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NNSA Press Release
LLNL de-inventory project moves ahead
Oct. 1, 2009
The National Nuclear Security Administration on Wednesday announced that the Laboratory has removed about two thirds of its special nuclear material requiring the highest level of security protection.
LLNL has completed shipments to five different receiver sites, including Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Nevada Test Site, the Savannah River Site, Y-12 Security Complex, and the Idaho National Laboratory, since the de-inventory project was initiated in October 2006. These shipments were completed in full compliance with existing safety and environmental laws and procedures. All federal and receiver site requirements were met for these shipments.
“The removal of two thirds of LLNL’s nuclear material demonstrates real progress and is the result of some very hard work,” NNSA Administrator Thomas D’Agostino said. “NNSA continues to make tremendous strides in transforming a Cold War nuclear weapons complex into a 21st century Nuclear Security Enterprise that is smaller, safer, more efficient. Staying on schedule in meeting our commitment to remove all special nuclear material from Livermore is a major part of that effort.”
The move is part of NNSA’s efforts to consolidate special nuclear material at five sites by 2012, with significantly reduced square footage at those sites by 2017. This will further improve security and reduce security costs and is part of NNSA's overall effort to transform the Cold War era nuclear weapons enterprise into a 21st century nuclear security enterprise.
The original date to remove all high-security material from LLNL, based on equipment capability and capacity, was 2014. NNSA has developed a timeline to remove this material as early as possible, accelerating the target completion date to 2012.
So any guesses on what happens to LLNL after 2012?
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
"So any guesses on what happens to LLNL after 2012?" - Post
Well, I just saw the trailer for the new movie "2012", so I'll tell you.
LLNL and most of California falls off into the Pacific Ocean. That's what happens after 2012.
The good news is that you won't have to worry about an insecure job at a dying lab any longer! Come to think about it, maybe LLNS can pitch a new mega-project that can help stop all this bad "2012" stuff from happening. Heck, maybe even the NIF can somehow be folded into the effort.
So the is why RHWM is being infested by the superbblockheads! The rats are abandoning the ship!
More layoffs, what else. And along the way there will be many more to go as construction stops and "all we ask is one a day" shots begin. It's just business people and LLNS has to look good to DOE by showing they are reducing cost and making the footprint smaller.
"So any guesses on what happens to LLNL after 2012?"
Well it's very too will be out of a job. There will be a few 'bodies' remaining at LLNL to keep the area secured and nothing more.
When LLNL went up for bid it was the beginning of the end.
I should consider myself extremely lucky to have been one of the first to be ISP'd....I did get a 'mediocre' severance package...doubtful anyone laid off since then will get one. UNLESS you are a "MANAGER' of some sort there are NO current benefits to being an "employee" at LLNS now, emotionally, physically or know this and so does every other employee out there!!!
Just remember this, eventually these overpaid managers who make the choices FOR you, your income will also find themselves out of work very, very soon...they are not part of the existing contractors team....they have kissed butt to keep their jobs and throw thousands of people just like you under the bus at EVERY corner.
Management and these overpaid contractors do NOT give a damn about you.
It is my understanding that Rick Runnels left LLNL September 25th. He did his "job" there very well. Took all the current processes in place and removed them as well as the people who actually got work done. He created and stagnated the processes so bad you can't even get a feeking light bulb changed. He DESTROYED peoples lives/families/livelihood for the sake of HIS paycheck...he got hired to do ANOTHER (cutthroat) job!!
Don't even get me started on Frank Russo....!!!!!
You DO have my compassion.
Be smart, quit the sinking ship. Actively pursue taking your talents elsewhere to where they will be appreciated. ALL employers are now 'contract' so whats the difference?
You may find that another employer will pay more for your quality work. Many who have voluntarily left after the ISP have found better jobs.
Change is hard, especially if you have years at LLNL or have never worked elsewhere O/S of the lab, but please, begin the process now for yourself and those depending on you otherwise you will find yourself left out in the cold.
Good luck to you and the others who have to live through this extreme pain everyday!!!!!!
A major result of de-inventory will be that many of the safety weenies and LSO bureaucrats will be out of a job. There is a silver lining.
The safety weenies and LSO bureaucrats will find something to do here, how is that a silver lining for anyone?
The Lab will lose hundreds of jobs when nuclear material is gone, but LSO will not go without its fair share of cuts also. LSO has been told to plan for a staff size appropriate for a college research site. That is why LSO senior management is opposing de-inventory and dragging its feet wherever it can.
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