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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Future of NIF

Anonymously asked: What is the future of NIF in light of its failure to make progress toward achieving ignition?


Anonymous said...

Since this blog is anonymous and therefore you have no way of judging any answers you might get, why ask in this venue? Unless you are just fishing for the most wild and unsubstantiated rumors, bald-faced lies, and patently false but definitive-sounding statements. In that case, you came to the right place.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ed.

thief said...

It will allow you to travel through time...and get your teeth their whitest!

Anonymous said...

Mike Anastasio and George Miller both testified before Congress that ignition on NIF was crucial for continuing to certify the nation's nuclear deterrent with nuclear testing. However the annual assessments will continue as they have for many years. As a result the labs will lose support from the military for their science and advanced computing campaigns.

Anonymous said...

it appears that all the NIF naysayers were speaking the truth and the NIF boosters were spouting a bunch of lies to protect their lucrative lab positions.

This will end up hurting what little credibility is left for LLNL. They've run out of stuff to "spin" on the subject of NIF.

Anonymous said...

Either we get fusion in 2012 or the program collapses in 2013. Either way, there will be implosion at LLNL. It's good to be a short timer.

Anonymous said...

Nah, it's not Ed. Ed would have taken the time to explain where NIF is. He has his flaws, but he is a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Pebbles, X-ray Laser, Magnetic Fusion Test Facility (MFTF), National Ignition Facility, etc., all in LLNL true form.

Anonymous said...

LLNL: Grandiose physics with no delivery.....

Anonymous said...

June 6, 2012 8:58 AM I hope you are right on the money and this fundign cuts results in a VSIP at LLNL. If they'd just offer three years on ones sevrice they could get rid of about 25% or more of the lab population in the first week.

Anonymous said...

"If they'd just offer three years on ones sevrice"

As Sam Spade stated in the Maltese Falcon - 'It's the stuff dreams are made of.'

There will never again be a buyout that gives you retirement credits. Those days are dead and gone. The layoff policy was re-written to make it easier and cheaper to boot us out the door. The best you can hope for is 1 week of service for 1 year of employment. No sweetener for your retirement which would be on ongoing cost. It's still better than the outside world. That golden handshake - you are 20 years late to that party.

DOE/NNSA/LLNS - They ain't here for your health.

Anonymous said...

Why the US public hasn't risen up in arms against scams like NIF is beyond belief! The occupy movement should focus on the real criminals at the NNSA labs,and their LLC Ponzi Scheme mentors, not the Wall Street punks.

Anonymous said...

Why the US public hasn't risen up in arms against scams like NIF is beyond belief!

June 9, 2012 8:30 PM

Only to those who labor under the misconception that the public gives a shit about the US nuclear weapons community. Most don't even know it exists. If you don't have any relatives that live in states who have no NWC presence, or if you have no relatives or friends who have no reason to know about the NWC, you are living in a fishbowl and are sorely out of touch with mainstream US society. Nobody, absolutely nobody, gives a crap about you and your problems. Congress is the least of your problems.

Anonymous said...

So how much money has been thus far on this NIF "pipe dream"? And I mean "DREAM"!

Anonymous said...

June 10, 2012 7:51 PM

Has been what?? Spent? Wasted? Invested? Lost? Try completing a sentence if you want an answer to your question.

Anonymous said...

as been what?? Spent? Wasted? Invested? Lost? Try completing a sentence if you want an answer to your question.

June 10, 2012 9:12 PM

I can appreciate your frustration. This poor guy who can't complete a sentence must be an engineer or physicist from Livermore (LLNL). Not only can he not complete a sentence but can't "complete" or "finish" anything (i.e. X-ray laser, NIF, Laser Isotope Separation (LIS), Brilliant Pebbles, MFTF, etc.). I hate to be his wife.

Anonymous said...

June 11, 2012 4:52 AM: "I hate to be his wife."

You're his wife???

Anonymous said...

You're his wife???

June 11, 2012 8:01 AM

Yeah, I am son, unfortunately, I don't know who your daddy is.

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