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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
Cowboys, I bet there is no other business, school or lab with numbers this crazy.
How many of those that tested positive were asymptomatic?
Most people who work at LANL live in Sandoval County. Espanola is a Covid hotspot.
Espanola is a Covid hotspot.
12/08/2020 5:26 PM
Once we have CRT at the labs then conditions in Espanola can improve. It is the way the people are treated that lead to high Covid, high crime, and low health. Los Alamos county should also pitch in some money. The Los Alamos study group has whole studies showing how Los Alamos causes poverty in Northern New Mexico by taking all the resources.
Move LANL to another state and then argue about Los Alamos taking all of the resources. You want this cash cow to provide milk and honey to the entire state. Have Al Gore move to Espanola and things will improve.
6:47. I genuinely hope people read your comments again and again. Rarely is the omni-present danger of progressive pseudo-science so clearly on display.
12/09/2020 3:01 PM
I have read the comments again and again. They seem to be in line with the thinking of a large portion of the American people. In case you are unaware the comments of 6:47pm are what a CRT prospective of the world would give.
Nice trick, trying to sound sane, but you can't quite pull it off.
Nice trick, trying to sound sane, but you can't quite pull it off.
12/11/2020 5:50 PM
What are you saying CRT is sane, or just has the appearance of being sane? The 5:06PM poster is correct about the CRT world view. The basic premise is that every difference between between performance and outcome level can only be explained by racism. This include academics success, money, health, crime, divorce, single parents act.
Having that as you assumption is fine, you can always make any assumption about your "theory", the insane part comes next and is why CRT is not a "theory" at al
(1) Another aspect of CRT is that you cannot question any aspect of it unless you are part of the of underprivileged group.
That violates it as a theory right there. Any person should be be able to question or test the assumptions or predictions
of the theory.
(2) If the theory is true than the concept of racism should apply to all groups becomes Asian Americans actually do better
better on all the metrics than whites, Jewish people do even better, certain migrant groups say from Iran on average do better ect.
(3) It has been argued that certain things like out of wed lock children, academics, marriage, personal responsibility ect are "white concepts" and should be used to judge the success of one group. This is in contradiction that that these same metrics are correlate with success in ever other groups.
CRT in in fact many of the social science "theories" are not theories nor follow any of the standard approaches found in science, which include testability, rigor, reproducibility, or even mathematics. That is not to say that there are certain fields or researchers in social sciences that do try to make their work fall in line with the scientific method but CRT is certainly not one of them.
I would contend that since CRT does not meet the standards of being even a theory that it should not be something that is pushed at the labs since there is no way to know if or ever know if any of it is true.
OK, Scooby, why is this not deleted without comment? How is it relevant to anything except radical politics?
OK, Scooby, why is this not deleted without comment? How is it relevant to anything except radical politics?
12/12/2020 5:08 PM
I do not speak for Scooby but if you remember back in September there was a minor scandal at Sandia on CRT training. Type Sandia and critical race theory to see the news on it. It made it into various news outlets. In fact it is very likely that Trumps decision to stop CRT at Federal agencies or Federally funded agencies arose due to the incident at Sandia. Biden has made it clear that he intends to bring this back. Sandia was the worse offender but I know this kind of training and thinking where also happening at LLNL and LANL. You could see it start effecting hiring, promotion and money. This is relevant to the labs and will probably become even more relevant as time goes on.
I suspect that you do not work at the labs anymore and that is why you do not find it relevant but trust me for anyone who is actually working at the labs this is a very relevant issue. I know managers have started to be harangued for not having the proper diversity and that the having proper diversity is becoming a major point in evaluating if a group or division is considered to be doing well. I have no problem with diversity and fairness but CRT is not about any of this.
How about this 5:08 PM, why not make a real argument as to why CRT training at NNSA labs is not relevant to this blog and the labs. Your argument that it is simply radical politics does not make much sense. I agree I do not want radical politics interfering with how the labs function.
I agree I do not want radical politics interfering with how the labs function.
12/13/2020 12:17 AM
Then why not just oppose what you do not want? Can't you think of your own reasons?
Then why not just oppose what you do not want? Can't you think of your own reasons?
12/13/2020 5:34 PM
I do not understand your point.
"Most people who work at LANL live in Sandoval County. Espanola is a Covid hotspot."
1. Espanola is in Rio Arriba County not Sandoval.
2. Sandoval county contains Rio Rancho and 12 Indian reservations. Yes its true that Sandoval is a hot spot but like NM as a whole, the pueblos are experiencing large infection rates. The number of commuters from these areas is a low percentage for LANL.
3. I wish people would know what they are talking about before posting.
You can wish for anything you like. Probably won't get it though.
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