL / LLNS is a dog eat dog world where people come and people go as fast as you can clap your hands. There is absolutely no employee / employer relationship or loyalty. The company LLNS are just a contractor to use and abuse people at will. LLNL /LLNS IS NOT the place to come if you want a career or security of a job. You'd be better of becoming a COP or get into law enforcement. There's nothing at LLNL except for a paycheck and that is something you don't know you'll have tomorrow.
The truth is, it's so bad that people spend more time worrying if they'll have a job tomorrow then they do doing their job making for an unsafe environment, a piss poor place to work, and I an sure will lead to short life spans, but in reality that's what DOE LLNL and LLNS want. The sooner they can kill you with stress the more they'll be for the people at the top and the less they'll have to pay you for medical and pension. It's all a game where the cards are stacked in their favor and the details have been worked out precisely and accurately making for some very accurate actuary tables to do business by. These punks get paid big bucks to sit in their officer and find way to screw the employee but then that because they're idiots who killed the unions and decide to hire foreign labor and give this industrial nation away to China and their comrades from previous communist countries.
You're getting the double whammy folks. Are you sore yet or still enjoying the climax.
June 13, 2009 8:11 AM
You forgot one more issue to add to this list. The same idiots who worked so hard to kill the unions and hire foreign labor are the same brain dead buffoons that elected this administration, accounting for a majority vote in the house and senate soon of which will lead us down the path of implosion, a depression and eventually socialism; something you working class tax payers are going to love they democrat for. At that time you'll have become the tit the rest of the parasite feed from at such an outlandish rate we'll have more people on subsidizes then there're working. With over 6.5 million unemployed in California in conjunction with double digits unemployment across the country it shouldn't take us long to get to the 25% national number we need to break the old depression days whereby we've made history and then we'll be good to go. As the current administration keeps taxing and spending it should all come together within this next four years first. How we'll survive the legacy this administration is to be left behind by the democrats is beyond me. All one could hope for, and something that would make me very happy, is to see this president's $300K a year pension, perks, protection and medical taken from him the day his term is over; and put these two in the bread lines of Harlem streets where they'll get a little task of what they've created. Then and only then will justice for their crimes against the people of America be done.
Hmm, I think the "idiots that worked to kill the unions" more likely populated the previous administration. Or should we go back to Ronald Reagan firing the air traffic controllers? Also an example of the unions helping to kill themselves.
11:41AM, were you lapping it up when W's talking heads raged about the evils of "class warfare"? Maybe you didn't figure out you were on the other end of the stick from them?
We survived the last eight years. We'll survive the next eight years. The American people won't have such a great deal any more relative to the rest of the world. It's OK. It's probably fairer.
What is this - short attention span theater? The question was, What are the new hires like? I'd be interested in hearing a real answer from someone who actually knows.
At my age, anyone being hired at the lab is young.
Are they qualified? I hope so, but if they had a brain they were not using it well when they accepted employment here. Well except for the Bechtel transplants, they are here to join in the feast that most vultures enjoy - feasting on a dead carcass.
June 13, 2009 8:11 AM
It's a dark, dark world you live in. Apparently much darker than for most of us.
As to employees worrying about remaining employed, in these economic times it is universal worry. A worry not limited to LLNL employees.
While our management may have its issues - to suggest that their single goal is to sit in their offices and think up ways to screw employees is a little to far out even for me.
They are hiring? thought hiring was frozen? or is it frozen for the overhead part of the Lab and not for the programs?
2 obvious reasons why someone comes to work here:
- bad job market No choice)
- being gullible.
We are hiring like crazy. The layofss depleted human resources and we can't keep up. Interviewees and new hires are young, ranging from new grad to 10 years in field.
Only two bad times in American history. Eight years of the Clintionista's and hopefully a very short first term Obamanator. If this fool gets re-elected it'll tell me just how stupid the American people really are. As far a new employees at LLNL, well, they come and go so quick I don't think anyone even gets to know them. LLNL is geting to be just like NIF, use, abuse, shit-can,,next ! And , no, not everyone that gets canned from NIF is rif-raf and useless even though that's what NIF wants you to feel like. As far as ULM sitting around thinking about ways to screw the employee, yes, they do, just ask Russo and company at that level who work in kahoots with DOE, NNSA , Rechtal.
Only two bad times in American history...Clintionista's and ... Obamanator
Wow, I didn't know the 600,000 dead of the Civil War or the 400,000 American dead of WW II had it so good.
I can accept that it is scary to feel out of power. Yet your lack of historical perspective is appalling. Maybe change the TV from Fox to the History Channel once in a while.
I will answer the question since I know of one new hire. You right wing morons can debate whether the USA is falling into socialist hands. As an aside, I find it refreshing to have a president who has intelligence. I suggest your watch the "Harold and Kumar movie where they have a scene with W." to see what an idiot we had for the 8 years previous. :)
One of the new hires came back to LLNL after leaving when LLNS took over. Now, that's a statement. Perhaps our hell isn't as bad as others' hell.
June 14, 2009 2:42 PM
You don't get it, do you. Nevermine, your post says all anyone needs to know. My bets you're a democrat and theirs no talking to a natural born socialist.
Hey June 14, 2009 11:38 AM!
what kind of jobs; are they posted on what directorate?
The new hires are mostly young and know that it would be stupid to have any loyalty to LLNL. Most of them are not here to build a career.
They'll work here for 5 to 10 years and then probably move on. That's the way that most of the corporate world now functions. Working at LLNL is just a job and no longer anything special. The fact that employees will come and go at this lab with much greater speed will help LLNS keep down the costs of both salaries and future retirement benefits. This is exactly what NNSA wanted when they decided to go with a for-profit LLC headed up by a ruthless engineering firm like Bechtel.
There were a ton of jobs advertised in comp.
The lab doesn't struggle to hire young post-docs because the salaries at LLNL are double the standard. So they are likely getting some young talented people - who will likely leave after 2-3 years like the last bunch of young talented people.
If this fool gets re-elected it'll tell me just how stupid the American people really are.
Yes, we are all stupid. Since you seem to be the only one with intelligence my question is what are you still doing here?
If you were a new hire you would never make it through the probation period since the lab generally retains folks who think outside the box. In fact, I don't think you work at LLNL (if you even have a job).
June 17, 2009 6:37 AM
Come visit the
Democrats Nightmare
June 17, 2009 6:37 AM
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