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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
Did George W. Bush lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ? Not looking for controversy here, just some facts from former LLNL/LANL e...
A 40 percent reduction in operating cost would be a joyful turn of events. Reduction in funding or purchasing power, less so.
The LLNL severance policy is not as lucrative as LANL's.
LLNL severance is currently 1 week per year worked.
subject to change, right before the layoff...
LANL severance was recently slashed even for an employee's accumulated severance.
It used to max out at 39 weeks but has now been cut back to no more than 26 weeks. This was done right after the spring layoffs of about 12% of the LANL workforce and will make it much easier and cheaper for LANL to proceed with involuntary layoffs in FY2013.
The latest news out of Washington is that CMRR funding will, indeed, be totally wiped out for FY2013. Cuts are also anticipated for WFOs, ASC program (stockpile stewardship) and other weapons programs. If all these big cuts come about, then it would seem logical to expert a LANL RIF sometime next year.
June 12, 2012 10:13 AM
Did LANL just get rid of 800- 1000 people in 2012 and now you're suggesting they're going to cut more. Can we bank on another 800- 1000 people this go around too? I haven't heard a word about LLNL laying off the same amount of people due to this budget cut I just read about above.
10:13 is correct about the LANL cut in the severance package. But, depending when one was hired on, the 39 weeks was a condition of employment and unilaterally changing that will not pass muster with a jury, IMHO. Especially,if filed and heard in Los Alamos. LANS go ahead and give it try......
"unilaterally changing that will not pass muster with a jury"
unless there's a clause in the policy that states : mgt can change severance at any time.
There may be other signs of a looming large cut to the LANL workforce. Notice how many of the top positions are filled by acting types. This is often a symptom of soon-to-come major layoffs.
"symptom of soon-to-come major layoffs."
watch for re-org's that move people around, see manager of a group of 2 fte (or even 1fte). A "favorite" with no skills usually gets placed in a 'special project' that supports someone higher up.
I wonder if LLNS will follow the LANS lead to "exclude" "special skilled workers" from their voluntary. All their special skilled workers were lowly paid facility engineers and technicians. All the Management, weapon engineers, and physicists were "welcome" to accept the VRIP. This was a real debacle.
June 13, 2012 11:36 AM
Also the creation or addition of "Deputy" positions. This is a way to shield someone at a high salary that is not going to be able to make it if they have to deliver results for a sponsor.
addition of "Deputy" positions
How many "favorites" can you sheild:
Any permutation/combination of (deputy, assistant, associate, special, chief, coordinator, lead,etc)
In an attempt to get back on the subject: It would appear from Parney's talk that NIF will be shouldering a bit of their load while the rest of the lab has their overhead rate dropped. This creates a "wash" scenario as to the overall budget. All things are subject to change should congress find a little bit of backbone and actually vote in a budget, but with the news that has been provided, it looks like no VSIP/RIF in 2013 for LLNL. I was hoping their would be since 2013 is the year I walk out the door, and a VSIP buy out would be a nice parting gift. I guess I'll just have to gut it out. I was hoping to get out before 20-30 web classes needed to be done, but I guess it is not to be.
Not to get off subject but wasn't the Savior's (Obama) budget voted down in the Senate 99-0.
Is that a different budget than the continuing resolution?
The President's budget request is always altered by both chambers of Congress.
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