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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why does trump want to spend billions on new nukes?



Anonymous said...

I think they’re just spending. It remains to be seen if there will be new nukes. The people in charge at the NNSA are poseurs with little background in weapons. It’s mainly an employment program, particularly for NM which has no economy outside the labs. Russia and China have nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Trump fixes most things he touches. I would argue it is why the big Libs hate him so.
The big Libs Socialist/Kommunist agenda is being damaged for 50 years.
I would argue Minnesota and New Mexico are easily in play this election.
Remember Bernie (at heart)is a Stalinist, not a Trotski.
200 Federal judges, 2 SCOTUS picks and real jobs jobs and more jobs.

Like he has fixed the Border with no more catch and release
and return to Mexico while waiting for court case.
One hardly hears about the Border, because crooked MSM won't give credit to Trump.

Our Military and Nuclear Force has been neglected and he is fixing it. One can certainly debate whether we should lower the amount of Nukes, no problem there but it is not a debatable issue that our Nuclear Weapons and Complex need modernized and we are witness to Trump fixing another big issue in our great Country as we upscale and build new Facilities.
Just the R&D alone because of extra Trump money will help our Country for a long, long time.
I wold say this November, watch and learn.

Anonymous said...

Because he is a bad person.

Anonymous said...

So his little bitty stockpile will appear more bigly?

Anonymous said...

2/13/2020 1:40 PM

You are not the future. The USA is changing, it is coming more diverse, more caring, and more open. The opportunities will no longer be just for a few select but for everyone, I know this scares you. Now back to the point why does Trump want more money for nuckes? Well he is tyrant by heart and maybe he thinks he can actually rule the world as dictator with more nuckes. The possibilities are endless and all very very scary. Maybe the plan is to give the nuckes to his boss Putin? They must have some deals to put Trump in place with Russia. Possibly he wants to give them to Ukraine?

We are living in the darkest time in US history, when laws are being broken, the constitution shredded, and 1/3 of the population can somehow keep 2/3 hostage? We live in a time that the free press is under threat and the same 1/3 will not even trust the real press. How is this possible how did get to this point. All I can say is that if we get out of this mess we must make sure it can never arise again. I blame the internet for allowing conspiracy theories to be read by anyone, including the 1/3 of the people who really should not even be allowed to vote in the first place. Of course we must allow these low information people to vote but at least we can clean up the information flows so that only real news is what is allowed.

Anonymous said...

A maybe important point is Trump has rebuilt the military and has given them a larger budget, but only during this rebuilding period per his Cabinet members.
Probably he is doing the same with us and NNSS.
After this modernization period I am thinking we will see less money
during Trump's second term.

Anonymous said...

7:23 are you a Chinese troll?

Anonymous said...

2/14/2020 7:23 AM

Oh, please. Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

The foreign agents and liberal socialists on this blog don't like it, but Trump has finally put China, Iran and other countries back in their place. Instead of the rest of the world playing us for a fool, as under Obama policy, they actually have to think twice now that Trump isn't afraid to walk the walk or put his money where his mouth is. The media never reports this, but it's the objective reality. When China or Russia know that there is a man with balls in charge with his finger on the trigger, they think twice before trying to commander international waters or annex an eastern european country. The Obama doctrine of kissing brutal totalitarian dictator's asses is a proven failure. Who would have thunk it??

Anonymous said...

"Trump has finally put China, Iran and other countries back in their place"
China hasn't budged on trade, NK hasn't budged on denuclearization. Iran is red treating bits old nuc program.
How is that putting them in their place?

Anonymous said...

That's the tired old CNN, MSNBC media headline. But the reality is that they are being forced to recalibrate. Now that Iran knows we finally grew a spine, they realize Trump may very well use his inalienable, constitutional right as the 2nd branch of gov't to decapitate the regime if they get close enough to a weapon. No Senate laws can take that away. Similarly, China has had to make significant economic concessions and is being more cautious on military matters. Just imagine if Obama was still in office! China would have built artificial islands from Beijing to Los Angeles by now, and Chinese battleships would be patrolling San Francisco bay as their sovereign territory.

As for NK, Obama and Bush already turned a blind eye and let them go nuclear, so there is very little Trump could do anyway at this point. At least he isn't letting the same BS happen with Iran. Hey, some leaders actually learn from history, others sell this country out.

Anonymous said...

So China Trade Deal phase 1 has already been signed and it is on YT if you care, so now
awaiting Nervous Nancy to focus on her work for once in her life. Just sayin'

Per N. Korea Trump the deal maker has already crossed the Border
there in a historic act meeting Kim there
and will know when the timing is right
as his instincts are pretty good if one is paying attention.

Anonymous said...

2/14/2020 5:37 PM

Why do you guys care about Trump, the Coronavirus is going to infect 70% of the globe!!! Hell even LANL scientists are working on this and say it and is far worse than the Chinese government is putting out. Now ask yourself this why is LANL doing modeling on this?
LANL is not the CDC, LANL is not a University, LANL is not a DOE science lab, LANL is not a national security lab, LANL is not a private research lab, LANL is not a NIH lab, LANL is not a not profit research site, LANL is and only can be an NNSA lab, and soon LANL will be only a production facility..... so tell me why on Gods green earth do they have people working on models of the spread of the Coronavirus at LANL!!!! It makes no sense, no sense at all. As they say in Santa Fe "CLOSE LANL NOW!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Anyone that actually works in the weapons program KNOWS that new investment is needed. Many of us argue that more testing is needed too. Those that do not like nuclear weapons, I understand your concerns. I too would rather see a world where we all just get along but this is not the case. Like it or not, Nuclear weapons have secured your freedoms for 70 years.

Lastly, this is not about Trump. This has been overdue for three decades.

Anonymous said...

LANL is a national security lab.

Anonymous said...

Lastly, this is not about Trump. This has been overdue for three decades.

And it started under Obama via a bipartisan agreement with the Senate.

Anonymous said...

2/15/2020 11:44 AM

Started with Obama? What part of "three decades" didn't you understand?

Anonymous said...

He's a younger millennial or older Gen Z so his world began in 2008. There is no concept of "before Obama", the universe didn't yet exist. That's why he's voting for Bernie.

Anonymous said...

"He's a younger millennial or older Gen Z so his world began in 2008. There is no concept of "before Obama", the universe didn't yet exist. That's why he's voting for Bernie.'

Great comment!
Maybe this person missed that Stalin killed (murdered)
more innocent men, women and children that the German fellow we all hate?
Let's hope they don't find out the hard way. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.

I wonder if Stalin gave young people free stuff or at least promised free stuff
or did he just murder them and their entire families?
I'm not saying Crazy Bernie and his College bankrupting wife would kill people,
but eventually that type system would allow that type of person to rise up
and be in a position to crush the populace.

Anonymous said...

He's a younger millennial or older Gen Z so his world began in 2008. There is no concept of "before Obama", the universe didn't yet exist. That's why he's voting for Bernie.

2/16/2020 12:53 AM

Ok boomer.

Anonymous said...

Millennial seems to have mommy and daddy issues.

Anonymous said...

"Ok boomer.

2/16/2020 8:03 AM"

you should be so fortunate.

Anonymous said...

2/16/2020 7:54 AM

Sure Stalin had some issues but even Marx said that history must proceed through contradictions. Like it or not Socialism is the future, particularly as we increase automation. There will simply be too few jobs for people, so the idea of capitalism must go away. The future the goes one of two ways (1) the rich that take everything while the rest of world does not even have job because there are no jobs or (2) a state in which money is redistributed to everyone. The problem with (1) is that no one will stand for it. You cannot keep electing republicans because there will be simply too few republicans left. The future is changing it will be better for most people.

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